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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. They always call these things monsters, doesn't matter what it is, modern hype always come to the for. Find an extra large eel, it's a monster, a two foot frog, it's a monster, catch a giant sturgeon it's a monster, I certainly do not name them I most certainly cannot can't rename them. Stick your head in the sand over semantics, I do not make the names and the names have nothing to do with the reality of the creature...
  2. Your definition of monsters and mine would seem to be a bit different.. Would you mind explaining how i swung back to the monster thing? Through out this thread I have tried to draw away from the monster aspect, the freshwater seahorse which was a real thing people believed in that fooled scientists, museums, field researchers and serves as a great example of how rumors can be the result of complete lies...
  3. That vid was just the first I came up with, you are correct it is click bait, I am familiar with that salamander and to be honest it never occurred to me that anyone would take the pic seriously... I already gave some links but they do not lead to active links any longer, it will take some digging to find them i am sure.. http://en.wikipedia....iant_salamander http://en.wikipedia....le_Lake_Monster http://www.nanfa.org...jan03/0034.html http://www.nanfa.org...jan03/0030.html http://forteanzoology.blogspot.com/2009/12/muirheads-mysteries-pink-unknowns-in.html http://frontiersofzoology.blogspot.com/2013/09/giant-salamander-ogopogo.html
  4. I was trying to point out that cryptids are not always some fantastic creature that could not exist but there are many possible mundane creatures that are still unknown to science, some are found every year. The reason why cryptids have such a low reputation is that most of the people who search for them ignore animals that are really possible and go after things that almost certainly cannot be found with the hopes of making huge amounts of money from gullible people. The supposed cryptids i pointed out are not famous, not even unlikely, they are mentions in footnotes of reports that were odd at the time but never really looked into for various reasons, lack of interest being one of the most likely. Coming across a bunch of dead salamanders in the early 1800's in a remote location no matter how big they were was unlikely to spur huge amounts of interest. The only thing demeaning to science is the people perpetrating hoaxes to make money off the gullible. Historical records do occasionally mention odd things that are not "sexy" enough for modern con artists to whip up interest, these things interest me far more that monsters...
  5. What's the deal with salt water? I live near the ocean and salt water just messes everything up...
  6. The chinese giant salamanders get larger but my point was could the reports on canada be something similar not the same animal. I see no reason to think that giant salamanders in northern north america would be the same animal and ancient salamanders got quite large some as much as 4 meters long.
  7. Well considering that Ohio is thousands of miles away from the Japanese giant salamander and is not the same species and possibly not even the same genus or even family so I don't understand why the size of one should affect the size of the other. It has been many years since I looked into this and it turns out the salamanders in Ohio were reported as 6 to 7 feet long but as i said I see no reason to think the size of one would influence the size of the other. The picture in the video is forced perspective and I was just using it as an example of giant salamanders that do still exist. The ones known vary in max size from about 5 to 6 foot long. The one reputed to live in the wilds of canada is supposed to be quite large as well having been seen laying on the banks of remote lakes in groups much like alligators in more tropical climes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/life/Koolasuchus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_giant_salamander http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_giant_salamander While the reports from Ohio are nothing but anecdotal they were officially recorded by people with no agenda of cryptozoology fame to motivate them as are the reports of the far canadian north it is also true that very large amphibians once roamed the earth even into the Cretaceous. In some places they occupied a similar ecological niche as alligators do in more tropical regions but in much colder regions one being reported from antarctica at the end of the Cretaceous. I am not suggesting these animals are real but since the reports were never sensationalized in quite the way that other cryptids are it might be possible to dig up info that is not tainted by the human tendency to look for faime. Their propensity for cold habitats, even in modern times to me at least makes them a little more reasonable, their modern counterparts are very elusive rarely being seen and they still occupy cold habitats. Cold regions of the world, especially aquatic habitats are not very well explored, If I was going to go cryptid hunting and wasn't looking for the fame and glory of bigfoot or Mokele Mbembe I would choose lakes of the far north but the physical dangers of extreme cold, wild animals, and difficulty reaching these remote regions is more than enough to keep most cryptozoologists away I think...
  8. I'll look into it, it's been many years since I discussed these animals.. Some place to start: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_Alps_giant_salamander http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_Lake_Monster http://www.nanfa.org/archive/nanfa/nanfajan03/0034.html http://www.nanfa.org/archive/nanfa/nanfajan03/0030.html
  9. Since it's not really representative of reality i suggest you go to you tube to find all those missing pics now being displayed as short films..
  10. I assume that since we are talking cryptozoology and not specifics here there is one or cryptids that have always puzzled me. First reports of a large alligator like animal in the canadian swamps and forests. A place where it is far too cold for alligators or their kin but reports have been made of such creatures, could we be talking about something similar to this? Also before the US became a country there was a report of a forest fire that scorched a large section of a small river in Ohio leaving behind large 10' or so lizards that had antlers, very odd stories. Lizards with antlers sounds like very large mudpuppies which have external gills that look like antlers.
  11. My back yard? There are not very many places where the soil too polluted to grow fruit, I am sure there are some but you will have to be more specific, Heavy metals occur naturally in most of the planets soils and you would have to define what you mean by polluted.
  12. Head transplants now possible? Is the ultimate way to fight the aging of your body or a deranged bid to fight the inevitable? http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22530103.700-first-human-head-transplant-could-happen-in-two-years.html#.VO9oR3zF-uJ
  13. I have watched the isle of man TT races on TV, I wish i had been there in person for some of those races, wild stuff... I once watched a flat track race and had one of the riders in my lap when he lost it and went into the crowd, good times...
  14. A map showing the number, place, and time of every nuclear explosion humans have detonated, 2053 total...
  15. I have scrubbed my knees while going around turns on a motorcycle, it takes special tires and suspension set up to lean that far,The best place to see this is during a motorcycle race, I like the superbike races..
  16. In case anyone is interested here is where c0nc0rdance is coming from citations: http://www.stat.yale.edu/~jtc5/papers/CommonAncestors/NatureCommonAncestors-Article.pdf http://www.stat.yale.edu/~jtc5/papers/Ancestors.pdf
  17. I am a long term motorcyclist counter steering is a way of life, i tend to lean into curves when I'm driving a car, so many hours of bike riding I guess, I've never really noticed a counter steering while riding a bicycle but I usually ride a bicycle very sedately compared to a motorcycle...
  18. Well she bumped into me... it started my love affair with octopus, I took her home and kept her, she was a trip...
  19. Then I apologize, but he really is a scientist, one of the few you personalities I know to be real scientists, in fact him and thunderf00t are the only two i am aware enough to say for sure they are. He does give more information about himself on his blog, papers cited and that sort of stuff. He also gives some citations for his videos as well but you have to visit his page to see them... I honestly did not see it that way, I thought he was pretty clear he was talking of men from that age, either they were the ancestor of everyone alive or no one alive, but since two here have corrected me and I have no way of arguing different I accept he was wrong and by extension i was wrong...
  20. I think cephalopods are a prime example of what aliens might be like, cuttlefish communicate with colors rippling over their bodies, maybe they are the aliens who colonised the earth millions of years ago and we just can't understand them.... I can honestly say that once while surf fishing, I had a quite large octopus crawl up out of the surf and literally crawl into me.. Several people saw it, it was really an odd thing...
  21. Being more than a little of an octopus fan and having kept quite a few and studied all I could get about them I have not read of any tropical octopus bigger than Octopus vulgaris which is the species i am most familiar with, the largest known octopus is the giant pacific octopus of the pacific northwestern US. biggest one ever found was http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/giant-pacific-octopus/11.1 meters across. these giants are commonly caught and released as sport by humans... The only accredited specimen was quite a bit less, around 1/4 that size as far as weight. Let's just say i question the veracity of the link you gave...
  22. Here is where what you asked about was described, I apologize for not being as forthcoming as i should have been... The video and the video #2 in this series did indeed explain in great detail how such migration did indeed occur. My apologies for the 2nd video i thought it made the stance clearer from a racial point of view. C0nc0rdance is a well know youtube personality and research scientist, yes he does indeed do research for a living. It becomes obvious that the 2nd video adresses delboy's questions.
  23. Where do you get a cup of coffee for $.25? Citation needed...
  24. I think C0c0rdance made it pretty clear he was not literally saying JC as everyones ancestor, he was using him as an example of how pedigree collapse occurs before you go back very far in time.
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