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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Thanks Enthalpy, 4g was my mistake, again I did not state myself clearly, I was thinking of the planets so far found, as far as I can see none of them are thought to be 4g at the surface, I was thinking of twice the diameter and the same density as earth, for reason i had assumed it would be 4g but as it turns out it would be 2g, twice the diameter, 4 times the surface area, and 8 times the mass and or volume assuming the same density which may or may not be a valid assumption for a rocky world. Possibly some form of very energetic nuclear power would be necessary...
  2. I get most of my rep in the humor section...
  3. Ok I checked the figures it looks like such a planet would have a surface gravity of 19.66 Meters per sec, 22.38 Kps escape velocity, 4 times Earth's surface area, 8 times Earth's mass and volume... Considering the new numbers I obtained are your figures still accurate or would it be a bit harder?
  4. Actually some metals do have an affinity to each other, many metals have an affinity to iron and were pulled down by the iron as it fell.
  5. Some of the separation is chemical with certain elements being attracted to others some of it is as you said simple gravitational separation, while it is true that Earths core consists of Iron it is not pure iron, many other heavy metals are mixed with it, I have read that the Earth's core contains enough gold to coat the land surface of the earth quite deep, many orders of magnitude more than we see on the surface. Some of the separation is biological with various bacteria concentrating metals as part of their metabolism, in fact I think that in some places and elements the concentration is biological almost completely. http://discovermagazine.com/2006/sep/innerfortknox
  6. It's a stegatortise!
  7. I think I know how the idea of a pin hole camera came about, serendipity shouldn't ever be discounted!
  8. I refuse to camp, I look at the available evidence and simply say we don't know or we do know or in some cases it's deeply puzzling but no way to be sure at this time... Most stuff from after photoshop is junk, I'd estimate more than 99% of sightings to be hoaxes or something conventional seen under unusual circumstances but there still are sightings that require some real thought and defy explanation even if the air force was determined to give us one, some almost as unbelievable as aliens, slow comets and slow meteors being a couple of examples..
  9. Actually I was thinking of 4 times the surface gravity but I may have been reading it wrong, I know many of them have twice the diameter of the earth or more yet with similar density. A NASA podcast I saw a year or so ago indicated the current thought was a super earth could maintain earth like temps out to 3 or 4 AU via retaining a deep high pressure hydrogen atmosphere but still contain things like nitrogen and CO2 and be clear enough to sustain photosynthesis on the surface, possibly a sun powered Hydrogen cycle instead of Oxygen as suggested by Isaac Asimov. Or closer in have a high pressure conventional atmosphere and maintain Earth like temps at 2 or 3 AU, one of these super earths at one AU around a Sun like star would be more likely to be Venus on steroids than Earth. Ok I checked the figures it looks like such a planet would have a surface gravity of 19.66 Meters per sec, 22.38 Kps escape velocity, and 8 times Earth's mass and volume...
  10. I'm not sure, I've seen so many of them, most have an agenda rather than any real research, they are either made by true believers or debunkers, almost never even neutral.
  11. We don't need a completely sustainable isolated biosphere under these circumstances, fusion how ever is a missing piece, of course that is just 20 years away... It is also important to notice this is a falsifiable hypothesis, such colonies should be visible to sensitive IR telescopes, I had hoped the IR telescope that stopped working a while back might do the trick but I have since learned it was not sensitive enough to pick up small objects that far away. Even if true I don't think this would explain much more than the radar detected glowing lights in the sky type UFO, it seems doubtful that such aliens would risk manned craft or their own lives in gravity wells where biological contamination is possible. Drones set to observe and see how we react to that observation seem much more reasonable. Especially when people begin to describe humanoid aliens my horse feathers meter goes off scale...
  12. I was reading about the fact that many of the planets so far discovered in the rocky planet category are know as super earths, some are estimated to have gravity 4X earths surface gravity or more. If we had been dealing with 4 g surface gravity how much harder would the apollo missions have been? Would it as been as straightforward as 4 X as big a rocket or is the difference more likely 8 X?
  13. Intelligent species who want to colonise their solar system do so by making artificial colonies, when they manage to control fusion they can more to the resources in the Oort cloud and Kuiper belt, use carbon nano tubes and other organic materials as construction material, spin them for gravity, they could slowly move from object making copies of their colonies, since oort clouds are thought to often reach half way to the nearest star and possibly such clouds of objects and ice particles already exist in space such civilizations would abandon planets completely and occupy the galaxy's clouds of ice particles and dust and small icy bodies. Moving from one star to another would just mean a short hop to the next oort cloud and since you already have your home with you all you are really doing is either topping off your tanks of expendables or stopping to make a new colony you could colonise the entire galaxy without ever using earth like planets, if you happen to be in the oort cloud of an inhabited solar system you might study the inhabitants but have little to no real contact or interaction with them. The point is there is no super science required to colonize the galaxy..
  14. I already explained where they were mostly likely coming from! Do I have to do it again?
  15. You are simply describing chemical energy and god has nothing to do with it unless you can show it.
  16. You do realize that the bible as we see it wasn't put together until the fourth century, it originally was a collection of stories and had been edited several times due to one leader, king or pope disagreeing with what it said and that we have no more evidence for Jesus or the bible than we have for Thor, Zeus or any other "imaginary figure" there is no evidence Jesus was real much less the son of a god....
  17. Seems to be a good bit of fissionable material on still on the Earth but it is concentrated. However comets, while being mostly ice, do contain metals, they would pretty much have to and a short jaunt to the asteroid belt would get you all the metal you need concentrated by the evaporation of most of the ice. I would posit that metal would be a very small fraction of the building materials for these colonies, carbon being the most important and compounds of carbon, Boron might be of some import as would be Silicon but the lions share of building materials would be carbon.
  18. Any chance you could show us a spirit?
  19. I'm not so sure, a Oort cloud object a few tens of miles in diameter should contain a considerable amount of "stuff" but I still think fusion will be necessary to actively access that material and process it.
  20. I am aware of the corrosive effects of salt water, how does that drive a car?
  21. http://www.livescience.com/46965-tyrannosaurs-were-pack-animals.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrannosaurus That would appear to be the case. Illustration of arctic t-rex:
  22. Does anyone here really believe it is likely that aliens look anything like us much less look enough like us to walk among us without us noticing?
  23. There are naturally radioactive places on the earth 250 mSv per year compared to the safe limit of 20 mSv per set by the nuclear regulatory commission. http://webecoist.momtastic.com/2013/01/22/hot-spots-earths-5-most-naturally-radioactive-places/
  24. Looks like the mammoth would be at a disadvantage to me and t-rex is thought to have hunted in packs Dinosaurs like t-rex are known to have lived above the arctic circle, they had feathers to keep them warm..
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