Personally I don't give a narrow rats behind if I insult your teacher if he or she is as ignorant as you claim, I would debate him any day.
I have actually watched evolution in progress in my Daphnia magna vats, they normally grow to about the size of a BB gun pellet but over the course of a year or so if you use a net that only harvests the largest ones soon they will stop growing larger and reproduce at a smaller size eventually they will no longer grow large under any conditions.
This can also be seen in the wild as well, in heavily fished waters where the largest fish are kept and the small ones are thrown back the population will start breeding at a smaller and smaller size until there are no fish large enough to keep.
Evolution is a fact, living things change over time, the mechanism for this change can vary from simply surviving to reproduce to sexual selection where one sexes preferences drives the evolution of the other sex.
Your argument is nothing but PRATT Points Refuted a Thousand Times, you have brought nothing new to the table, you are in a gun fight and you are the only one with out a gun.
One thing I don't think i saw brought up is the DNA record, the fossil record was at one time relatively incomplete but now we have an abundance of fossils and with them we can trace the ancestry of nearly all living things but more importantly the DNA follows that same course and shows the relationships between different organisms is far more than just similarity in looks.
Since you keep bringing up ID and creationism I am going to assume you are a Young Earth Creationist, one of those misguided individuals who think the earth is less than 10,000 years old and that all modern life forms were created in their present form by god.
This is demonstrably wrong due to both fossils and radioactive dating as well as the geological column, the earth is 4.5 billion years old, the first traces of life occur around 3.8 billion years ago the first complex animals occur around 550 to 600 million years ago and in the intervening time you will not find any fossils out of place, no bunny rabbits in the Cambrian, no humans in the Cretaceous and no dinosaurs in the Silurian.
I suggest you stop looking only at things your preconceptions agree with and start looking at the real science because if you are being taught those things you are being robbed of your education, you are being lied to and those lies will cripple your ability to be a productive adult.
I think you should invite your teacher here if no one else will (and i doubt that) I will be glad to go into great detail why you OP is worse than wrong and that in fact it is dishonest to assert such things as true..