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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Yes i have heard them many times, sounds a lot like a large wave collapsing on shore, sometimes the ground shakes. I have seen the water in my aquariums suddenly start jumping around in peaks when a "gun" went off. I guess I've heard or thought I did at least a dozen times in the past 45 years.
  2. We have a phenomena called the Seneca Guns that is often attributed to small offshore quakes, not sure if it is. http://www.starnewsonline.com/section/topic9909
  3. I'm more worried about the collapse of the Canary Islands (I think that right) if they do and it would raise a several hundred foot tidal wave on the east coast, that would be my ass for sure... I spend a lot of time on the beach, beach bum, everytime i see a huge wave in a set I think of what I would do if i saw the ocean suddenly start to recede far beyond the normal wave pattern... We have a shallow sea here to several miles offshore, it would be an impressive sight... Evidently not as well supported a threat as I thought. http://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/2013/12/13/canary-islands-tsunami/
  4. We have been broadcasting but the signals we send as "radio" leakage are absorbed within a couple of light years at most, high powered military radar might be detected and in fact similar signals have been detected in short bursts but as you would assume the signals, while detectable, would have to maintain a lock on our particular location to be repeatable and none have done so at this point. Another problem is the existence of nearby civilization, What is the time spent on broadcasting likely to produce results? Assuming a 100 ly radius of signal "leakage" it starts to look like a project that would be on the government chopping block in short order, the ancient Egyptians managed to send a signal over thousands of years but their civilization no longer exists I wonder what kind of disturbance in time and space we could make that would be detectable across 4000 years. Like one of the egyptian mummies sitting up and saying hello. This of course lead to the question of "where are they" if life is common enough to be reasonably likely to be detected then then they should be here, if not who cares about a signal 4000 years old?
  5. Well 2 months so far of intense bone pain, good new is that it isn't cancer but the bad news is that I have to have an antibiotic diffusion every day at the hospital at 07:00 for the next 8 weeks, I had one of these put in yesterday and I have two diffusions behind me... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peripherally_inserted_central_catheter

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Moon, you're a tough SOB. I'm sorry you have to endure this, but it sounds like it's going to be better. Hang in there, and ask for the bacon-flavored diffusion since they're getting you up so early.

    3. Moontanman


      More bad news today, surgery will have to be done, doc is predicting a titanium jaw implant, at least I'll be fun in airports. Doc said i am looking at months maybe more than a year so get this settled. I am not sure how to proceed, not used to this much uncertainty for such an extended time frame.


      Bacon infusion, works for me, no solid food for me for quite a while it would seem...

    4. imatfaal


      Ah Jeez Moon that sounds awful. I know you will come to the right decision - but it sounds like a hard call with strife in every direction. Keep your chin up, your friends close, and your family closer and you will pull through. All the Best

  6. I am all about miniature woolly mammoths!
  7. Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat, nothing up my sleeve... presto! Raor... I got to get another hat...
  8. There is currently no evidence for a god, to answer your question predisposes the existence of something called a god, i do not predispose there is a god...
  9. Ok, I think I see your point now, thanks Swansont.
  10. If you lased a solar cell it would produce waste heat, if you collected that head and used it instead of letting it radiate away would that diminish the efficacy of the solar cell? I have given this a lot of thought and I can't see how harvesting waste heat would require the tire to work harder... Like harvesting the wasted energy of a braking vehicle, as long as all you are doing is harvesting waste heat how could it make the vehicle work harder.
  11. This is why you should never take your wife to the state fair. My wife and I went to the state fair and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said, 'THIS BULL MATED 50 TIMES LAST YEAR'. My wife playfully nudged me in the ribs, smiled and said, 'He mated 50 times last year.' We walked to the second pen which had a sign attached that said, 'THIS BULL MATED 150 TIMES LAST YEAR'. My wife gave me a healthy jab and said, 'WOW! That's more than twice a week! You could learn a lot from him.' We walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that said, 'THIS BULL MATED 365 TIMES LAST YEAR'. My wife was so excited that her elbow nearly broke my ribs, and said, 'That's once a day. You could REALLY learn something from this one.' I looked at her and said, "Go over and ask him if it was with the same old cow." My condition has been upgraded from critical to stable and I should eventually make a full recovery.
  12. I thought it was interesting, I know better than to get excited but you never know. If these objects are indeed inside our galaxy their importance will go up for sure. As for FTL lets not get ahead of the game, speculations are fun but in this case it would appear serious science is involved, I wouldn't want to try and steal the thunder before we can be sure the lightning is real... If history is any measure of our success then we should have an open mind to new science and just because we are sure that man can't fly doesn't mean that supersonic jets aren't in our future...
  13. It's ALIENS! https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22630153-600-is-this-et-mystery-of-strange-radio-bursts-from-space/
  14. Ok, I didn't read about the "tiles" I was thinking of more or less converting pressure that was already being generated into electricity instead of waste heat. Driving on a road does indeed heat it up, significantly enough to notice in the winter. I was generalizing from that heat build up, my bad....
  15. I disagree, the energy is not coming for free but you are converting pressure that would normally bleed off into waste heat and turning it into electricity, no reason it should drain extra energy from moving cars they are already giving up that energy...
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C._UFO_incident The 1952 sightings have long been considered a mystery with no single explanation really covering the entire phenomena, pictures of plasmoids? Any non descript glowing airborne object or daylight disc could be a plasmoid much like explaining any mystery with a mystery first you you would have to show evidence of plasmoids that is why I do not generally use one to explain the other but more as an indication that everything unknown does not have to be aliens... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasmoid I'm not sure there are any photos of possible plasmoids that are not also being touted as UFOs. This photo was touted as a plasmoid but i am not sure that it supposed to be real:
  17. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn4174-plasma-blobs-hint-at-new-form-of-life/
  18. One of the problems with the ET hypothesis is that so many divergent phenomena are labeled as UFOs and the term UFO is automatically taken to mean aliens that any real signal gets lost in the background noise. If there is a case for ETs visiting the Earth some of the reports need to be separated out, I think there is a fairly strong case that plasmoids could explain a lot of sightings and that many sightings are simply "me too", one person sees something unusual and many others claim the same to keep from being left out. Mass self delusion maybe is the correct term? I spend a lot of time looking into published sightings, maybe too much, and I honestly think only a very small percentage is of something truly mysterious. A large proportion of "UFO" pertains to things like sleep paralysis and various other brain errors. Then you have someone who sees an airplane from an unusual aspect ratio and immediately sees a UFO because he can't keep in in view long enough to see what it really is or because he wants to see a "UFO" he doesn't even try to see past his initial perception. As i have said before the idea that we should be picking up "leaked" signals from everywhere is fatally flawed but we do have cases where either it was an alien space craft or an outright falsehood, no third option is applicable. Some ancient sightings have to be either a mass delusion or alien space craft but I also wonder how much the aurora may have played even in modern sightings. When you see a glowing object several times as big as an aircraft carrier by multiple independent observers and it is in the polar regions I don't see how that can be ruled out. I think the idea of detecting lasers is a good idea but we maybe in the position of primitive people looking for smoke signals when the really advanced people are using neutrino beams or something we have no knowledge of. http://hozturner.blogspot.com/2012/09/towards-natural-plasma-explanation-of.html I think it is possible (highly speculative) that plasmoids themselves are alive and that could result in behavior that is lifelike to us, ie following airplanes or making patterns in the sky.
  19. Many if not most people seem to indicate they think that use of one nuke would be the end of the world nor do they take into account that some countries can put a nuke through your living room window others can barely hit the ground. I do think that religious extremism poses the most likely danger. Some of this misconception rides on the idea of MAD, some countries figure into this idea others do not. North Korea for instance maybe nuts enough to kick a giant in the shin but their capabilities are limited and if they did would China back them up or participate in bringing them down. At this point in time I doubt very much that a lesser power like China would protect someone like North Korea, but once you decide you are doing God's work all bets are off...
  20. I like to look at it from the point of view of a mystery, without specific evidence it is somewhat less than accurate to say space aliens, but some sightings are genuinely mysterious to a very high level.
  21. I am going somewhere with that question, I don't want to gish gallop you but that question leads quite naturally to do you accept that the sun orbits the center of the galaxy? The thing to remember is that the Earth has several motions, all confirmed, that would indicate the Earth is not at the center of anything but the human mind...
  22. Do you accept the Earth revolves around the Sun?
  23. but will the people who weld nukes come to that conclusion? Russia or China will commit suicide because Mecca was nuked?
  24. I'd leave out the oil.
  25. Why would anyone assume that use of a nuke would mean use of all nukes? I'll go back to ajb and say what if we adopted our enemies tactics and threatened to destroy Mecca (I am not assuming we are at war with all muslims, just a mind exercise) would every other nuke in the world suddenly explode or would powers that have nukes see the overwhelming force we actually weld and think twice, Russia and China certainly would have no incentive to retaliate and smaller nuke powers would be stupid to think they could match our fire power.
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