Thanks for the link, it did make the OP a little more transparent. If I understand correctly (and I might very well not) the OP is arguing for hedonism being the only way or the best way to live life and pleasure is the meaning of life.
Assuming this to be true then you miss out on not only the purpose of life but you miss out on a great deal of pleasure that can only come out of adversity. If all you ever experience is pleasure then you have nothing to compare it to so how do you judge what pleasure is?
I get a great deal of pleasure out of fish collecting in the swamp, among other places, but the point is that the day spent collecting is not pleasurable, it's hot, wet, muddy, biting flies and mosquitoes nearly carry you off, the dangers you encounter are real from poisonous snakes to alligators to the physical discomfort of trying to swim or craw though mud deeper than you are tall. But the rewards of a successful day are worth all the adversity, for the knowledge gained and sometimes I get to see fish I never knew existed and bring them home for my aquarium. Sitting back in my chair and watching my fish is altogether far more pleasurable due to the adversity that is endured to get them, far more than I would get by simply going to a pet store and buying fish. I honestly do not think you understand what pleasure really is..