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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I keep thinking of WWZ...
  2. Proselytizing is trying to sell others on your belief, not buying it and telling you why is not Proselytizing... I didn't accuse you of Proselytizing I said we were getting close to that level and we should stop, well you were any way... just trying to be helpful...
  3. Seriously ... EEWWW! This on the border of proselytizing, probably not a good idea to continue quoting scripture if for no other reason scripture is meaningless as evidence as is personal experience. I don't believe the stories about Jesus for the same reasons i don't believe in bigfoot, alien abduction, or the lockness monster... Remember and this is important, that which can be asserted with no evidence can be dismissed with no evidence. I truly would not be surprised if there was an apocalyptic preacher at the time from what i understand there were many and one could have been named Jesus but as Eise has said at least a couple of times. The evidence for the supernatural part is non existent, to me that is the only meaning full part of the story...
  4. You really can't compare the bubonic http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000596.htm with ebola, one is a bacterium the other is a virus but neither is 100% fatal.
  5. If Jesus did that i would be impressed to say the least...
  6. I have never seen a vision that indicates Jesus was real much less a twin... If you can't show it then you don't know it, really really believing something is not knowledge...
  7. Yet you provide no evidence, my invisible dragon has just as much evidence. If frogs had wing they wouldn't bust their little slimy butts when they jump. I also have a flying dog but he only flies when i am looking and no one else has seen him fly... Do you understand what i am saying? Why would you believe something so outrageous as a god, lets cut to the chase that is what this conversation is about, why would you believe such a thing with no evidence? I can give better evidence for aliens visiting the earth than you can for a god, son of god or any other supernatural thing...
  8. At this stage I think you are lying, care to refute that assertion? Your word is not good enough, I need proof...
  9. If the Earth stopped moving everyone on the trailing edge of the earth would fly off into space, everyone on the leading edge would make some respectable craters filled with something resembling chunky salsa...
  10. Yeah and I mow Jesus' lawn every two weeks... edited for PC...
  11. More like this:
  12. 2000 years ago... Iguanas are not dragons, my dragon is a hexapod, he breathes fire that makes me feel all warm inside...
  13. Precisely what i was trying to demonstrate... ​My dragon is invisible and only I can sense him....
  14. You didn't answer my question and Mormons are Christians only if you believe there are billions of other gods and Jesus and Satan are brothers..
  15. Yes, I have one as a pet...
  16. Do you have any first hand evidence of Jesus?
  17. Jesus has two mentions outside the bible, neither of which is contemporary with Jesus. The bible is the claim not evidence of the claim. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon Jesus is assumed to be real be many texts only two of which were written within decades of his supposed life. Dragons are written about a plethora of times, many first hand accounts, but no one thinks dragons were real. To say the evidence for Jesus is thin giving him far too much credence,,,
  18. No other historical figure would assumed real on such sparse evidence as religious figures, Jesus is among the lest documented religious figure of all. No significant mention of Jesus any place but the bible and what little of that there is was decades or centuries after the fact. I keep reading of hints and no solid information and religious scholars who have a vested interest in Jesus being real. No other historical figure would be assumed to exist on such scant evidence. There are more sources for dragons than Jesus...
  19. The evidence that Jesus existed is far less than the evidence for alien abduction and being 2000 years old makes it even less believable. I am well aware that Christian theologians think Christ existed, but they, like Erhman, start out to prove an agenda and many scholars without an agenda come to the conclusion Jesus never existed. I can point you to such scholars and the idea that not many people of that age were recorded is nonsense. People of importance were well documented and anyone who performed miracles would have been known and documented at the time. Jesus didn't begin to exist in literature before 200 ace. My belief is as important as yours, in other words believe does not equal knowledge. Many people truly believe they have been abducted by aliens, you can talk to them personally, they are not separated from us by thousands of years yet no credence is given to their accounts. No significant mention of Jesus comes until decades after his supposed existence and then only from a handful of men. If you want to establish that Jesus was real don't you think the evidence should at least equal that of those who claim to be abducted by aliens? Near the beginning of this thread evidence contrary to Jesus being real was given, why do you dismiss this evidence but think your evidence is real?
  20. No, this is not an attempt to inject aliens into the conversation. I am attempting to show how thin the evidence for a historical Jesus really is. I can talk to someone who was abducted by aliens, millions of people can attest to alien abduction, there are no first hand accounts of Jesus, all accounts of Jesus are second hand at best and all significant second hand accounts are many hundreds of years old at least, in fact virtually all of the evidence for the existence of Jesus is seen no place but the bible. While other lesser people of that time and well before are well documented in multiple sources none of the evidence for a historical Jesus is documented any place but the bible and what there is would not hold up in court or even in a casual conversation...
  21. If no more evidence existed for the reality of alien abduction as exists for the reality of Jesus would you believe aliens were abducting people?
  22. Is there any chance you could cite some of this gigantic body of texts?
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_1st-century_lunar_eclipses [/size] Wouldn't that have had to have been a solar eclipse instead of a lunar eclipse?
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