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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I do understand what you mean but structured craft have been detected on multiple independent radars, observed from the ground by multiple independent witnesses, interacted at close range with both civilian and military aircraft, over flown the capital of the US and photographed while doing so and the only thing that can be said for sure is they weren't ours or the russians.... This of course doesn't prove aliens but it makes you wonder just what could have done that all in just one sighting! I apologize for basically repeating one of my earlier posts but no one seemed to take it seriously on any level. This one sighting has to be important even if it was some sort of mass hallucination that in of it's self would be important...
  2. Hollowed out asteroid? How quaintly iron age ! Carbon will the the building material of space colonies, spinning torus shaped like endless suspension bridges held together with cables made with carbon nano tubes, the torus it's self will be made of graphene metals will be out dated!
  3. Just food for Daphnia magna but then the daphnia are used to feed my fish so they should be as nutritious as possible but in a non sterile setting I have little control over what kind of microbes actually grow. I am going to set up another vat on my carport for brine shrimp and I will be feeding them powdered algae and powdered garden peas if I can find a local source. The store i used to buy from has closed down. I am considering trying to sell live fish food locally, there is a large demand for it but mostly in the form of trout worms or tubifex neither of which I can grow. I want to break in with a new product and scale up if it seems popular but now it looks like it will have to wait until next spring before i can test the waters. surgery this coming wednesday and at least one more before the first of the year and maybe more as they reconstruct my lower jaw threatens to side track my plans...
  4. Is there something wrong with the Dawn spacecraft? I was expecting huge numbers of detailed pictures now, especially of the light spots but so far not much is being said.
  5. Yes it will be in the direct sun all day, so about 2 tbsp twice a week?
  6. Does anyone have any experience in growing unicellular algae? I don't have access to lab grade chemicals so I will have to use commercial fertilizers, "Miracle Grow" powder is my easiest choice and it does come in a few different formulations. I have finally got my fiberglass vat cleaned out and I plan to use about 300 gallons of water and an infusion of green aquarium water than has shown an usual persistence in one of my aquariums. Any ideas about how much miracle grow to use and or which type, it doesn't have to be perfect but the last time i tried it all I got was a very tough sheet algae which was worthless for my purposes. I am thinking of a 1/4 cup for the entire vat, too much? too little? anyone want to give their two cents worth? I finally have a fairly active culture of Daphnia magna going in a small container and plan to use it as a starter when i get the vat of green water going...
  7. I once championed the establishment of an endangered sturgeon in a river I was familiar with in WV, the river was rapidly recovering from gross pollution but had yet to be colonised by native fauna. I didn't make much headway, this was a time when no exotics were to be considered, then of course someone figured out how to make money on exocitcs and the peacock bass was introduced to florida..... timing is everything I guess,,,
  8. Reintroduction of species is a complex process quite possibly the otters are missing their predator or ocean acidification is the culprit. I'm not sure the effects can be blamed on one factor.
  9. Without reading all 37 pages of this post I would like to suggest a firearms licence similar to a drivers licence, this seems quite reasonable, carrying or even owning a gun should at least be taken as seriously as driving a car. I have guns and would not have a problem with it, possibly the ones who would not want this are afraid they wouldn't pass. Seriously, a gun is at least as dangerous as a car although I think the age limit for owning a gun should be higher than 16. But then you have to take into consideration the fact that most (illegal) gun deaths are perpetrated by people who do not own the gun either officially as in a family member or the thousands if not millions of illegal guns in circulation. Stats say 223,000,000 guns are in circulation in the US http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/guns/more/facts.html
  10. At one time they shared the same habitat, mammoths are not predators, and in areas where elephants live they actually increase the survivability of other herbivores by changing the habitat in favor of plant eaters, also elephants eat plants that other herbivores cannot eat and make room for plants the smaller herbivores can eat, mammoths are are also seed dispersers for various trees and plants the leaves of which smaller herbivores can eat, there would be very little if any competition between herbivores for food but they might not give the predators a bit of a pause. The arctic and sub arctic regions IMHO could support
  11. People design and build guns in their home work shops, gunsmiths do this with some regularity, there are numerous how to videos online. I won't post links to them but they are easily found...
  12. How could mammoths impact other elephant species? They do not share the same habitat.
  13. Yeah, I can catch several neonatal sharks in this area, black tips, sharpnose and scalloped hammerheads to name three, then there are the skates and rays..
  14. I am considering setting it up on my carport, (concrete slab floor) since I am planning on imitating a local biotope (boiling springs) all the animals and plants in it will be able to live in the mild winter conditions here. If I decide to go marine it will be with local sharks and rays so the same will be true. I'm still brainstorming, it will probably be next spring before i finish repairing it.
  15. What Elvis wasn't with them?
  16. I have often wondered what or who would dominate given equal opportunity, it's not just who would win, a t-rex or an elephant, that would really be meaningless to the bigger picture. But if you could somehow (magic here) say divide a mega mammal ecosystem alongside a dinosaur ecosystem so the two would diffuse into each other it would be interesting to see which ecosystem would have more survivors in place after a few millenia...
  17. Care to elaborate?
  18. Religion has not met its burden of proof any more than bigfoot, in the absence of positive evidence the null hypothesis is there are no gods or there are no bigfoot (feet?) Being a skeptic doesn't mean you don't have an open mind, it just means you don't let just any idea climb in and take a dump. Until testable evidence is given for the existence of a god or anything else it makes sense to assume it doesn't exist, if you don't make that assumption you must face the fact that almost anything must be believed as real until disproven, that is a fool's errand. No more than you can't prove I don't have an invisible dragon in my basement means you have to believe I do. I am an apistevist first, skeptic second, and atheist third...
  19. Flood warnings and evacuations are occurring in my area, rain of a foot or more per day for the last few days has closed schools and isolated people stranded on high ground surrounded by low areas. Not mush danger of being swept away, doesn't work that way in the swamp, lol. The drainage ditches near me are still functional but no tell how long they will be. We missed out on the hurricane and got flooded out by rain!

  20. Right now I am flooded by extreme rainfall, my house is sitting in the middle of a pond at this moment and the crawl space is flooded as well, the last week we have measured rain in feet per day not inches. I will get under the house and take some measurements as soon as things dry out a little.
  21. The footprint of the tank is about one square meter, so that would be 1360.7 Kilograms per square meter. 225 gallons = 851.7 liters...The weight of the tank and sand and the stand have to be figured in a well. I am trying to figure the cubic feet of sand it will take but I keep getting nonsensical numbers, to early in the morning and I can't find my calculator to check my figures but I am getting about 4 cubic feet which is about .113 cubic meters... I think.. I have been up all night writing, time to catch a nap, my figures may be off by an order of magnitude as sleepy as I am..
  22. Cool, thanks!
  23. I have been given a 225 gallon aquarium and I would like to set it up in my (rental) house. I figure it will weigh about 300 pounds per square foot with a 10 square foot base. Anyone care to speculate on how much weight a floor in a house with a crawl space, not a concrete slab, might hold?
  24. I was under the impression that branes were gravitationally attracted to each other and after they collide the energy of collision drives them apart until gravity takes back over and drags them back together... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekpyrotic_universe
  25. I think perhaps is the operative word in that sentence, since dinosaurs were evolving toward less weapons and grasping hands not to mention larger brains I don't see how the idea of dinosaur intelligence can be dismissed out of hand. See above answer I think you need to support this assertion that mammals had an overriding reason for larger brains and the insinuation that dinosaurs did not. Can you back that up with anything but speculation? The evolution of a large brain in mammals could be the result of mammalian brains not being as efficient as dinosaur brains, see corvids as an example, but it is fair to say that toward the end of the dinosaurs reign some of them were developing less weapons, grasping hands and bigger brains, if this trend had been allowed to continue then I see no reason to assume there would not have been intelligent dinosaurs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosaur_intelligence I'd like to see some citations for these assertions. Again some citation for this would be nice and mormyrids have a higher brain to body size than humans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormyridae Barring some form of FTL communication we are unaware of communication with other planetary system intelligences seems to be a one way ticket at best...
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