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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. The Wild West will never be the same!
  2. The Moon it not made mostly of iron, it is made of silicates, and objects of that size and mass do not skip when they hit something...
  3. An object the size of the moon hitting the Earth would melt the surface of the entire planet, all it takes is a 300 kilometer object to melt the entire surface down to several miles...
  4. Yes I would, not sure what is going on with this.
  5. It was there this morning! It was a metal wheel with a metal ball inside the wheel that was attracted to a magnet outside the wheel and made the wheel turn as the ball tried to climb the inside of the wheel, it was unique to my experience, I'll try to see if i can find another video of it... The odd thing was that the wheel started turning on it's own and actually speed up instead of running down... Here we go!
  6. My concern is that helium is so close to the atomic weight of a hydrogen molecule that you can't get one without the other...
  7. How does this work, first time a magnet run machine has me stumped.. https://www.facebook.com/fizikist/videos/943426745706464/
  8. Trust me Werner is Plenty Strange...
  9. My math chops are somewhat less than that required to do those calculations. I used to have a site where it would do those calculations for me but in recent years it started to give nonsense answers and hasn't been fixed. I am trying to figure out how to get a relatively thick atmosphere without hydrogen, possibly 10 bar but it has to be breathable by humans. I had figured that an atmosphere of maybe 85% helium and the N2, O2 and others would make up about 15% and a surface gravity of about 2G. I can't get the mountain heights or cut off time for plate tectonics because the alien planet site has died more or less...
  10. Thanks to everyone for their kind words, I did indeed hold him and tell him how much I loved him as he drifted away. Winston was a true hero dog, came and got me when the house caught on fire and dragged me through the house to show me the burning hot water heater. It's been a rough time, i miss him even more than i thought i would, if anything deserves heaven he did...
  11. No, at least some of it would be a metal core like the earth but the silicate Mantle would be thicker than Earths in relationship to the core.
  12. Lost My Best Friend Today I lost my best friend today, he was my buddy, followed me everywhere I went, slept snuggled up to me every night, would not allow strange dogs to get close to me and even people he didn’t know. He would always place himself between anything he suspected might be dangerous and me. He was very protective. My heart is broken… He was a Basset Hound named Winston, many people and other dogs I am sure, thought he was an asshole. I told people he suffered from an excess of personality, in reality he had a very strong sense of self. He knew who he was and how far he was willing to be trifled with. On the way to the vet I broke out in tears, he struggled to get into my lap and kiss the tears away even though I was taking him to be put to sleep. He had been quite sick for the last few weeks and I just couldn’t let him suffer anymore. Now I suffer from a broken heart, all dogs take a piece of your heart when they go and he took a huge chunk of mine. He gave me far more than I gave him, always ready to go for a car ride and hanging his big head and ears out the window was his favorite thing. People would wave at him and he would give a bark that drowned out traffic. He always had a bark that sounded like it should come from a two hundred pound dog but toward the end he had wasted away to only 38 pounds. Hound dogs are very special to me and he was a special hound dog, as I sit here at my desk I keep expecting him to be laying at me feet, I used to wrap his ears around my feet when it was cold, he loved me but he wasn’t submissive, if I annoyed him too much he would give me a quite snarl and walk a few away and lay down and look at me as though he was scolding me for taking him for granted. My other two dogs have been howling off and on the last couple of days like they knew something bad were about to happen. Winston was their pack leader and they will miss him I am sure even though he bullied them around. Losing a dog is always horrible; I like to think he will be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge along with all my other dogs I’ve loved over the years but fairy tales are for children… but right now the Rainbow Bridge is something I want so badly to be true. I will miss him horribly… RIP Winston my friend...
  13. Would a planet of 8 Earth masses and 20,000 miles in diameter loose hydrogen? Could a planet hang on to helium and still loose it's hydrogen?
  14. How large could a rocky planet be? It seems that at some point the planet would hold onto too much gas to be a rocky planet. Even figuring lower average density than the Earth I would think there is a point of no return from being a mini Neptune at least...
  15. I am sitting with my dog today, he is dying, either won't or can't eat, throws up foam, can't use the bathroom, will not take his pain pills. It's so pitiful to watch him try to respond to my affection. The vet talked me into trying new medication thursday now I wonder if he will last long enough to even take him back the vet to have him put to sleep. He shivers and shakes, breaking my heart..

    1. arc


      Mine too );

    2. imatfaal


      We get unconditional love from our dogs - but of course we love them back. Possibly more than any other animal we made dogs - and once you connect with a dog the bond is awfully strong. Comfort and support just like you would any friend

    3. Moontanman


      I have sat on the floor with him all day off and on, I can't get him to take his pain medicine, he's too big to manhandle and feels so bad he is far from his usual jovial self. I am not sure how to get medicine in him, he was taking his pills ground up in egg yolk but not he won't even try that...

  16. I am toying with the idea of a habitable planet in a triple star system but the story is more important than the scientific accuracy.
  17. Do you have any evidence for a god? Which god? Humans worship around 1000 gods, all their followers claim that their god is the right god, how do you know you are worshiping the correct god?
  18. I am almost afraid to go see it, J.J. Abrams killed Star Trek. I was so disappointed with those new Star Trek movies, building a Star Ship on the ground, a window on the bridge instead of a view screen, the set for the engineering space looked like an old abandoned chemical plant, and sex with twin girls with tails, sex with a green girl and the admirals daughter, no wait I liked the exotic women Lens flares! I haven't seen the new Star Wars but I hope J.J. didn't completely ruin it,,,
  19. Taking advantage of that heat would require metal, catch 22?
  20. The crust is estimated to be 62 miles thick over a thick salty ocean of ammonia and water. From our stand point it would be like drilling down to lava although I understand that some areas like Iceland they do that...
  21. Geothermal vents would be liquid methane boiling on water lava but I guess that energy could be obtained that way but the metals problem is still iffy, since all or virtually all heavy metals would have sunk to the bottom when Titan was a ball of water before the ice crust formed metal salts such as calcium and potassium and sodium would be present but not as native metals..
  22. How would you generate electricity and ice at those temps is hard as granite and water is lava so how would you melt ice? I am not sure what you mean by this:
  23. That would be what I am getting at, how or what would those technologies be?
  24. I have caught shrews when I was a kid, they a vicious killers and have to eat almost constantly to survive, they can starve in a few hours. Little bastards have a poisonous bite too! Shrews, are far from being mice, they can and often will kill and eat mice, even rabbits!
  25. I understand there is no reason to think there is complex life on Titan but what I am getting at is the challenges of developing technology on Titan, a really big problem would be no fire..
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