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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Black bears are not limited to the western US, I live on the east coast and i've seen them scavenging the beach. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mokele-mbembe I am one of those "people" who think there might be something to UFOs so i can't really ridicule you but UFOs run up against the same problem as bigfoot, where is the evidence? Seeing something unusual is not evidence of something unusual, our brain plays tricks on us and we often see what our brain perceives as a pattern when the pattern is really not there. The best thing bigfoot has going for it is footprints, if I saw one in the woods while hunting, as many hunters have claimed, I would shoot it, not come back with some story about it was too human to shoot. The technology exists to track large animals from the air with infrared cameras yet no bigfoot has been seen. I have seen some trail cam pic that were suggestive of either a strange animal or a hoax. At some point you have to have to figure which is more likely. I don't know what it could be but a bigfoot is not a reasonable argument. With the number of people of people actively hunting for a bigfoot I would expect much better evidence by now than a few scattered foot prints and the number of confirmed hoaxes puts those foot prints into question. The idea of no bigfoot corpses or bones or hair really is telling, all extant large animals do leave behind traces when they die, the traces might be uncommon but they are found, if there are enough bigfoot to maintain a population eventually a dead one would turn up. I am not willing to say there are no bigfoot roaming the wilds but if i had to bet I would bet against them existing...
  2. Would UVB be a reasonable source of ionizing radiation? Such bulbs are available commercially, a great many people have them on aquariums in UV sterilizers, I have designed UVB sterilizers for the company i worked for back in the day, I think Arete would be your best source of info on how to use them for your purposes.
  3. Lets try Mokele Mbembe, just because it would be cool if it was real and I love saying it...
  4. I thought imaginary time was the 11th dimension? I have read science fiction books about different ways of measuring time but for us to really understand they have to translated in some way, in the Gaean trilogy time was measured by Revolutions, shortened to revs and divided or multiplied by ten to make the time intervals easier to understand, 1000 revs was the Gaean month... comparable to 30 some days, i can't remember the exact number.
  5. Why no bigfoot road kill? I've seen everything from gators to bears as road kill, I found a live coral snake which is practically non existent where I live. People turn up as road kill, so intelligence isn't what is keeping them from being road kill. Cars are major predators of many rare animals, and not so rare as well, but no trucker has shown up at a truck stop with a bigfoot on his grill. I have a picture that explains the human DNA in the bigfoot sample, it's barely PG but if the mods will allow it...
  6. I could not find an answer but toxic is a relative term when it comes to fish, unless something is directly targeted at fish it's toxicity to fish is hard to figure. You might contact these manufacturers Pechiney Packaging or Milton Adler.
  7. Is it possible to have a mercury plasma cooled down to the point it becomes a superconductor?
  8. We still are apes... If Americans came from Europeans why are their still Europeans?
  9. Oh yeah! If CREATIONISM isn't true why do easter bunnies lay hard boiled eggs? Answer that one!!!
  10. I appreciate everyone's help, I like to have the science at least semi accurate but the story is more important, it looks like that Ceres would not be stable in orbit of the Earth, I wanted it to be inside the Moons orbit but close enough to the Earth so the Moons gravity would not make it unstable, maybe an orbit of a few days at most. Since the Moons has a significant effect on the Earth a Ceres sized body would be affected by both the Earth and the Moon, might make for some interesting tides but I would like the system to be stable over geologic time... I have several stories roughed out and now that i have WP back on my computer I can get started on a couple at least. I have one that is almost finished, when i get it done I'll post it so you guys can "critique" it...
  11. I keep wondering, do we know where these people are, the hard core leaders, or are they spread out all over hell and creation?
  12. Probably not the best place to ask this question, but I already had this thread from a while back, but we are not talking about human technology, from our standpoint it might as well be magic, I am trying to outline a story i want to write. Too heavy to orbit the Moon or too heavy to use the gravity capture which is not an issue? I was thinking of a very close in orbit of the moon, just beyond the Roche limit of the moon. Used by what? The kicker here is this is not human technology, the story is about a super civilization coming into our solar system and moving stuff around without ever contacting us, we never see them, the only evidence of their existence is the effect on our solar system. (of course some people are going to think it's god others aliens and the drama is the conflict between those groups. Thanks for the answers, I should have started another thread in the lounge... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barycentric_coordinates_%28astronomy%29 The barycenter is basically how they detect planets around other stars, this illustration shows how our Sun wobbles
  13. Would any of these orbital problems be less pronounced if the bodies in question were moved via super technology into as perfect an orbit as possible? Ceres orbiting the Earth between the Earth and the Moon, would closer to the Earth be better? Geosynchronous? Ceres orbiting very close to the Moon 5000 miles or less
  14. Some hydrogen metabolizing organisms: http://www.phschool.com/science/science_news/articles/hungry_for_hydrogen.html
  15. A new twist on this I thought of, how about GMO trees that grow into domes eventually connecting together and covering Ceres with a system of domes containing atmosphere generated by the GMO trees?
  16. Current conditions on the Earth are not conducive to the formation of life, you statement contains an assumption that needs to be supported... Under reasonable conditions self replicating systems and life my be a thermodynamic inevitability... https://www.quantamagazine.org/20140122-a-new-physics-theory-of-life/
  17. Please elaborate on what you mean by this..
  18. People who have received mechanical hearts seem to experience emotion...
  19. Let me make sure we are on the same page, if we could move an earth sized planet into the orbit between Mars and Jupiter it would be at least as stable as the other inner planets?
  20. Your publication was not available, but my question was not if Jupiter caused the asteroid belt Again, my question was not how or why the asteroid belt formed but if a planet could orbit there, not form there..
  21. It has been long said that Jupiter prevented a planet from forming between Mars and Jupiter, in fact some sources seem to indicate the Jupiter may be the reason Mars is so small. Thought experiment, if it was possible to move a planet between Mars and Jupiter, for the sake of this thought experiment lets assume a planet about the mass of Earth. Would such a planet be stable in that orbit? (ignoring the asteroid impacts it would attract of course)
  22. All humans are members of the same gene pool, gene flow between various peoples has never stopped and to say that one group is distinct from another cannot be a viable option. For a particular group of humans to be distinct enough to say they are really different on some way other than superficially would require isolation and no human population is isolated from nor have they ever really been isolated from all other humans. I know videos are frowned on but this guy says it all so eloquently in easily understood terms I think he is worth watching if your interest in this idea is driven by curiosity...
  23. Absolutely wild video!
  24. Thank you very much for your good wishes, I am celebrating the anniversary of my 29th birthday!
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