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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. This ia what you said: I said nothing even close to that I suggest you reread the thread... This is what I said:
  2. In what universe was anything in that video strange?
  3. You would have to show me a god first. Where did I say that no religion would mean everyone would suddenly live in harmony?
  4. Do you really think the only evidence for UFOs is grainy photos of lights in the sky? Come on, read the links I gave for blowing that idea out of the water. I don't want to argue UFOs here, there are other threads for that but to suggest that there is no evidence for UFOs is quite easily shown not to be true. I can't prove alien space craft but I can give some really good evidence of something very odd going on in many instances... and even one is a real alien space craft then it's importance is out of this world... If you are interested go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Sign http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimate_of_the_Situation
  5. So all you are going to do is quote from a book of fairy tales that insists on horrifically immoral acts as moral?
  6. Many are of the later, astronauts and air force pilots come to mind....
  7. This one might not be the smoking gun but it does raise questions that cannot be answered reasonably http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C._UFO_incident http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/18/ufo-nearcollision-with-army-helicopter-40-years-ago_n_4119987.html So many government people have come out with reports of sightings to say they don't exist is simply wrong, doesn't make them true of course but if it's a secrete it's not being well kept.
  8. You are closer to the place than me but why did they continue shooting when he was down?
  9. I was horrified, the guy was obviously not in his right mind to begin with but I saw no reason for him to be shot much less shot so many times... I couldn't see the knife but I carry a knife that would have been seen from that distance quite easily. My knife is a tool, I've never considered using it as a weapon, I've carried a pocket knife since I was 8 yo, he should have been tazed, It was not necessary to kill him. It makes me think we are heading toward a police state. It reminds me of this song, it keeps running in my head... If I had the money I'd leave the country, I think it's going to do nothing but get worse...
  10. Another shooting filmed this time...
  11. I stand with reality, I see no other option...
  12. I live in the deep south, this stuff is very disturbing, In the Early 70's there was a huge amount of rioting here, tanks in the street, shooting at fire fighters and of course shooting at rioters and by standers as well. Now days it would be difficult to imagine this happening here, there are still neighborhoods that are segregated both white and black but most of us live beside each other, have a beer on the porch together, look out for each other but the neighborhoods that are segregated, and it's doubtful the black neighborhoods are segregated by choice but mostly by economic disadvantages and the whites are segregated by economic advantages, are still hostile places to some extent. Two nights ago i was leaving the hospital late and took a short cut through one of the "wealthy" neighborhoods and at a stop sign i suddenly found myself lit up like the midday sun, in that neighborhood there are few street lights and fewer cars at that hour. a police helicopter followed me for two blocks until i left that area. Sometimes i think the world has gone crazy, I wish it had been a UFO, at least that wouldn't have made me feel like a roach running across a lighted room...
  13. Surprisingly when i was young I seldom uttered a curse word, until I was 19 or so shit was about as far i even heard much less dared say, even in HS cursing was enough to get you in deep shit. Then I went to work in the real world and suddenly i was confronted with all these new and wondrous words, I learned rapidly and I must say now that Ralphie's dad has nothing on me and shamefully both my sons learned well from me. Now even my wife comes out with a curse word from time to time. Words generally don't bother me but in some situations curse words are hilarious, one of my favorites was an over dub of Samuel L Jackson in Star Wars with one of his famous Pulp Fiction lies is memorable. But you can also just insinuate certain bodily functions and get laughs without ever really cursing as in The Matrix over dub "Do you think that's air you are breathing?"
  14. And you base this judgement on what exactly ?
  15. Context is important: You can prick your finger but you can't finger your prick...
  16. I've heard of ideas to direct comets toward Mars to this end...
  17. How about showing some evidence of gods before arguing over what their effects are?
  18. I was and am a big fan of Rocky and Bullwinkle, the humor was aimed at both adults and children... In fact I used to do a imitation voice of Boris Badinoff. My kids loved it...
  19. My wife is in the hospital again, I am worried.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fresh


      how is she now ? getting better?

    3. Moontanman


      She is home but better is a relative term, thank you all for your best wishes.

    4. TransformerRobot
  20. One of the mysteries of the deepest branch of life may be solved. Why Archaea and bacteria are different and how they got that way is being studied by University College London - UCL. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140812121731.htm?
  21. I know most here think I am a woo believer but in reality I am very skeptical and things that don't make sense disturb me greatly, I will continue to work on this and find out why I feel an effect...
  22. I am so convinced there can be no effect and puzzled as to why there appears to be one I don't trust myself for sure. The magnets are so oddly shaped I am not sure a dummy could be convincingly made. I will look into this further for sure... I was thinking of suspending the eggs in the air via a thread and seeing if I could produce a visible effect.
  23. Ok I tried it again, I can hold the hard boiled, cold egg and move the magnet very near and feel a slight affect, more of a repulsion than an attraction but it doesn't work on a flat surface. Could be my wishful thinking but the feel of the eggs and magnet in my hands does feel like tiny effect. I might try to suspend the egg on a string and see if it can be seen by a camera. I don't like things that don't make sense and i feel like my own bias my be at play but the feeling of the magnets/egg is difficult to dismiss... I had my wife try it, she had no idea what I was looking for and she said she felt a slight effect. I can't get the effect the display on a flat surface and it might have been the egg just rolling naturally that peaked my interest to begin with. It puzzles me greatly but I admit that confirmation bias might be at work but my wife had no expectations what to so ever and she felt it too.. Ok we tried a blind test, she held the egg with her eyes closed, she was sure she felt the motion 2 out of three times, I scored similarly. I'm going to try it on a neighbor and not tell her anything about the magnet or what i am trying to detect and see what happens.
  24. What i am saying is that we don't know...
  25. So you are trying to answer a mystery by proposing yet another mystery? Meaningless word salad, horse feathers, bull butter... Just because two words have a meaning separately doesn't mean they have meaning when you put them together. Put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig... you are trying to pick up the clean end of a turd not to mention straw manning the concept of the big bang...
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