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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. You appear to misunderstand me, if for instance someone was to raise my grandfather back from the dead all his memories intact exactly as he was that would be impressive, maybe not absolute proof but i think it would do it for me..
  2. In biblical times a baby was not considered alive until it was infused with the spirit, at that time spirit meant breath, so until the baby drew breath it was not considered alive.
  3. I am a poet and I do know it but you cannot assert something as true with out being able to show it and be honest. Proof of God? Raising someone who has been dead for a few decades would be reasonably convincing...
  4. If you can't show it, you don't know it...
  5. Well just maybe you met atheists and didn't know it, what clinched it for me was looking into the bible closer than what was taught in sunday school. Once you read all of it it becomes difficult to be honest and a believer at the same time...
  6. They are pretty but they don't live in freshwater...
  7. I think minaras owes me an answer, where do you draw the line under your definition of organic? Is grain alcohol organic? Are proteins organic, what about RNA?
  8. Has anyone seen this reboot of TOS Star Trek? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLjApD7qFmc
  9. These things may be true but are they legitimate reasons for harming other human beings?
  10. Star Wars vs the Hobbit rap battle...
  11. A video taken this summer at our NC convention of fiery black shiners mating combat! NANFA
  12. I am looking forward to this film as well. I remember, the first time I saw that jump to light speed, sitting near the front row, just blew me away. Star wars is a great mixture of sword and sorcery and science fiction, in my estimation that is two of the hardest things to mix and not come across as just silly but Star Wars has always managed a decent story and once you suspend your disbelief it is as mind boggling as Alice in Wonder Land and as exciting as a great Western, I love it! I just wish Star Trek hadn't been killed by you know who...
  13. Because most marine animals cannot survive in water that is anything but salt water of a certain salinity and freshwater fishes cannot live in water that is saline. Not to mention all the trees and and other plants that would have been killed by being under miles of water for nearly a year. A world wide flood is impossible for other reasons as well but those few are more than enough to negate a world wide flood... The story of the flood was plagiarized from the Story of Gilgamesh which predated all the Abrahamic religions. There have been people living on all the continent except for Antarctica for as long as 50,000 years, maybe longer. It's really quite a bit worse than that, echinoderms are but one type of animal that could not have survived a world wide flood due to the dilution of the sea, literally millions of species of animals could not have survived a world wide flood, insects one of the most important groups of animals could not have survived a world wide flood. But again I'll add that the story of the flood is nothing but a story plagiarized from earlier polytheistic religions as is most of the bible. There is no evidence any of this is true yahya515 no evidence for any of it whatsoever...
  14. A world wide flood is evidently false, the mere existence of animals like echinoderms and cephalopods not to mention other obligate freshwater and marine animals and trees and plants show unequivocally that no world wide flood occurred.
  15. Who did Cain and Abel marry to have children with,,,
  16. I argue with a sledge hammer? Freudian slip? A youtube blogger and friend of mine gave me permission to use his post, I thought it better than I could do or at least exactly what i would say.
  17. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-mNAMMipZNNQ/VGoSwYr38nI/AAAAAAABLxU/HPzVkmwt33w/s591-no/evolution-fractal-gif-1675637.gif
  18. You have nothing but second hand accounts written centuries after the fact, no manuscripts supporting your view exist from that time period, all you have is what someone claims to believe someone else said...
  19. New aquarium set up, all the pieces are there now to arranging them, the black rock to the left is a piece of coal i found on the beach, part of a civil war blockade runner cargo that never made it to port...
  20. So you have nothing but stories written centuries after the fact... really sad...
  21. Name a few of those non christian contemporary historians, just a few if jesus was real there should be at least one. BTW no one is trying to prove he did not exist, that is proving a negative, I want evidence he did exist and evidently you cannot provide it.
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