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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Actually there have been multiple independent eye witnesses (both civilian and military), multiple independent radars, Interaction with airplanes both military and civilian, and photos, all in the same sighting... Still doesn't mean aliens but it is a mystery...
  2. Very interested in how this works, especially at less than light speeds...
  3. Citation for these last assertions Mormyrids have a higher brain to body ratio than humans.
  4. Warp Drive as in the Alcubierre version suggests faster than light speeds are possible, would time dilation still be a factor in that type of FTL?
  5. First of all if a slime mold gets on alright why did bigger brains evolve? As for lack of anatomical weapons, the apes we evolved from weren't exactly helpless and not all dinosaurs were horrifically armed monsters. At the end of the cretaceous some dinosaurs were evolving toward bigger brains and less armement. Humans didn't start out as helpless animals that had to evolve big brains to survive, in fact we evolved big brain at the expense of larger stronger jaws and teeth, look at baboons to see that monkeys aren't helpless. The orbital fluctuations, asteroid strikes and volcanoes were happening during the time of the dinosaurs as well. There is some speculation that our brains are tending to be smaller due to more efficient wiring rather than less need for a larger brain, in fact a larger brain is not necessarily a sign of intelligence, elephants have brains much bigger than ours and sperm whales have brains as big as bushel baskets!
  6. I didn't really expect it to look like a monopole but your link didn't help much since it didn't show an magnetic pole enclosed by another. I really have no expectations on this, just a mental exercise I cannot get a handle on, the best guess I can come up with is canceling each other out but that can't be right.
  7. Can you elaborate on that John?
  8. What would happen if you made a bunch of magnets shaped like spikes and when you put (glued with super glue) them together they formed a sphere with the south pole at the center of the sphere and the north pole on the surface? How would such a magnet look with it's magnetic field?
  9. Fat shaming much? I knew cheerleaders, dated a couple, they were smart outgoing young women, at least one graduated early with honors. All of them were smart and had to maintain at least a "B" average to stay on the squad, your discription of cheerleaders seems a rife with hostility and stereotyping... .
  10. Ok, being a scuba diver myself I should have been more precise, I was thinking of a planetary atmosphere not controlled conditions but you have answered that as well. I was thinking of a planet with a 10 bar atmosphere, I wonder if lower oxygen levels and more neon or helium would help but it would still have to have nitrogen some CO2 at 2 gees helium should be stable in an atmosphere but would hydrogen? That would throw a wrench into the whole idea...
  11. If this experiment is carried out to it's conclusion the salted water should start to evaporate slower as the concentration of salts build up. Your result would depend on how much salt was in the water as well, enough salt and it can actually pull water out of the air if the humidity is high enough...
  12. How much pressure can a human live at without ill effects?
  13. “Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse.” ― Christopher Hitchens

    1. MonDie


      Stalin and Mao. Tiananmen Square.


      Remember how barbarically atheists behaved when they had power. ;)

    2. Theoretical


      Worlds becoming more and more agnostic and atheist. Medieval era was religious. Look at how barbaric the Middle East was thousand years ago. Oops, still is, and still religious lol.

  14. I am very impressed! I'll try to listen on my stereo later but ti was very nice even on my computers crummy speaker! again great music!
  15. It's safe, part of standard diagnostics as much as x rays or ct scans...
  16. Very exciting time to be alive, I would venture a guess that this planet is more like venus than earth due to it's mass and closeness to its primary, but you never know!
  17. I understand your point but who is to say that dinosaurs wouldn't have evolved intelligence? They did seem to be going toward bigger brains and birds which are dinosaurs display considerable intelligence with their small brains. I don't see why mammal brains would be the only brains to develop technology...
  18. Can you show the universe was created? Calling the universe creation begs the question of a creator, if we call it reality does it require a realtor? The assumption there was a creator is flawed, you really need to show evidence for this "creator" and there are theories that go back to before the big bang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekpyrotic_universeso your assumtion of either or does not hold up to scrutiny...
  19. You ideas fail here to begin with: This is not in anyway similar to what the current scientific consensus holds to be evidently true.. The big bang was not an explosion in space, it was the expansion of space time. The Earth did not exist then, and wouldn't for another 10 billion years at least. The big bang did not create the chemical s of life such chemicals were forged in the heart of stars, the big bang only produced hydrogen and helium with a tiny amount of lithium.
  20. What a saw is truly impossible to describe, I don't have a frame of reference to describe it...
  21. I thin posts #8 and #12 pretty much sums it up...
  22. When you consider we have only searched something like 1% of our own galaxy for earth like planets and we have found several, the prospects for life would seem to grow to some extent. Considering that we have to be searching for a civilization that is intentionally sending out signals. the old adage of detecting leaking EM radiation like TV or radio is simply not going to happen. The Earth's unintentional leakage is thought to be absorbed long before it get as far as the nearest star. Taking that into consideration the galaxy could be a very crowded place but unless they are intentionally sending a signal in our direction we would not detect them. SETI has at last on one occasion detected a signal that resembled military radar coming from deeper in the galaxy but it didn't repeat. I think it's justified to look and the idea of detecting Lasers is a very good idea but the galaxy is a big place and a civilization could rise and fall on the other side of the galaxy and it would 100,000 years before we could detect any signal they broadcasted... Why would you consider plate tectonics to be unique to the earth? I would not go so far that complex life is rare, we have no way of knowing what events in the Earths history are required or not for complex life or even intelligence and every planet is sure to have events in it's history that would affect life... It is highly speculative but a while back there was a fossil that indicated that octopus were already displaying complex behaviors way before the demise of the dinosaurs. A big brain is also not necessarily needed for intelligence , corvids and other birds show a high degree of complex behaviors with brains that totally unlike mammalian brains. It could very well be that a planet with fewer or different events might be more conducive to the evolution of complex life and assuming a planet must be just like the Earth is also a mistake, planets more conductive than earth are possible..
  23. No, I some odd "visions" while doing an EEG that made me wonder why they aren't used recreationally...
  24. Significant: sig·nif·i·cant siɡˈnifikənt/ adjective 1. sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy. "a significant increase in sales" synonyms: notable, noteworthy, worthy of attention, remarkable, important, of importance, of consequence, signal; More 2. having a particular meaning; indicative of something. "in times of stress her dreams seemed to her especially significant"
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