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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I used to use lava rock powder that I made myself... I was a bit anal when it came to potting soil for my prized cacti! Not sure if it really made a difference, used it in soil I made for aquariums as well..
  2. I have sleep paralysis, when i was a kid it was every night, horrific, I had no idea what was happening, As I have grown older they are once or twice a month now.
  3. I do know that fish will hang out under a floating object in the ocean, trolling past will usually get a hit but I haven't heard of protecting areas with a floating film. In fact I would say that a large floating object would stop the growth of things like coral and seaweed on the bottom and hurt the productivity of the area...
  4. You fail by assuming the universe has a creator, absolutely no evidence suggests a creator. The sudden expansion of time and space is thought to have a natural origin no creator needed. If you have evidence of a creator I would suggest you show that evidence instead of using words that assume your conclusion before you even start..
  5. TA DA! Online with a new computer!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moontanman


      Thankyou, I am still getting used to it, so far so good!

    3. StringJunky


      It's easily the best windows to date.

    4. Sirona
  6. Just arrived home with my new computer! I plan to set it up very very slowly...

  7. I agree, creation does indeed require a creator, I think the creator is a brobdingnagian creature that feeds on dark matter and excretes universes... and doesn't know it's own shit..
  8. Well the concept of God can be disproved in two words... PROVE IT!
  9. The gravitational pull of a human can be measured, I'm not sure where you are coming from on this, the force of gravity falls off by the square of the distance and orbital speed is what keeps things like planets or moons from falling into the earth or sun. Oh and gravity is the weakest of the four forces, not the strongest...
  10. I think a case can be made that religion was invented to allow people to be controlled, not as a better way to live... So the Star Ship Enterprise is real when I am dreaming of it?
  11. Let me take a stab at this totally meaningless question... wissen85 have you ever read about how evolution works? It's not always survival of the fittest, sometimes it's survival of the sexiest... Yes sexual selection is quite important and pale skin, blonde or red hair and blue eyes are unusual and the struggle of life and death often unusual traits that have no real survival advantage and maybe even a little bit of a disadvantage can still be selected if they make a person more sexually desirable than the run of the mill individual... arete isn't there data that indicates that dark complected people are more prone to certain birth defects when less sun exposure is experienced over their life time? I think I remember reading it someplace when investigating some other non related matter... Oh yeah, a naked woman on the beach who told me that sun exposure protects from some vitamin deficiency I lost my train of thought what were we talking about again?
  12. Does this hermit crab live in freshwater? Inow posted links to my you tube aquarium vodeos, thanks INow
  13. I'd love to go to Vanautu, I'd probably be arrested, there is an animal there i would like to have it's unique and I would love to breed them, but they are off bounds, I'm not sure I could resist a freshwater hermit crab... Clibanarius fonticola The holy grail of freshwater invertebrate lovers like me!
  14. I say we stuff religion in a plastic bag and let it fight for it's breath...
  15. I went out today by myself to do a little collecting, first time out since my last surgery. My target species was Redfin Pickerel, but the prime collecting site is on private property and had a no trespassing sign up and the owner wasn't home to ask his permission so I didn't get to collect there. He had told me several years ago I was welcome to collect any time but now there is a fence and that was several years ago and I'm not sure the same guy lives there. No pickerels were caught. I did get the following species. Swamp Darter 1 Pirate perch 1 Blue spotted sunfish 3 Several gambusia with one black spotted male... Wait for it! Three tiny Sirens! I thought they were eels at first but when I put on my glasses it was obvious they were Sirens! First really small Sirens I have ever caught. They were about 3" long... I also caught two salamanders of unknown species several large turtles. stink pots and yellow sliders. I very large and unhappy red bellied snake, he almost filled up the net! I also observed two large alligators sunning them selves, I figured they were better left alone, they were about 8' long. More surgery in a few weeks so I intend to get out again soon, have to have redfin pickerels before you can breed them! I did try my hand at micro fishing but only a few large green sunfish were caught. A watched a fisherman near me in Greenfield Lake spillway catch a large mouth bass, he released him after a picture was taken. Michael
  16. Living forever on the surface of a small planet would get old sooner that you would I bet. Now if I could have the power of Q living forever might be fun but just being a human would be a bitch after a while I am sure. There is a science fiction story about a guy who slept with some powerful man's daughter and the Man took the guy and gave him eternal life (some sort of nano technology, and dropped him on a planet much like the earth when dinosaurs roamed. Every time he would get eaten by the large predators the nano technology would resurrect him out of the pile of droppings he had been digested into. He often got eaten several times a week and he remembered the entire process courtesy of the nano tech that kept him alive, talk about a living hell..
  17. Your new avatar... Ewww!
  18. I try to muddle through, wait till I come up with yet another UFO hypothesis and you'll see how fast I get shut down There is a lot of truth in that, Nancy is the greatest Lady in my world... She likes to be called Ms. Moontanman...
  19. Did no one get the play on words concerning one of our own and the music video?
  20. Nope married for 40 years, I wouldn't know what to do to be a ladies man... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78hagv86L3c
  21. Can I be Q?
  22. How can a man who loves a woman not be a feminist?
  23. In what universe is what is being discussed here a sail? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_sail https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_sail I am rather fond of this one http://engineering.dartmouth.edu/~d76205x/research/shielding/docs/Winglee_00.pdf http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2000/ast04oct_1/ Am I missing something important here?
  24. Caught a snake in my yard today. waiting for my mouth to heal after tooth extraction so the titanium plate that used to replace my lower jaw can be replaced because it broke. Only the second time the doc has seen that happen and it was the result of a car wreck, I just clench my jaw too hard. So much fun so little time...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. zapatos


      I don't like skinks either. We have some in our yard and every time I see one I think it is a snake and I jump. Though I guess it is not really the snakes I dislike so much as the adrenaline surge I have to deal with every time I see one.

    3. Moontanman


      Keep calm zapatos, the only snake you should worry about is the one you don't see!

    4. Sirona


      Hah, Moontanman that's so true.

      We have beautiful blue-tongued skinks in Australia. Where I grew up, there were a lot of them. I used to try to catch them to play as a child but I've since then stopped trying to capture everything I see! They used to know when it was feeding time and come to steal my cat's food :P

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