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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. And you fail to understand what i am saying, I didn't read it all but i read much of it and skimmed the rest. You or they can label people all they want and so can others but my position on issues of being a human being are too diverse and complex to be labeled by a simple dichotomy... I suspect most peoples are but i can't say what is in anyone else's head...
  2. I wonder how close we are at my latitude to a year with out a winter...
  3. Mild? I hate labels, labels cannot possibly define something as complex as human behavior. The only label I will willingly accept is Human. My views on subjects as complex as human social behavior and structure are mine and unique to me, any other label is by definition inaccurate...
  4. No you are wrong, we can indeed see under ground with sound waves much the same way a baby can be imaged inside it's mothers womb...
  5. I would think that more smaller meteorites hit Mars than Earth...
  6. Tests that have been repeated by NASA shows that an engine that produces thrust with no propellant. How it works is not yet known but it has been demonstrated to work. http://sploid.gizmodo.com/nasa-reveals-new-impossible-engine-can-change-space-t-1614549987/ Has anyone else read of this? I have no idea how this could work, it seems too good to be true but it has been repeatedly tested...
  7. I think anyone who could milk a hornet is bad to the bone...
  8. I've had a few hornets chase me close to a marathon distance but I never heard of drinking them, their venom or just squash em up?
  9. My point would be that brain size not an indicator of intelligence and our measure of intelligence is biased to a comparison of us. I think that's unreasonable..
  10. How would you know they are not more intelligent than humans?
  11. I don't think it matters one way or another, airplanes are struck both in the air and on the ground...
  12. Europa could be a test case for this.
  13. I am trying to get an internet troll that has been giving me grief here for a fair and impartial conversation, Highly unlikely he'll show up but you never know...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LaurieAG
    3. Moontanman


      He ran away, I figured he would...

    4. too-open-minded


      Moontanman, were you talking about me lol?

  14. How would you identify an alien if you met one?
  15. They do that quite a bit here as well...
  16. Would you consider it possible that non intelligent organisms like social insects could attain technology? The idea that our radio and or TV broad casts are detectable at a distance related to how long we have been broad casting is unlikely. Interstellar gas and dust would absorb our signal leakage well before it reached the nearest star... Some how I doubt it...
  17. That version of Happy was filmed where I live, all the people are locals...
  18. SwansonT got me again!
  19. I know you are trying to insult me by ignoring me but I will take your questions on. Why god exists is begging the question, why the singularity existed is not. Of course i am taking the Abrahamic version of god which has a non answer to why god exists, if you just want to talk generic god it is still begging the question from several directions. The singularity is not the end of questioning, there are many hypothesis that deal with where and why of what we call the singularity many paths that are being investigated but god always existed is not an answer it is a question. So tell me why which god you ascribe to and i can take it apart or not as the case may be but the mystery of god is a question, the mysteries of the natural are always open to investigation, Brobdingnagian or infinitesimal the mysteries of the natural world are open to question always, there is no "well we're here time to stop looking" in science but that is all religion really is... This might might make things a bit clearer Fred Champion... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O941fIJsS8c
  20. Theology VS Technology ROFLMAO
  21. Is this an effect that can be explained? The bottom of the slinky always hovers until the top reaches it... https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-caaugfzCvlg/U8602uHWxVI/AAAAAAAAFuM/pgAkBL9NzWM/w280-h314-no/dada.jpg
  22. It only makes us more moral if we have the morals to cherry pick the parts we already know are moral.... Can you point out where we said anything not suitable for teenagers? Just remember god watches you all the time
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