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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Genetic material is not information, they are chemicals, we humans label it as information to allow us to investigate in a manner that is understood but in no way is genetic material information, nothing but chemicals that act to control and or catalyze other chemical reactions. The fact that we label genes as information to make is easier for us to understand and study doesn't make it information.
  2. But not for us, and it would be 1500 years before they have any chance of even knowing about us much less replying to us...
  3. I am beginning to have trouble taking you seriously, it is quite obvious you have not so much as googled the things you question or at least pay no attention to anything but creationist sites. Organs have clear origins and cells are probably one of the easiest to show how they formed. I wonder if any information would change your mind since you already think you know the answers or think that religion has the answers. It's quite pitiful to see someone blindly clinging to non answers to questions that have relatively well known answers, you are beginning to sound more and more like someone who only wants to disrupt instead of learn.
  4. It should be noted that this Star is 1500 light years away, they cannot know about us nor can we signal them in any reasonable time frame...
  5. I think such discussions should be allowed, I discuss subjects related to creationism nearly everyday on youtube, not a moderated discussion for sure and I do it mostly for the people who read the discussions not the person who is making the assertions. I think a moderator should step in if and when a poster tries to Gish Gallop us by making numerous claims in one post, I am willing to discuss creationism as long as I don't have to spend hours just to answer one post that contains multiple assertions.
  6. Instead of Gish galloping us how about you pick one thing at a time that you consider to be irreducibly complex and allow us to either agree or refute. It serves no one to make such a long list and it certainly does nothing for your argument.
  7. Moontanman

    Paris attacks

    I'm not sure it is implausible that ISIS thinks it can do this, the 5th column method could sow considerable disorder and unrest among the populace. If you get enough "believers" in the right places in government but I think ISIS has delusions of grandeur, I'd sooner try to move in with a nest of hornets by intimidation that try to take over a country like france from within via violence and fear...
  8. Moontanman

    Paris attacks

    I think it can be said that fundamentalism is the real culprit, once you start thinking you are doing gods work you can be talked into doing what people in authority tell you is gods work. If, and many are in many religions, the leaders are crazy they will breed crazy followers, at least some percentage of people are willing to anything they think god wants them to... Welcome to the start of WWR...
  9. May not be completely on topic but I have been outed to my family as an atheist, should be interesting considering most of them are creationist evangelical fundamentalists... The suspense is killing me
  10. If you throw away the old testament you lose original sin and any need for a savior, the world wide flood is poetical? A flat Earth under a crystal dome surrounded by water both above and below is poetical?
  11. So you are going to throw out the old testament completely? What about the flood or a six day creation? A flat earth covered by a crystal dome with the sun and the moon fixed to the dome? How about stars being blown around by winds or coming down to fight with a man?
  12. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+11%3A13-19
  13. The earth was created in six days come to mind, the earth was deluged by a world wide flood comes to mind, bats are birds comes to mind, there are more examples...
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Bullion_Depository
  15. I'd kind of like to know what connection gold and silver have to magnetism much less the van allen belts...
  16. I would have to say there could be possibilities but none that I am aware of, The parts of religious claims that can be tested are demonstrably wrong, the only ones not demonstrably wrong cannot be tested...
  17. You have the process backwards, you start out with facts, you form a hypothesis to explain the facts and if that hypothesis supports the facts then it becomes a theory. A theory, in science, is the end result of facts, laws, observations contributing to a hypothesis that, if supported by the list I gave then becomes a theory. A theory is as good as it gets in science, and like the theory of evolution, they are considered a body of knowledge that is always subject to change if new information comes in. In general religion doesn't even qualify as a hypothesis and lies more in the direction of baseless claims and wishful thinking...
  18. I am out of the hospital, feel like shit, hurting like hell and hungry! I look like frankenstein's monster with the mumps...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. andrewcellini


      in all seriousness i hope you return to normal and feel much better.

    3. arc


      FRANKENSTEIN! Be sure to decline any cerebral donations from anyone named "Abby Normal"-Get well soon. :)

    4. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      You triggered the warning algorithm on my Zombie Plan with your update. What are you hungry for? Brains, by any chance? Get better, Moon, don't make me come out there!

  19. All you seem to have is an argument from ignorance, if you don't understand then it must be wrong... god of the gaps solves nothing. You have no idea what theory means in science and from what you said so far your understanding of science in general is sorely lacking. BTW evolution is a fact, the only questions that remain are the finer points of the driving forces of evolution. Go to talkorigins.org and brush up on your understanding of evolution....
  20. Wednesday I go in for the first operation to reconstruct my lower jaw, they plan to go in through my neck and instal a titanium plate to stabilize the jaw and in a few more weeks go in again and graft bone from my hip, sounds like more fun that the law ought to allow!

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Owie! My heart goes out to you, my friend. Time, wounds, healing. It'll all work out.


      "You can do more good with an assbone of a jaw than you can with the jawbone of an ass." --Samson

    2. Moontanman


      Yeah I really will be a butt head now!


    3. moth


      the voices in the other room say you can still sing dem bones. but you have to say the hipbone connected to the jawbone, or they will make jawbone of an ass jokes.:) hope everything went ok.

  21. Actually I had originally meant to use an emoticon to indicate this was a little bit tongue in cheek at least, how many times this year has it been announced this year that some sort of evidence of aliens has been found? My bad. I was distracted and failed to do so
  22. Kepler my have found a mega structure around another star! http://news.discovery.com/space/alien-life-exoplanets/has-kepler-discovered-an-alien-megastructure-151014.htm
  23. You should really give us a link to that info, I would suggest you have misinterpreted the illustration... Think about this, where is the center of the surface of a sphere?
  24. God explains nothing, it is a place holder until more information becomes available, the sky is blue btw because blue light is scattered more than other visible wave lengths http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/blue-sky/en/
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