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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. If you had watched the video you would have noticed that your objection was addressed...
  2. I would love to know a bit about that octopus, where the video was taken, the species, enough specimens for both an experimental and control group. I have heard of octopus hunting rats on the wharfs in the tropics but i have never seen one move that quickly and confidently out of water. I have lots of questions on this one! I've had octopus move out of and into the water to pursue food, even travel through freshwater, that octopus had something quite different going on than any other octopus i have ever seen...
  3. No, they had a lot of technobabble on their page that sounded sciency, you listed to a Religious fundamentalist website that uses things like Mokele Mbembe as support for Noah's Ark and other fundy silliness. Cryptozoology has many supporters among the Creationist ilk and they use the possibility of living dinosaurs as proof of the Earth being less than 10,000 years old. Sadly in this contest Mokele Mbembe has quite a bit to do with religion....
  4. As much fun as Mokele Mbembe is to say i think you are probably going to have to do better than the ICR for a citation. You are dealing with people who have an agenda and science has nothing to do with that agenda. I think you should stick to bigfoot, at least religion has no stake in proving bigfoot correct...
  5. Why is religion necessary to have empathy understanding and progress?
  6. If you warmed Titan up you would have to keep in mind it is an ice world, thousands of miles of ice over a rock core, all you would get is a water world with no land area...
  7. We almost made it as a species, almost managed to actually be civilized, I'd like to think a few pockets of our species made it to threshold of being civilized beings but it hardly matters now. The downhill slide back to something ever more distant from civilization might be slow but i doubt it, I am probably too old to see the slide pick up too much speed but the curve has begun it's unstoppable downward turn. There were a few rays of hope, the enlightenment being the brightest...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ant Sinclair

      Ant Sinclair

      Unity, Man was led down that path and Good Men should have grown a pair and fought instead of hoping someone else would fight for them!

    3. MonDie


      If we're "intolerant of intolerance", we'll destroy eachother.

    4. Ant Sinclair

      Ant Sinclair

      Love and Peace Brother x

  8. How do you tell the difference between the two?
  9. In secret they have been preparing for our demise, slowly but surely making their plans against us!
  10. Can you give any positive evidence or than your baseless claims for any of the supposed animals you keep claiming are true? Mokele Mbembe, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, any of them? You keep making vague claims, lets see some links that support your claims, I can sit here and type baseless claims all night, I can give links to claims of perpetual motion, I am quite sure that they would be soundly thrashed but it would at least be supporting the claims as best you can. I was trying to get you to look at the evidence for the seahorse of lake titicaca for a reason, the reason is why even science can be fooled and often non scientific claims are made to appear as though they are made by scientists and sometimes even picked up by scientists and professional science like museums can be fooled. To find out if something is supported by evidence you have to look past what you want to see and hear to what is actually real. http://www.grahamhancock.com/phorum/read.php?f=1&i=264352&t=7 You would be amazed at how many sources still cite the lake titicaca seahorse as real and still make claims the lake is full of marine species of fish when in fact it is not. Just too many red wagons are attached to the idea the lake contains marine species of fish and too many cart are overturned when the reality of the claims are known.... Mokele mbembe is fairly easy to see through, no actual scientist has accepted any of the proposed evidence as viable and everything from ecology to paleontology would appear to indicate there is no way a population of sauropod dinosaurs could have survived for 65 million years. The Loch Ness Monster has no supporting evidence and the lake itself is too small to support a population of large aquatic creatures and too cold for them to be reptiles and too empty of food for population of such large creatures to feed. Bigfoot is interesting in many ways due to it apparently actually having a creature it could actually be that was alive a reasonable amount of time ago but when you look closely you will find that the large ape it is based on looked much more like a gorilla and did not walk upright like a man and to say that native american legends support bigfoot would also have to lend credence to such creatures as thunderbirds and wengingos to name but a couple. This is not to say that cryptozoologists have never found unknown large animals, they have: http://listverse.com/2010/08/13/top-10-cryptids-that-turned-out-to-be-real/ native legends are not a good source of information about actual fauna of an area any more than the bible is a good source for unicorns or dinosaurs..
  11. Faith without evidence is gullibility, you are welcome to your views you are not welcome to assert them as fact with no evidence.... Do you want chapter and verse? Or are studies that show it to be true enough? http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/08/danger-religious-fundamentalists-just-muslisms.html BTW exactly what is scientific attitude?
  12. This one statement either shows you are totally ignorant of what religions teach or you are intentionally lying about what religions teach....
  13. I like that video, it is good for visualizing sizes of the various planets and the difference between what they look like to a camera and to our eye. The full moon looks enormous as it comes above the horizon to the naked eye but to the camera is it considerably less impressive if I understand correctly this is due to our brain and how it interprets visual data under different circumstances. If we were in orbit of Jupiter or Saturn what a magnificent sight those planets would be to those who lived on the side of the Earth that faced the giant planets, can you imagine the legends that would have arose from watching the clouds and storms not to mention the dance of all the smaller moons which would be visible discs in the sky as well and the rings of Saturn! Wars might be fought to claim the lands under the visage of "god" I was a bit disappointed at how small Venus looked, i expected it to look a bit more like Uranus... When I imagine a twin Earth sized planets i visualize them being so close they share an atmosphere and whirling around each other in hours, may as well be as dramatic as possible
  14. I wasn't kidding about the seahorse it is avery interesting story and contains nearly all the elements of bigfoot, native beliefs, assumptions made due to belief in natives word in what they observe and it was even accepted by science for quite some time and is still talked about and considered real by some people and it has the same feel of reality to it many legends have and people are still searching for it...
  15. Didn't someone die recently in on those ceremonies you speak of, it was in the news a few weeks ago, someone of some small fame if i am not mistaken. Sorry John, cross posted...
  16. I would suggest, if you like mystery animals and how belief in them comes to pass, you research the legendary freshwater seahorse of Lake Titicaca , it lacks the glamor of bigfoot but it's existence or lack there of can be traced back to real events....
  17. I would much rather live in your world than mine, possibly we are both looking though distorted lenses...
  18. Homo sapiens is not very diverse genetically, Chimps or even Gorillas despite their low numbers are actually quite a bit more diverse than humans. There have been more than one species of humans, Neanderthals and Denisovans were arguably different species than Homo sapiens and several other species have been described from the genus Homo. To say humans are biologically significantly different from each other due to superficial reasons like body shape and color fails due to the fact of gene flow, no group of humans have been genetically isolated for any extended period of time and we are all members of the same gene pool. All human beings are much closer related than it would seem and our lineage or pedigree suffers from pedigree collapse if you go back more than a few thousand years. Everyone alive a mere few thousand years ago is the ancestor of everyone alive today or the ancestor of no one. As an example everyone alive today or very nearly everyone can trace their lineage back to a few notables in history. Confucius is one individual whose bloodline is reasonably well documented and can be said to be the ancestor of everyone alive today. Gene flow is not a difficult concept if you stop thinking of individuals and think of gene flow like a river and it's tributaries, at some point a tiny trickle of water of water in the rocky mountains is evenly mixed nearly all the water on the NA continent at the mouth of the Mississippi river. Pedigree collapse is the concept as you go back through generations we all begin to share the same ancestors, I can't remember specifically how many generations it is but the general consensus is that around 4000 years ago all the genes that were present then are present now in the way that we all are related if you go back that far due to gene flow. Everyone alive now is related in this fashion. This relationship is not as distant as it appears and your genes can be traced back to people who are "racially" very different from you not very many generations back. I may not be accurately portraying this due to my own lack of understanding of the matter but it is illustrated very well in this video if you care to look.
  19. I don't understand Tar's argument at all, it's like he is describing an alien planet, I see the most going to the most dishonest and lying and cheating takes precedence over integrity, if I had to bet, not vote, on who was going to win an election and who was going to benefit in that government i would say follow the money and I would bet that path rarely follows anything but the self interest of the people getting the money....
  20. At some point, if our civilization is to last long enough to evolve into "Civilization", the worlds powers are going to have to begin to deal with threats to everyone's security as a united front but until we all realize how small the world really is and how petty the things we fight over are that is unlikely to happen...
  21. Just wait until the Titanides find Huygens sitting on their planet... Twin Earth sized worlds orbiting each other, now that is a thought that would have ramifications if realized...
  22. I'll ask again, what is the best evidence for bigfoot?
  23. There are a lot of indigenous natives legends about things we know are just legends, Should we be searching for unicorns? what in your opinion is the best evidence for bigfoot?
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