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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Wouldn't time qualify as a forth spatial dimension in your analogy?
  2. There is always the salt water nuclear rocket... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_salt-water_rocket Pretty much a continuous nuclear explosion...
  3. People look ugly when you're alone...
  4. Part two of story posted in blogs

    1. Sirona


      I just discovered your blog and I will have a closer look at lunch time.

  5. Religion evaporates in the light of critical inquiry much like the dew in the light of the morning sun...

  6. Ok, I am familiar with those, I didn't recognize the name "bubble" . The protean foam piles up here on the beach even today, huge piles as big as cars sometimes in the fall. I thought the bubble idea was more akin to oil and vinegar mixtures or maybe that is a different thing as well? Wouldn't the Miller Uray experiment be more like a prelude to the "bubbles" ?
  7. Bubble model? Link?
  8. Well those of you who remember I had half my lower jaw replaced by a titanium bar will be interested to know that the titanium bar broke, evidently me clenching my jaw against the pain in my neck and back caused the bar to break. Only second time in his career has this happened said the doc and that was due to a car wreak! Now I have to have the titanium jaw replacement replaced! Happy happy joy joy...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. imatfaal


      Damn it Moon that is just bad luck - we really hope it works out better with your next jaw (now there is a phrase I never thought I would type).

    3. Moontanman


      I am sure it will work out, it's just the six months of recovery I am not looking forward to. Probably won't be that long this time but last time really took a chunk out of my life. It was like taking almost a year off, my life looks it too, everything is gone to crap around here. I was just starting to try and get things back up and running. My poor fish have taken a real beating...

    4. Sirona


      Sorry to hear that mate, I know it's really discouraging to get set backs like this :(

      Hopefully you have support to get through it.

  9. So until I can prove there are no fairies I should believe there are? I would say what is your point? Being an atheist in no way makes you correct about everything nor does it extend past not believing in gods. Atheism only addresses one subject, the belief in god.s Believing in something with out evidence would be misguided if it was about anything but your god, why should your god get a pass? This would include you as well I assume? I haven't claimed to be a philosopher, I am a skeptic... Faith is not evidence of anything, faith is what a bad salesman needs to instill in his mark.
  10. No, in fact as an atheist I cannot say if there is or isn't, so far no one has provided any real evidence for a god, so the default position is not to believe there is one. I can't prove there are no unicorns but that doesn't mean I have to believe there is until I prove there is not.. Science has nothing to say about god since gods cannot be tested.. No, I wouldn't say they are delusional, possibly misguided... Nothing wrong with being ignorant, we are all ignorant about many things, no one knows everything... So far the evidence does indeed suggest the universe operates by purely naturalistic means, nothing super natural required... My lack of believe in gods, any gods by the way, not just your version what ever that might be, is based on lack of positive evidence, not faith. I am first and foremost a skeptic, everything else follows from that.
  11. Exactly what faith based beliefs does an atheist have?
  12. I really wich someone would help me figure out why I cann;t see the main forum page or post new threads..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. imatfaal


      Sorry - thought the problem was just displaying the main sheet and that you could browse all the subfora easily

      Have PM'd the Capn and will drop him an email if nothing happens

    3. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Cap'n looked in on your page about an hour ago. I'm sure he'll figure this out. He's crazy smart. He's old enough to vote now, too.

    4. Moontanman


      cap'n helped me fix it! All is back to normal...

  13. I still cannot access the main board, what is up?

    1. Strange


      Malware on your PC?

  14. If anyone wants to give me some advice on how to fix my problem with the forum main page you'll have to PM me, I can't see answers to this post.

  15. I am getting a 404 error when I try to log into the forums main page. Any one else having this problem?

  16. Obviously you have never lived with a woman who was experiencing menopause...
  17. I think maybe she needs to throttle back on the 'roids... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ClYRxU25Pw
  18. Komodo dragons get to be 10 feet long and weigh several hundred pounds, they are vicious killers, and probably most important, not social. I'm not sure we have the same meaning for the word domesticated, can you define your usage? How much do you want to bet? Reptiles are not easily tamed, in fact most of them that we use as pets only tolerate you because you are too big to eat. Reptiles also do not walk long distances, their legs are not under them like mammals, reptiles are generally able to give bursts of speed but they cannot maintain this for long periods of time. Reptiles have little stamina. Diapsids, which is what you are talking about when you say reptile, reptile is no longer considered a valid way to classify animals.
  19. To any of you that might be wondering about the story i stared on my blog. my health has taken a turn for the worse. I have been away from the computer almost completely for a few days but there is a method to my madness and more story is coming and the Box will not seem quite as odd a place to stop...

    1. imatfaal


      Hope the health improves Moon.

    2. Moontanman


      thank you


    3. Elite Engineer

      Elite Engineer

      I Hope you get well soon. I enjoy your presence on here.

  20. I am considering a new computer, $500 to $600 range, I am wondering what the groups thoughts are on Desk Top vs Lap Top, I would eventually like to do CAD like drawings of Aquarium designs as well as things like space craft or buildings to illustrate my stories maybe some you tube type videos Most of what I want to do is writing stories and social media. Thoughts of the group?
  21. I think Bernie represents a portion of the population that is tired of business as usual and want our society to move forward. The conservatives have screwed the pooch and their dishonesty and lack of respect for the general population has become to obvious even for the right wing nuts to ignore... That being said Bernie can't do it alone and we as a people are going to have to back the right people and make sure we aren't fooled again and again and again and again...
  22. I think I am going to keep up with this as much as i can and see how it turns out, just when i thought I was getting used to things they way they are someone steps up and says nope they weren't that way at all! What a wonderful time to be alive!
  23. Damn it man you've flung a craving on me! Flying squids anyone? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_flying_squid Flying fish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_fish hatchet fish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marbled_hatchetfish the hatchet fish wiki is hilarious, the wiki on it is dead wrong, they fly, I've seen them fly, they are not shaped like dead leaves they use the deep chest muscels attached to their keel shaped bodies to flap their pectorial fins... Spiders fly by floating on long strings of silk, they often travel very long distances Birds are to dinosaurs in the same way that bats are to mammals so it is no surprise that bats are the only flying mammals although there is some speculation that flight may have evolved two or more times among the bats, I'm not sure what the current consensus is. Then you have the pterosaurs, nether birds or dinosaurs. Flying is a very good survival strategy, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some extinct flying animals that we know nothing about and the birds used to be much more diverse than they are now, we only have one or two basic types of birds but there were several very different types of birds beforte the mass extinction that decimated the dinosaurs, both avian and non avian , some of them to me look like flight may have evolved more than once among dinosaurs but that is just my opinion. Then you have a great many gliding animals, lizards, snakes, frogs, squirrels. Imagine if our atmosphere were significantly more dense.. flying elephants!
  24. I happen to be a big fan of thick chicks, curvy girls, fat bottom girls, big legs I have given it some real thought I think it had to do with my grandmother. We lived out in the boonies, no running water, minimal electricity, baths were taken by standing in a wash tub and pouring water over someone to rinse off after soaping up. I have a clear memory of sitting on the floor watching my grandmother bathe, I had to be a toddler, but she was a heavy woman and when I hit puberty memories of seeing her with he very long black hair standing in the wash tub were very clear. I'm not sure how but I think those memories had some influence on my choice of women. Where I went to high school most of the girls were either thick or athletic and still a bit thick, so much so that skinny girls were made fun of. Pregnant women are beautiful, they smell wonderful, they glow, the pheromones they give off makes a man want to protect them, be around them and yes they are sexy. See above! I always thought my wife was at her best when pregnant, I really think it's the pheromones...
  25. I thought this was the onion or something when I first saw it, aether? FTL? Universal time? http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/The_special_theory_of_relativity_has_been_disproved_theoretically_999.html
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