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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. To be honest i doubt they would do much with bread, I feed them quite well on live food. After they figured out bread was edible they might eat it...
  2. This is my new 75 gallon set up, old tank new rocks and bogwood. It contains pink lipped shiners, chubs, black banded sunfish and the yellow bullhead is seen exploring his new digs. I caught all the fish my self in my home state of NC.
  3. If they evolved there that is all you have to say, we evolved to live in low temperatures immersed in hydrogen monoxide and breathing toxic oxygen...
  4. Thanks for the link, it did make the OP a little more transparent. If I understand correctly (and I might very well not) the OP is arguing for hedonism being the only way or the best way to live life and pleasure is the meaning of life. Assuming this to be true then you miss out on not only the purpose of life but you miss out on a great deal of pleasure that can only come out of adversity. If all you ever experience is pleasure then you have nothing to compare it to so how do you judge what pleasure is? I get a great deal of pleasure out of fish collecting in the swamp, among other places, but the point is that the day spent collecting is not pleasurable, it's hot, wet, muddy, biting flies and mosquitoes nearly carry you off, the dangers you encounter are real from poisonous snakes to alligators to the physical discomfort of trying to swim or craw though mud deeper than you are tall. But the rewards of a successful day are worth all the adversity, for the knowledge gained and sometimes I get to see fish I never knew existed and bring them home for my aquarium. Sitting back in my chair and watching my fish is altogether far more pleasurable due to the adversity that is endured to get them, far more than I would get by simply going to a pet store and buying fish. I honestly do not think you understand what pleasure really is..
  5. When you have no way of knowing if a prophet is telling the truth or if a religion is just made up how can you take it seriously? Just because it claims to have a solution for death is no reason to take it seriously. Being gullible is not a pathway to anything but being controlled at best and taken advantage of and used at least. I am an atheist, I do not fear death or pine for some way to avoid death, I know death is a natural part of life, I'd like to avoid it as long as possible but I do not worry about what happens after, I see no reason to worry about what happens after any more than i worry about what happened before i was alive. If you live your life desperately trying to avoid death you miss out on life.
  6. High tech!
  7. 2 to 3 inches of hail here this morning... talk about climate change!

    1. For Prose

      For Prose

      I won't believe it til there is 3-4 feet ;)

    2. MonDie


      or til it's statistically significant. ;)

    3. MonDie


      While I do accept that climate change is happening, I do not accepting that man is "making" this change. Climate change is part of a natural cycle, and man is merely *accelerating* it to a remarkable degree.

  8. Why must there be a solution for death?
  9. Nobody dies for lies? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones 909 people died...
  10. Was this supposed to be humor? It wasn't...
  11. Moontanman


    My computer cannot open a mp4, any work arounds? I want to down load video from my camera, it let me do it once but now it demands i down load an mp4 player on my computer, what now? I keep getting promts to down load software but it just downloads more goofy stuff i don't want or need..
  12. Good luck taking a lie detector back 2000 years..
  13. So if Joe Blow and ten of his friends said i had a flying dog you would consider that evidence I have a flying dog?
  14. Are you seriously suggesting hearsay as evidence of something?
  15. That is really odd, I have never read the four pairs of arms idea before.
  16. This shows someone actually riding one... http://www.gamengadgets.com/real-life-magnetic-field-hoverboard/
  17. There are social spiders: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_spider They do do cooperative efforts..
  18. You could fly on titan under your own muscle power much like that old guys who tried to use artificial wings on earth except it would work on titan. You might be able to swim in the critical fluid CO2 at the surface of Venus, it's supposed to be dense enough to be comparable to liquid water..
  19. An octopus has a brain in each arm and one in it's body..
  20. This is no doubt off topic, yes I have traveled around like that, it's an illusion created by your mind..
  21. I explained to them the hallucinations were not real and if you just wait it out you will wake up, you just have to be calm and keep trying to get up, for all of us this results in the hallucination of getting up and walking to the door and looking back and seeing your self lying in bed, the instant you look back and see yourself you are back in the bed, sometimes it takes as many as a dozen tries before you over come it..
  22. Hypography was the last, I honestly do not remember the name of the one before that, poor to non existent moderation has all but taken Hypography down, Hypography was a great forum and I did well there until the moderators lost interest. The first one was my fault for simply not being able to ask the right questions. There are others but I didn't do much with them. There is another good one I am currently a member of but I don't spend as much time there as I should but it is growing and the moderation is pretty good.
  23. I appreciate the sentiment, both my sons have sleep paralysis but because I knew what it was I was able to teach them how to deal with it. they are now both very successful, one is actually an academic, I guess that is the correct word, he speaks four languages fluently and works for UNC. My other son manages men's stores in three states and is working on a graduate degree at UNC. I am very proud of them.. But your stance in the discussion is still nothing but pure horse feathers...
  24. I have an intense desire to learn but I am not suited for normal academics, this is my third science forum, I came here to learn how to learn...
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