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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. There is no way you can calculate what the probability of the universe is from one data point. As John said, the probability of the universe being the way it is = 1
  2. Well since we don't have to show any sources I'll just claim he never existed and was completely made up. There are no historical first hand accounts of such a person what so ever..
  3. Nicklaus Cage in left behind... https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-RFC2J-A_slY/VDDqDR-9a7I/AAAAAAAADl8/ryoceucMfQ4/w506-h421/14%2B-%2B1
  4. This post is one long appeal to ignorance fallacy, just because something makes no sense to you or or you can't image how it was done is irrelevant. I suggest a good search engine, google seems to work rather well.
  5. No this is a science forum, you made a positive assertion you have to back it up, you can't just assert what ever you want as though it's common knowledge. I would suggest you read the rules a bit closer.. Again with a positive assertion, citation please, if you claim most scientists say something that is nothing but appeal to popularity and an appeal to authority..
  6. At it's most basic, life is chemistry and chemistry occurs due physics...There is no mind involved..
  7. Irony... https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-jSo1FQ5Lm2w/VC6tfcLN6NI/AAAAAAAABWI/3znufAdksmU/w506-h418/2014%2B-%2B1
  8. Citation please No, in fact many think the Josephus is a 4th century add on. http://www.truthbeknown.com/josephus.htm Evidently not much... http://www.truthbeknown.com/josephus.htm "In the edition of Origen published by the Benedictines it is said that there was no mention of Jesus at all in Josephus before the time of Eusebius [c. 300 ce]. Moreover, in the sixteenth century Vossius had a manuscript of the text of Josephus in which there was not a word about Jesus. It seems, therefore, that the passage must have been an interpolation, whether it was subsequently modified or not." (Drews, 9; emph. added)
  9. If these links are indeed true then why does no record of Jesus exist except for the writings about him by his fan club many decades after he supposedly existed... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_myth_theory
  10. I would have said seagull... yeah sea gull...
  11. No No No after life The world we call Earth will be destroyed when the sun expands into a red giant, that will be billions of years from now. It will not come back. No judgement day...
  12. You do understand that these chemical reactions are not random at all... right?
  13. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9TGu4P2U6wc/VCtKG9QgkrI/AAAAAAAASn0/ZHRAlNquvxI/w506-h897/14%2B-%2B1
  14. If frogs had wings they wouldn't bust their little slimy butt every time they jump....
  15. In a way yes, I am asserting that, when you want to, for instance, breed dogs, you apply artificial selection intentionally to slowly change or maintain the breed over time. Elephants with smaller tuscs live longer than those with big tuscs do to human intervention, not to change the tusc size but it does have that effect. Once you cut a gene pool back inbreeding is more likely and genes for odd colors are more likely to be expressed. Then there is the problem of recreational fishes getting smaller and smaller, breeding earlier, the idea of keeping the big ones and letting the little ones go has had a real effect, in some places the laws are changing so the big fish will have to thrown back...
  16. I actually did have a talk with a retired field biologist that worked for fish and game and he did agree that the populations have been increased from very low genetic diversity and that inbreeding could be at the heart of the deer thing. At least some of the deer are really leucistic and have blue eyes with normal eyesight but snow white fur or scales in the case of reptiles. . A large number of albino alligators have hatched out of eggs collected from the wild. I have never seen an adult albino sea turtle. There are Black Bears with white fur, a small population in the Canadian West. There are also animals with melanism something else rather rare in most populations... I caught a melanistic RedFin Pickerel several years ago, I know of populations of new fish species that are IMHO differentiated from the general population due to isolated conditions and limited food supply, probably merge back with the area populations if the isolation was broken. I'm not going to give up just yet. I know I've read this stuff someplace... The reason I made clear that these animals are breeding in the wild is because we are breeding a great many unusual animals in captivity now days and some of the mutations that have been fixed are impressive... but not related to the wild populations.
  17. I have a very "visceral knowledge" that Aliens did it, I'm not saying aliens did it but it sure feels that way when I have a stomach bug...
  18. I think you might be right, to be honest I thought I would find a citation for this quite easily but I didn't, lots of stuff about hunting these deer but a distinct lack of any consideration as to why or even if the number of normal colors to odd ones..
  19. That has been put forward as an explanation of or for UFOs.
  20. No in relatively recent history more and more odd colored animals are starting to appear in the wild. From Deer to Turtles unusual color sports are starting to become more common, you can see it very easily in populations of deer, that is the fist wild adult albino sea turtle i've ever seen but it made me think of some other odd balls that have been showing up, whales, dolphins, alligators. Most of these are animals who populations were decimated in the recent past and are now regaining numbers. I think it represents the results of the genetic bottleneck of low numbers.
  21. Hmmm, didn't the first two world wars start out as various factions began to change sides and take sides?
  22. White, would be a doubtful way to conceal yourself in a non white environment, it might work in the Arctic but albinism is widely considered a problem for any animal in the wild...
  23. I honestly see no way that two or more superpowers would go up against each other, Russia, China they know which way the wind is blowing a hundred years and they might have total global domination but by then they will be so watered down we wouldn't notice. The mid size players realise how worthless nukes really are but if you poke the bull hard enough you might be on the receiving end of a few MIRVs so accurate they hardly need warheads to kill a few people if you really know where they are. I don't think we are anywhere near as hair triggered as people say, use of a nuke by one of the little guys would get reprisal and I would bet it would be a thermonuclear warhead or two... but no way anyone who is really not involved would want to step up and kick a giant, them bombs ain't so small now days... but they are accurate...
  24. I'm thinking genetic bottleneck from there being so few in the world it's causing inbreeding on a huge scale, it's happening in sea mammals, sea turtles, deer, I can't think of another reason to for many albino and leucistic animals in the wild..
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