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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. http://www.tickld.com/x/the-bravest-zoo-employee-ever-this-is-priceless
  2. I wonder why no other source, even internally, mentions the dead walking the streets. Matt 27:50-54, even the other gospels failed to mention this..
  3. The laws of physics that govern chemistry are quite well known. Interstellar space is full of organic molecules, I suggest you define what you mean by organic compounds to make sure you are using the correct definition.
  4. I see no reason why it could not be done, I doubt you could create a 100% independent ecosystem in space but you could come very close. Gravity is the most difficult part but a spinning cylinder or torus should work.
  5. The size of a galaxy? You'll have to be a bit more specific. A planet bigger than the earth would almost certainly have stronger gravity. If you had a planet that was twice earths diameter but with the same density the gravity would be 4X earth normal. In other words if you weigh 100 lbs on the earth you would weigh 400 lbs on that planet... A body as large as our galaxy would be so massive it would almost certainly collapse into a black hole..
  6. A majority of real historians think Jesus was a myth... Or all the magical stories are made up. There are hints that Mars is inhabited according to some people, hints do not evidence make.. You keep violating the rules of the forum by making assertions that you do not back up with any evidence. Remember, that which can be asserted with no evidence can be dismissed with no evidence...
  7. Thanks guys for trying to help me, it turned out my media streaming box was bad, thank you to everyone for your suggestions, I know it's frustrating trying to talk to someone who doesn't understand so again thank you for taking the time..
  8. I have no other device that operates on wireless.. Ok I have that screen up, what do I look for?
  9. My wireless is security enabled but my computer has a physical connection so it doesn't use wifi
  10. RCA DSB776W is my net flix box number NGV510 is my routers model # I called a tech from my ISP, he seemed to think I had a problem with the net flicks box. He logged into my router, so he said. I'm not sure what you mean by this. The routers lights are all not on, in fact the wireless light comes and goes.
  11. How can i tell if my router is broadcasting wireless? In the last few days my Netflix box has failed to get a signal of and on but mostly off. My computer has a physical connection so I can't tell from that. All the proper lights are on the router. I am puzzled, speed tests from ISP says I have a higher speed than I am paying for, imagine that but my wireless doesn't appear to be working. Any way to test for a wireless signal?
  12. There is no way you can calculate what the probability of the universe is from one data point. As John said, the probability of the universe being the way it is = 1
  13. Well since we don't have to show any sources I'll just claim he never existed and was completely made up. There are no historical first hand accounts of such a person what so ever..
  14. Nicklaus Cage in left behind... https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-RFC2J-A_slY/VDDqDR-9a7I/AAAAAAAADl8/ryoceucMfQ4/w506-h421/14%2B-%2B1
  15. This post is one long appeal to ignorance fallacy, just because something makes no sense to you or or you can't image how it was done is irrelevant. I suggest a good search engine, google seems to work rather well.
  16. No this is a science forum, you made a positive assertion you have to back it up, you can't just assert what ever you want as though it's common knowledge. I would suggest you read the rules a bit closer.. Again with a positive assertion, citation please, if you claim most scientists say something that is nothing but appeal to popularity and an appeal to authority..
  17. At it's most basic, life is chemistry and chemistry occurs due physics...There is no mind involved..
  18. Irony... https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-jSo1FQ5Lm2w/VC6tfcLN6NI/AAAAAAAABWI/3znufAdksmU/w506-h418/2014%2B-%2B1
  19. Citation please No, in fact many think the Josephus is a 4th century add on. http://www.truthbeknown.com/josephus.htm Evidently not much... http://www.truthbeknown.com/josephus.htm "In the edition of Origen published by the Benedictines it is said that there was no mention of Jesus at all in Josephus before the time of Eusebius [c. 300 ce]. Moreover, in the sixteenth century Vossius had a manuscript of the text of Josephus in which there was not a word about Jesus. It seems, therefore, that the passage must have been an interpolation, whether it was subsequently modified or not." (Drews, 9; emph. added)
  20. If these links are indeed true then why does no record of Jesus exist except for the writings about him by his fan club many decades after he supposedly existed... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_myth_theory
  21. I would have said seagull... yeah sea gull...
  22. No No No after life The world we call Earth will be destroyed when the sun expands into a red giant, that will be billions of years from now. It will not come back. No judgement day...
  23. You do understand that these chemical reactions are not random at all... right?
  24. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9TGu4P2U6wc/VCtKG9QgkrI/AAAAAAAASn0/ZHRAlNquvxI/w506-h897/14%2B-%2B1
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