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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I have to address this, religion, Christian and Muslim still practice stoning people to death, just because it occurs in some far off land where you seldom hear of it doesn't make it non existent. http://www.religionnews.com/2014/05/28/pregnant-pakistani-woman-stoned-death-family/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoning Christianity has been gelded by most modern societies but burning alive is more common than stoning. http://thetaleofbittertruth.wordpress.com/2013/09/08/suspected-witches-burned-alive-by-christians-in-kenya/
  2. The Urantia book is quite a good story but then I read it from the stand point of science fiction..
  3. No, in fact if taken literally Jesus was the son of the holy ghost, the decent of women wasn't important so we don't know much about Mary's blood line... Is that the only mistake you are concerned with? There are quite a few huge "mistakes" in the bible not the least of which is assuming is was all written as a book....
  4. http://www.tickld.com/x/why-you-should-never-mess-with-an-engineer-this-is-priceless http://assets.amuniversal.com/0bc889f000bf01328df1005056a9545d
  5. I doubt that crater was caused by a meteorite, it's rather small is the main reason, a rock falling from space small enough to make that crater would slow down too much to cause a crater from interacting with the air and should be visible in the crater. It looks more like an underground explosion. Is there a minimum size for a crater on the earth due to atmospheric drag? If you drop a person from 500 feet and one from 5000 feet they both hit the ground at the same speed.
  6. I was just poking the bear a little bit, I guess I should have used an emoticon..sorry John...
  7. My dog found an opossum last night, it was a small one and the dog just pushed it around with his nose while barking like he was going to go crazy. I pulled the dog off the opossum and the opossum's look was classic, he was dazed and didn't know what had happened, he looked like a drunk who just woke up in the middle of the road.It was so funny..

  8. So you don't see how it could work so it can't work?
  9. I was using humans as an example, you were using chimps nonetheless you are incorrect..
  10. Why do you assume that homosexuality precludes having sex with someone of the opposite gender? I know many homosexuals, both male and female and all of them have had sex with someone of the opposite gender at some point. Being homosexual means that your preferred sexual partner is some one of the same sex it does not mean you cannot have sex with any but those of the same gender. Sexual preference is not a white or black on or off proposition. Sexuality is a spectrum of sexual preferences...
  11. This new laser weapon works in fog, rain and other laser unfriendly conditions... http://www.gizmag.com/boeing-laser-directed-energy-weapon-fog/33672/
  12. Congratulations dude! I hope momma and baby are doing well. I miss having my boys, raising children is the most satisfying thing I have ever done, I am sure it will be for you as well!
  13. This can show how a major asteroid strike affects the Earth. http://www.abroadintheyard.com/interactive-map-effects-asteroid-comet/
  14. Bears are omnivores much like humans and eat both plant and animal food.
  15. Here ya go... http://www.insidescience.org/content/bonobo-stone-tools-competent-ancient-human/768 Chimps fashion their own tools, they do not simply pick up a stick...
  16. I would like to point out that many other animals use natural fire as a way to obtain prey, I see no reason why early humans wouldn't have done the same until some great genius thought of taming the fire...
  17. Well I guess you are entitled to your opinion...
  18. No, you seem to think everyone knows what you are talking about, I know of no word that matches your assertion...
  19. Have you ever tried to start a fire by hitting two rocks together? It's very difficult, to say it would happen by accident begs the imagination...
  20. You are going to have to give me a clue on that one...
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contraindication http://books.google.com/books?id=NA41OnSGFWEC&pg=PA131&lpg=PA131&dq=contratriptans&source=bl&ots=9xb3JKxrse&sig=XztaKP35TXiVlA1_blIO0rF2FNo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=AisKVOL6LoazyASp44GoDg&ved=0CCAQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=contratriptans&f=false
  22. What kind of medication? Are you sure it didn't say contraindications?
  23. Google has no information about contratriptans, in fact google couldn't even suggest an alternate spelling, can you be more precise?
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