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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. There is no perfect wing, evolution has resulted in winged vertebrates at least three times independently, all of them significantly different but achieving the same or similar functionality. Evolution does have a direction, it drives toward successful replicators and it also has an inevitability about it as well, inevitably it conforms to the environment. Most mutations are neutral and do nothing, but such neutral mutations can be raw material to form new genes as can viruses inserted into the genome. i think it is possible to look at evolution from the perspective of genes reproducing genes, the organisms are just places where genes live.
  2. You seem to be stuck in a repeating loop, the idea that biological systems had to exist before biological systems could exist. If you look at evolution from the perspective of the idea that "everything had to be in place for it to work" it does indeed look like evolution is impossible but the incremental steps to achieve the state that modern life forms currently occupy may not be obvious but life is here it obviously happened. We have no examples of primitive life to examine, all extant organisms are advanced examples of life. If you try to jump from simple catalysts that do nothing but make certain chemical reactions more likely to a bacterium you are looking at the equivalent of jumping off the Earth to the Moon in one step. New genes do indeed arise spontaneously but more often an old gene changes to allow it to function in a novel way, current research appears to point to viruses as a source for novel genetic material. The concept of new uses for old genes can be observed on a larger scale when an organism evolves a new body part. Did a fish suddenly grow a leg with all the attached bones, tendons, blood supply, and muscles suddenly? No, fins changed in tiny incremental steps over millions of generations to become legs, we see the end result but not the billions of failed changes or even the billions of successful changes. It is also true that the process of new uses for old body parts can be observed in nature from sharks that crawl around on fins from one tidal pool to another to turtles that breath with their anus, the biological world is full of examples of change over time resulting in new uses for old body parts of organisms. As for new genes arising the bacterium that metabolizes nylon is a prime example of a novel gene, no nylon existed before man created it, for a time it was an untapped energy source but as is often the case in biology a potential energy source didn't go long before a new mutation arose that allowed the bacteria to utilize the new food source. This is not a directed process but it is not random either, the changes are limited to what is chemically possible and the successes are driven by the environment. Evolution has been observed many times in nature from bacteria to vertebrates, given time all you need is an imprecise replicator that is plastic to it's environment, this process has it's limits but the limits are imposed by physics as are the possible variations.
  3. Ok dudes and dudettes, what would you do if you walked into this coffee shop... after you changed your underwear of course..
  4. Does making bribery legal stop it from being corruption?
  5. This video starts out horrific, it is not for the faint of heart but the ending is happy. If not for the happy ending I would not have posted this.. https://www.facebook.com/374264522703108/videos/805137012949188/
  6. Racing motorcycles is loads of fun, I raced several different ways when i young. Motocross and hill climbing being favorites. There often is tendency to leave pucker marks on the seat when racing motorcycles..
  7. Actually the fact that bribery of US officials is legal would seem to support the idea of rampant corruption..
  8. Airbrush, you are making quite a few assertions about the nature of ET, do you have anything but your own assertions that back this up?
  9. Could you show us your evidence that the universe was created? Your feelings on the matter are not relevant. By using the word "creation' you are begging the question. A creation assumes a creator and you have not given us any evidence of a creator. The universe is better named by the "reality" would you then assume a realtor? You keep describing god as a him, again you are assuming your conclusion before asking the question. The actions of god as described in the Holy Bible are by definition magic. Why could the catalyst that caused reality to expand into existence not be a natural process we are just unaware of? I can assert that the universe was brought into existence by a brobdingnagian creature consumes dark matter and excretes universes but has no idea of what it is doing. I can assert this with all the confidence you assert that a god created the universe. "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence"
  10. To Anyone who is interested, I changed the recent installment of my story in my blog, I had accedentally posted a rough draft instead of the actual story prelude. e

    1. fresh


      accedentally ?

      accidentally ?

    2. Moontanman


      I need spelling check evidently

  11. Growing plants, especially food plants is fun, I like growing tree seeds, bonsai from seeds is slow but you get to manipulate the plants from the very beginning. Cacti hybridization is really where my heart goes, It's good to hear others are experimenting with growing seeds. Another good thing about seeds is that they can be sent through the mail, I have some very unusual plants I obtained seeds for by trading seeds. I am always interested in what others are growing, keep us informed about how the plantation is going!
  12. Do you have your heart set on anti matter? This may point to an alternative. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_salt-water_rocket https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fission-fragment_rocket
  13. Our reactors use heat dissipation to get rid of waste heat, this is not the waste heat of power lines and such. I live near a nuclear power plant, it's heat waste is dumped locally. A reactor buried inside an asteroid would have to dissipate the heat someplace other than inside the asteroid, probably radiators on the surface. Getting rid of waste heat would be difficult inside a solid object, heat transfer would be slow, you need to radiate that heat away fast. I've seen many infrared photos of houses with grow lights inside them, the heat signature is localized not spread out over the entire surface of the house.. And icy body may be a different deal, I am not sure how easy to would be to run radiator pipes through the ice, easier than a rocky body I would think and the melted ices could be used to absorb heat as well, circulating melted ices would be easier...
  14. Are you assuming the entire surface area of the body would be used to dissipate heat? That seems unlikely, our own power plants use a small surface area to dissipate heat, radiators would be definition be a small part of the object. Heat dissipation should stand out as almost a pinpoint source compared to an object 10 km in radius. Like a 1000 watt lamp inside a large structure the energy is not spread out over the entire structure but appears as an intense source associated with the structure.. Compare this to a nuclear power pant, it might provide energy over thousands of square km but the waste heat is dissipated near the source..
  15. Lot of "depends" on that, the size of the object, the power output, efficiency of the power plant, how it is being used and if it is deliberately being hidden in some manner, distance would have to be a factor as well. I do know that we can detect the infrared signature of asteroids. Hidden in a body, lets take for instance an asteroid, I would "think" the waste heat radiators would have to be on the surface of the asteroid. Possibly they could radiate waste heat into an icy body but it still might be detectable due to melting ice sublimation causing an out gassing on a body too small to have a liquid interior.. I don't think we currently have the technology to detect neutrinos well enough to use the neutrino out put of a nuclear reactor at a large distance..
  16. So am I, where did i deviate from the OP?
  17. I am thinking of looking at various small bodies and look for anomalous heat signatures traveling in the outer solar system. The infrared of things like cooling fins or radiators would show up hotter than surrounding objects or space. At least that is what I asserting, on the earth such heat signatures would be lost in the over all high temps of the earths but should show up in space or on cold objects like asteroids.
  18. No it depends on all the demonstrably wrong things claimed in the bible.
  19. Gods in general cannot be disproved, but a God specifically can be, for instance it is pretty obvious that the god of the holy bible as described in the Bible is false..
  20. I would think that waste heat would be the easiest way to detect aliens close by. If could detect neutrinos with precision a nuclear reactor gives off lot of them, I would assume aliens would use nuclear power, unless the use it with much more efficacy there would be a lot of waste heat to radiate away...
  21. Hydrogen turns into a metal at extreme pressure, google is your friend..
  22. Again, I do not understand your assertions, since vehicles already run off gaseous propane...
  23. I'd like to see how your arrived at the idea that in current vehicles propane is burned as a liquid, it is not, no heat exchanger is necessary, you just us the gas as it boils in the storage tank when pressure is reduced..
  24. LP powered vehicles do run on LP gas, the liquid turns into a gas via a carburetor type device, the LP is only a liquid while in storage on the vehicle..
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