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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Now that was funny...
  2. That 50 meter run to the outhouse could be a killer, lol I grew up that way as well, funny how you forget things like that. The "promise" of science fiction has been provided just not in the way we thought...
  3. You missed my point completely, amazing to throw a rock and even miss the ground much less the target. Just because we don't know what caused the universe does not mean it didn't have a cause and that cause is not by any necessity anything but a natural process we are simply unaware of. You would seem to be doing your best to not only make this as difficult as possible. Your very assertion that if i can't tell you what caused the big bang makes the big bang fiction is because all these resources could not have come from nothing is stunningly ignorant. If you cannot tell me where the "thing" that made the big bang came from then your assertion is fiction... sound familiar?
  4. Too late, he asked for all magical forces to be stopped, so i did...
  5. Just because something lies outside the range of knowledge does not a god make... Just as in the same sense a cause of the existence of the universe does not a god make either... In some ways we are similar to organisms that live off whale carcasses in the deep ocean. Such a carcass (from the stand point of the organisms that feed off it) appears from out of nowhere, the organisms involved feed off it for many years many generations of the creatures that live there. If they were sentient enough to ask questions but limited to the bottom of the deep ocean in their knowledge of the world they could very well assume a God caused that huge mass of food to appear, any thoughts to the contrary would seem absurd, "what could possibly cause a giant hunk of food to appear out of nowhere"? To many of them "a god did it" might well seem to be the most likely source of "everything" and they would believe despite no evidence to back them or in spite of no evidence to the contrary but really really believing something is not knowledge and the more limited your knowledge is the less likely your assumptions will be correct...
  6. OK, there done, now what?
  7. I am following this trying to see if i can use some of this in something I am building, a rotating algae scrubber powered by water outflow from an aquarium tank to the sump, it looks like i will have to add some flow from a separate pump to get this to work. My paddle wheel blades will have to be a small percentage of the total area of the paddle wheel due to needing area for algae to grow from what i see so far.. The paddle wheel with be approximately 12" in diameter, and 36 inches across and water flow is about 200 gallons an hour... The paddle wheel will be only slightly submerged to cut down on friction with the sump water, carry on, i am still following...
  8. It is about control, I hate to go all matrix on you but religion is nothing but control, evidence of it is so plain it's painful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqfMTzn_IW0 Come on, how could this even be possible with out some sort of control fetish? It is an extreme example but there many other cases of not so extreme control and some even worse... In fact in my home town is an example, I can't give a citation because it happened 35 years ago but the control/abuse was allowed by the parishioners and the pastor was defended against prosecution, he was a co-worker of mine and so was one of his many victims...
  9. I think you nailed that one...
  10. And you fail to understand what i am saying, I didn't read it all but i read much of it and skimmed the rest. You or they can label people all they want and so can others but my position on issues of being a human being are too diverse and complex to be labeled by a simple dichotomy... I suspect most peoples are but i can't say what is in anyone else's head...
  11. I wonder how close we are at my latitude to a year with out a winter...
  12. Mild? I hate labels, labels cannot possibly define something as complex as human behavior. The only label I will willingly accept is Human. My views on subjects as complex as human social behavior and structure are mine and unique to me, any other label is by definition inaccurate...
  13. No you are wrong, we can indeed see under ground with sound waves much the same way a baby can be imaged inside it's mothers womb...
  14. I would think that more smaller meteorites hit Mars than Earth...
  15. Tests that have been repeated by NASA shows that an engine that produces thrust with no propellant. How it works is not yet known but it has been demonstrated to work. http://sploid.gizmodo.com/nasa-reveals-new-impossible-engine-can-change-space-t-1614549987/ Has anyone else read of this? I have no idea how this could work, it seems too good to be true but it has been repeatedly tested...
  16. I think anyone who could milk a hornet is bad to the bone...
  17. I've had a few hornets chase me close to a marathon distance but I never heard of drinking them, their venom or just squash em up?
  18. My point would be that brain size not an indicator of intelligence and our measure of intelligence is biased to a comparison of us. I think that's unreasonable..
  19. How would you know they are not more intelligent than humans?
  20. I don't think it matters one way or another, airplanes are struck both in the air and on the ground...
  21. Europa could be a test case for this.
  22. I am trying to get an internet troll that has been giving me grief here for a fair and impartial conversation, Highly unlikely he'll show up but you never know...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LaurieAG
    3. Moontanman


      He ran away, I figured he would...

    4. too-open-minded


      Moontanman, were you talking about me lol?

  23. How would you identify an alien if you met one?
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