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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. There are no sea horses in Lake Titicaca!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moontanman


      The only sea horse ever found was nailed to the side of a shed, turned out to be a marine seahorse that had been traded as a curiosity in 1930, no others have ever been found despite many searches.


      The seahorse that supposedly live in titicaca is used by creationists to prove their flood story..

    3. Moontanman


      The only sea horse ever found was nailed to the side of a shed, turned out to be a marine seahorse that had been traded as a curiosity in 1930, no others have ever been found despite many searches.


      The seahorse that supposedly live in titicaca is used by creationists to prove their flood story..

    4. MonDie


      @#$%#! #%@%! %@$&! #@%!

  2. So basically what you are saying is that you have no idea what evolution is or how it works and think that survival of the fittest means survival of the strong? Populations evolve, not individuals, yes some fit individuals will die anyway but the group continues. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survival_of_the_fittest
  3. I'd like to see some citations for this word salad...
  4. I honestly cannot see how you could debate anti vs pro evolution, for there to be a debate both sides would have to armed with falsifiable evidence, creationism which the OP has stated he is using has no evidence and cannot be used to refute any evolutionary evidence unless it is used dishonestly like the Scientific American quote mine near the beginning of this thread.
  5. Supposed to be 18 f here tonight, I want all you yankees to take back that cold we don't want it here in south.. I say south that is...

    1. arc


      We had a beautiful day here in Portland, OR. I actually had to take my sweatshirt off. :)

    2. MonDie


      We just got the cold too. It's all Canada's fault!

    3. imatfaal


      11 degrees here - but then that's centigrade!

  6. Personally I don't give a narrow rats behind if I insult your teacher if he or she is as ignorant as you claim, I would debate him any day. I have actually watched evolution in progress in my Daphnia magna vats, they normally grow to about the size of a BB gun pellet but over the course of a year or so if you use a net that only harvests the largest ones soon they will stop growing larger and reproduce at a smaller size eventually they will no longer grow large under any conditions. This can also be seen in the wild as well, in heavily fished waters where the largest fish are kept and the small ones are thrown back the population will start breeding at a smaller and smaller size until there are no fish large enough to keep. Evolution is a fact, living things change over time, the mechanism for this change can vary from simply surviving to reproduce to sexual selection where one sexes preferences drives the evolution of the other sex. Your argument is nothing but PRATT Points Refuted a Thousand Times, you have brought nothing new to the table, you are in a gun fight and you are the only one with out a gun. One thing I don't think i saw brought up is the DNA record, the fossil record was at one time relatively incomplete but now we have an abundance of fossils and with them we can trace the ancestry of nearly all living things but more importantly the DNA follows that same course and shows the relationships between different organisms is far more than just similarity in looks. Since you keep bringing up ID and creationism I am going to assume you are a Young Earth Creationist, one of those misguided individuals who think the earth is less than 10,000 years old and that all modern life forms were created in their present form by god. This is demonstrably wrong due to both fossils and radioactive dating as well as the geological column, the earth is 4.5 billion years old, the first traces of life occur around 3.8 billion years ago the first complex animals occur around 550 to 600 million years ago and in the intervening time you will not find any fossils out of place, no bunny rabbits in the Cambrian, no humans in the Cretaceous and no dinosaurs in the Silurian. I suggest you stop looking only at things your preconceptions agree with and start looking at the real science because if you are being taught those things you are being robbed of your education, you are being lied to and those lies will cripple your ability to be a productive adult. I think you should invite your teacher here if no one else will (and i doubt that) I will be glad to go into great detail why you OP is worse than wrong and that in fact it is dishonest to assert such things as true..
  7. Thanks for doing that, I know everyone thinks i am secretly suggesting it is a alien space craft but in reality it was just puzzling and I love a puzzle. If it's not a hoax then it is rather strange to say the least, I've seen both videos and in person large meteors break up and I have never seen one do that, I have been drawing out some angles and seeing if the trajectory would allow for such a strange ejecta but my crude drawings tell me nothing but I would be amazed if a gas explosion resulted in what is seen on this video. It would have to have been a rather powerful explosion and that begs the question of why didn't that result in the total break up of the parent body? Generally that is what we see, the parent body begins to break apart but all the parts follow the parent bodies trajectory...
  8. I am almost convinced it's a hoax but you may be correct. I was assuming a very high altitude very fast meteor if it was lower and slower I can see the ejected piece not leaving a trail but it appeared to be hot enough to glow...
  9. Although it might not have been hot at the instant it was ejected it should have heated up almost instantly from air friction.
  10. I can't understand why the ejected object didn't leave a vapor trail, when ever a meteor breaks up the pieces leave trails just like the original object...
  11. Problem is still there, anyone else have any ideas?
  12. Why didn't the ejecta leave a trail? I've watched it several times imatfaal, it looks to me like the main meteor is in the sky and does not pass in front of the wires, in those lighting conditions and with camera focusing on such a distant object I think that passing in front of the wire is a camera artifact. Also it must have been very high to appear to move that slowly. I think I would have stayed with the ejecta on camera instead of following the main body. I have some real doubts that a piece could be shot away from the main body by a pocket of gas, and it appears to accelerate and get smaller as though it is moving away from the camera.
  13. What appears to be a meteor ejects a piece of it's self at high speed in the opposite direction of the meteors trajectory. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1597338447166606
  14. My computer is acting up, it says it cannot find ATL71.DLL, I can't up date anything due to this problem, any safe and cheap fixes you guys know about?
  15. Since I didn't reply to this post i thought I would do so In this post you are using a strawman, the word sacrifice implies a conscious action, simply not being able to escape predators is not a sacrifice. Other social animals will attempt to take care of their members to the extent of their abilities, an injured wolf will be fed by it's pack mates as an example. I responded to this message: No nature doesn't act that way, not in social animals.Overtone did point this out. This is demonstrably not true unless you are using some holy book I am unaware of.
  16. If you had bothered to actually read your holy book you would see that your "logic" is flawed. Further more we are social animals, we support behaviors that allow our society to go one, taking stuff from people just because you are stronger is wrong in the context of the morals our society decrees...
  17. May I ask what you are doing with the salt water or is it an exercise in corrosion study...
  18. Sometimes the truth is the best humor... http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2014/12/worst-science-denial-2014
  19. Predestined? pre·des·tine prēˈdestin/ verb past tense: predestined; past participle: predestined (of God) destine (someone) for a particular fate or purpose. "Calvinists believed that every person was predestined by God to go to heaven or to hell" determine (an outcome or course of events) in advance by divine will or fate. "she was certain that fate was with her and everything was predestined" synonyms: preordained, ordained, predetermined, destined, fated "I find it hard to believe that our lives are predestined I'm not sure why you would think predestined has anything to do with organic molecules being present in space. minaras is this what you are asserting? ​Since chemistry is deterministic and not random and certain chemicals are more common than others and more reactive than others I think it can be said that certain chemical combinations are more likely to form than others. H2O for instance is the second most common molecule in the universe. This has nothing to with gods or anything supernaturally predestined.
  20. You are correct I misread the article... Still it doesn't change the fact that complex organic molecules are found in space, minaras's assertion that organics are only associated with life is demonstrably false... And the assertion that it is just random is false as well...
  21. All of them are found in space as well or are the result of non life chemical reactions in nature... DNA as well is found in meteorites...
  22. Yes but a clone would not be the same person, your memories is what makes you you.
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