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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. liquid propane is the fuel of choice for indoor machinery like forklifts, it's exhaust isn't quite as unpleasant as gasoline engines. When I worked for DuPont we had all kinds of vehicles running on the stuff from trucks to front end loaders. I am curious as to how you would plan to store gaseous propane dense enough to carry enough with your vehicle to give it equal miles per gallon to liquid gasoline. I am not following your logic on this at all, you said you were talking about propane not LP but then you talk of compressing it into LP. Why would it be better to buy it as a gas then pressurise it into a liquid? Why not use natural gas compressed into a liquid? By definition there should be much more methane available if propane is just a by product of natural gas. Some cars are already made to use natural gas and sell a kit that comes with the natural gas car to pressurize the methane from a your residential source which is piped in as a low pressure gas..
  2. That was my original idea!
  3. I would have to say the opposite of Love is Disinterest...
  4. To be honest I do not know, I do know that it was stated to me when i was designing UV sterilizers that this was the idea wavelength. I do know that allowing the water to touch the bulb lessens efficiency of the lamp by shifting the spectrum toward longer wavelengths, It cools the lamp off too much so we used quartz sleeves to isolate the bulbs from the cooling effects of the water or what ever fluid you are using, also much shorter and the wavelengths do not penetrate deeply into the water. Trade offs in many directions.. Considering those wavelengths are used to promote coral growth, probably not.. My idea was to use teflon tubing to wrap the bulb in a coil to increase both bulb efficiency and contact time... It was a double coil, I had intended to apply for a patent, I still have the original drawings, I was injured in a boat wreck and was out of commision for about 18 months and lost the thread of my idea for several years and never followed up...
  5. Actually there is some truth to what you say, UV light is absorbed by various proteins at different wavelengths 2357 being a trade off between penetration of cells and clear water. Too short and it is stopped by water not to mention the glass envelope of the bulb, too long and it stops being effect at denaturing proteins, length of exposure is also relevant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet_germicidal_irradiation
  6. Do you know of LEDs that radiate at 2537 angstroms? (germicidal light is as close to 2537 as possible) I have designed several UV sterilizers, built several as well... LEDs are an interesting possibility...
  7. Ok, then as for question #1 almost certainly... #2 Maybe...
  8. May I ask a question? Are you suggesting an alien being could pass as a human?
  9. Possibly a long night playing role playing games and reality do not mix?
  10. I have read of it someplace other than that book, which is supposed to be scientifically accurate, possibly based on this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulsar_kickbut that is not what I am talking about. At least I don't think so. I know I read someplace in a science magazine about the effect of a powerful rotating magnetic field being able to act as a propeller in the interstellar medium but I can't seem to find the correct key words to find it again. I'll get back on it.. Evidently it is not feasible: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20050215611.pdf Which brings us back to plan magnetic sails...
  11. I would suggest throttling back on the shrooms and alcohol dude... I think you would have problems showing any life before the moon if current models are any indication of how the moon formed... http://www.space.com/29047-how-moon-formed-earth-collision-theory.html This image depicts the catastrophic collision of two planetary bodies similar in composition that led to the formation of the Earth and its moon 4.5 billion years ago. Credit: Hagai Perets
  12. I have been rattling around a couple concepts in my head for interstellar travel involving using a rotating magnetic field as an propeller in the interstellar medium, I know that neutron stars often have a high speed due to their rotating magnetic fields, this is described in some detail in this science fiction book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon%27s_Egg this is a magnetic sail http://phys.org/news/2013-01-space-one-kilometer-long-electric-tether.html other rather speculative possibilities http://www.orionsarm.com/eg-article/54ee3dd3291c0 https://tauzero.aero/discoveries-log/getting-there/starship-designs/propulsion-ideas/ http://www.hour25online.com/Hour25_Previous_Shows_2002-02.html what I am getting at is the possibility of generating a rotating magnetic field dense enough to accelerate a space craft through the interstellar medium possibly after acceleration out of the solar system with one of the previous ideas. Any thoughts?
  13. Even more unlikely, I would bet that we can't make metals strong enough to aerobrake an object the mass and size of the Saturn V much less land it and take off and yes it would still have an enormous infrared signature...
  14. Even if you used nuclear power you would still have to aerobrake an object the size of a significant fraction of the Saturn V moon rocket then spread radioactive debris all over thousands of square miles of territory to take off even that assumes some technology we really do not have... Any space craft that obeyed the laws of the universe we know of would have to have a significant infrared heat signature, waste heat would have to be shed in some way..
  15. An old science fiction story from the "golden Years" of science fiction was about farming blue whales for their milk, underwater milking submarines... yeah I know... whales and cows, where have we heard that before?
  16. Damn I need to start making fake videos!
  17. It would be possible today to do that as long as the "ship" didn't have to take off again, objects of that size on a ballistic trajectory from out side the atmosphere hit the earth every day, I would imagine if it began to maneuver in some way it might draw attention. You did say in your original post that you expected them to take off and leave? That makes it a whole new ballgame... oops!
  18. I would have to say that such a small craft using the amount of energy required to land and take off the Earth would be a pretty big deal if it were propelled by non magical means. Hiding such an enormous energy signature would be very much like hiding the Saturn V Rocket both in landing and take off, nothing is free.
  19. Do you mean the Big Bang Theory isn't an accurate depiction of scientists?
  20. Is this where I postulate twin universes each with a opposite time directions compared to the other but each perceiving time as being perceptible as forward only? Makes as much sense... maybe with both occupying the same space in 3D but traveling in different directions 4D? wow how far can this speculation be taken... oh yeah the big bang was a 4D expansion into 5D space...
  21. I have read "someplace" that is could have been used to plate gold onto "base" metals, too sick right now to look it up...
  22. There is the example of the so called Baghdad battery.
  23. Yes, assuming a Mars sized Thea and with Mars 15% as massive as the Earth minus the mass of the Moon which is 1.2% the mass of the Earth, the Earth could have gained 13.8% more mass than it had before the collision.
  24. I am not asserting the water world idea is true, i am pretty sure Ward and Brownlee spoke of it in their book Rare Earth. Moon capture hypothesis is not supported by the evidence we have either. Some of the exoplanets that have been found are almost certainly water worlds or mini neptunes due to their size and density and yes some of them are in the habitable zone of their home stars or even closer. Water is the second most common molecule in our universe, nearly all our planets and moons are covered with water ice and other ices to depths of up to thousands of miles. Only Jupiter and Saturn and the inner planets of our solar system do not follow this pattern and we do know of water worlds that are close to their suns in other planetary systems. If I get the chance today I'll dig up my copy of Rare Earth and see if that is where I read of it...
  25. It's been awhile since I read it but it assumes an earth mass planet would necessarily have a large amount of water and atmospheric gases, Venus lost it's water to it's greenhouse effect and Mars of course was stripped of it's atmosphere by the solar wind. This idea night have originated in the book "Rare Earth" by Ward and Brownlee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_Earth_hypothesis
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