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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I think the story stands up well without the details being exact, I thought it would be a nice touch, when I'm finished maybe you can critique it and see if it would be better if I included a few details instead of being vague about it. The fact that sulphuric acid would degrade at temps where sulphur would be a gas kinda makes including it problematic and might result in the story being less interesting to anyone who would know the problems with those details. Once you start adding details at the very least they shouldn't conflict with each other. I think I can include sulphur as a breathing gas and not mention what solvent is involved in that same life form... Making up a believable world as different as possible from ours is difficult due to not having any examples to compare, maybe the details shouldn't be included.
  2. She pretty much is the antithesis of Jesus...
  3. Thank you John, the story is pretty much written, I was hoping to put some details in it to make it at least look a bit more like science fiction and less like science fantasy but too many details would bog down the story. I was thinking of mentioning some possible or plausible observations about the biochemistry and planetary conditions, cherry red "air" sounds pretty cool! I wonder if such a planetary atmosphere would be transparent to UV, small things like that would be good to at least make it seem plausible as well as exotic. I was going to go with sulphuric acid oceans but it seems that sulphuric acid would not be stable at the temps needed to make sulphur a gas so I will just be vague about some of the details, air pressure conceivably get around that problem but it's not a deal breaker for the story. I'll post it in my blog when i am finished so it can be critiqued. Oh, one of my stories might be published as an animated CGI movie short! Pretty excited about that...
  4. I think the anti Christ is Sarah Palin, think about it for a moment...
  5. I think there is an argument to be made that with out the moon forming impact the earth would have been a water world with no land surface....
  6. I am writing short story and I want to have some idea of what properties a planetary atmosphere with sulphur would have... Think Venus like temps...
  7. I think it's reasonable to assume that at some depth Mars and Earth are nearly the same, I live in an area where the water table is totally anaerobic infused with Hydrogen sulfide and bacteria live there...
  8. Can anyone help me find some info on sulphur in it's gaseous state? I tried google and either it's a obscure subject or I am not using the correct search parameters...
  9. No, cross pollinating!
  10. Yes, I do so with cacti quite a bit!
  11. No, absolutely not!
  12. I am celebrating the 32nd anniversary of my 29th birthday!

    1. andrewcellini
    2. MigL


      That's the spirit!

      Forever young.

      And Happy Birthday!

    3. imatfaal


      out of curiosity why 29th? Thinking about it -I enjoyed my early 20s more than late, my early 30s more than late, and still - tenaciously - hanging on to earlymid 40s (for another week or so


  13. A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced Up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized She was heading straight towards his seat. As fate would have it, she took The seat right beside his. Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out, “Business trip or pleasure?” She turned, smiled and said, “Business. I’m going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston." He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen Sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs! Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked, “What’s your Business at this convention?” “Lecturer,” she responded. “I use information that I have learned from my Personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality.” “Really?” he said. “And what kind of myths are there?” “Well,” she explained, “one popular myth is that African-American men are The most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is That Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is men of Mexican Descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with Absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck.” Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed.. “I’m Sorry,” she said, “I shouldn't really be discussing all of this with you. I don’t Even know your name.” “Tonto,” the man said, “Tonto Gonzales, but my friends call me Bubba".
  14. This subject is difficult for me for various reasons having to do with my own childhood, I know I had mixed feelings when I had two young children and had to face that I didn't have as much control as I would have liked over much if any of what they were exposed to. Our culture is strange in many ways not the least of which is our acceptance of violence for the viewing of children but the rejection of sex and or nudity, it always seemed to be a strange idea that murder and carnage was ok to see (movie ratings support this) but a naked human and people lose their minds. I finally came to realize intellectually that it was far better for children to see sex and sexual behavior than violence, at least at some point we all do experience sex but with a little luck not everyone will experience blood and gore of the magnitude that is freely shown on prime time TV. But putting that knowledge into the real world was not really possible for me. It is very hard to rise above your own culture and see anything that has been drummed into you all your life as wrong and realize that maybe it was not as objective as you were taught to believe. If I had raised girls I am quite sure it would have been considerably worse due to the conditioning of the double standard between the correct way we perceive the raising of males and females in our society. It is difficult to understand how other cultures can be so different and still produce stable humans...
  15. While it is difficult to believe in this day and age a human in good running condition can run wolves to death! Humans can run down almost any animal over the long haul, wolves are running a distant second! In some areas of the world monkeys steal puppies and raise them to be part of the troop, and in africa baboons cooperate with canines, jackals I think, for protection and sharing of food sources..
  16. I am not sure that assertion can be made with any accuracy, I think it's possible that subtle messages go a bit deeper than we might think... Considering the fact that around the world sex is not hidden from children and their children seem to be in pretty good shape mentally and sexually... I'm not sure we can really say since our sexual attitudes are cultural and not objectively right or wrong...
  17. I have to disagree with your last assertion, while we generally do not depict people having explicit sex the blatant sexulaity of modern media, even billbords is IMHO probably more of an influence than explicit sex would be. Such images do not go as high over the heads of kids as we think, on some level I think they get the idea of sex and it's uses from such media...
  18. Humans have had and in some places continue to have such relationship with various cetaceans in the ocean, if that is possible then such a relationship with land animals that share some of our our social behaviors should be possible as well. I would speculate that when humans first started trying to live in permanent villages that dogs were an effective alarm system that woke up the people if they village was in danger. With out such an alarm system the first villages would have been far more vulnerable to attack from both wild animals and wild humans...
  19. I know what you mean, having a pet always ends in heart break, I always keep my dogs for life but their lives are short...
  20. Not at all, I never suggested such a thing, I live in a university town/beach town, I have over the years happened upon several people engaging in sex, some of them I am sure were just exabitionists but it's really not uncommon. Once, many years ago, I had a class of 2nd graders on the beach explaining the salt marsh ecosystem to them when we came upon a couple who were going at it like rabbits. I was terrified the kids would freak but they held it together better than the other adults that were with us did. The kids giggled a little and but none asked what they were doing and from what I could hear of the exchange between the kids they had a pretty good idea. The teacher who was with us just laughed at my fear and said the kids who needed to ask probably would but that none of them would be scared... My real concern is more about the sexualazation of children and in our culture and the sexualazation of nearly everything in the media, kids should not interact with adult sexuality..
  21. I think you could be correct, I personally think that dogs may have been at least part of the reason we trumped other hominids and maybe even helped us create civilization...
  22. Thank you Mike!
  23. You do realize that is a cultural thing... right? Around the world other cultures do not necessarily hide sexuality the way we do in the west...
  24. If you seeded such a planet with cyano-bacteria you might eventually get an oxygen atmosphere but I can see some problems with this route. the algae could very well pollute the air with too much oxygen, I see no reason to think that oxygen levels would stop at a point that would be good for us. And as has already been said it would take geologic time to change a planet in that manner and i agree that such a planet would probably already have life..
  25. I'm not so sure it is wrong, I have seen people making love in public several times in my life, it was kind of funny looking... humorous for sure! Can you provide a definition of wrong and how it applies to public sex?
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