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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. It only makes us more moral if we have the morals to cherry pick the parts we already know are moral.... Can you point out where we said anything not suitable for teenagers? Just remember god watches you all the time
  2. My basic question is why we should consider any religious laws at all, they consist of misogyny, genocide, infanticide, rape, child rape, murder, the list goes on and on in fact there are 613 of them. You have yet to give any reason we should follow them which set we should follow and why you exclude billions of people who evidently can do anything they want. Why I ask are you so obsessed with the sexual morals of others? Sex education and safe sex addresses your issues very nicely. Your.. I hesitate to say your "understanding" of human sexuality is poor to none. I would suggest you stop worrying about others sexuliaty or sexual behavior and take a long hard look at your own antiquated attitudes... In our society, and that is all either of us can discuss with any real knowledge, there are problems, most of them caused by the very "books" you want to follow. The problems you seem to have are way above my pay grade... Science and religion will never be reconciled because they deal with two completely different realms, fantasy and reality...
  3. So now you want to argue who has feathers and how many feathers they have? Glad you did... Sad you didn't look up sexuality... It all depends on where you get your laws from, you keep mentioning this "book" care to tell me which one is correct and why? This is in direct contradiction of what you said... You said: That quote thing is a bitch isn't it? Since there are billions of people not covered by the Abrahamic religion I suggest you check for your own feathers..
  4. Possibly, I'll give you that but to me it is just as bad, the bible is the word of Emperor Constantine doesn't make it any better... I suggest you read your bible, those laws only applied to Jews who were enslaved by other Jews... Considering much of the bible is indeed bad for you and the people around you... Horse feathers, I've been married for 40 years, I would never go on to other women. There is no such thing as 100% safe breathing either No,in the real world a man takes care of his family. Why do you have this dystopian view of sexuality? You go from what the bible says to what the law says, if the law said men could marry little girls you would be ok with that? If they pay taxes do you not think they deserve the benefits of those tax dollars? So you are ok with men marrying little girls and owning females as slaves? If as you say the laws are based on the bible then yes... So god is irrelevant and how ever you want to live your life be it a serial killer or having a harem of little boys is ok? So you ignore the 4 or 5 billion people who do not follow the Bible, the Koran, or the Torah?
  5. You are mistaken, the books that would be included in the New testament were approved by popular vote of church officials. I doubt whether any of them were under threat of death to do what Constantine wanted.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea Any chance you could tell us which parts are attributable to god? So slavery is ok? So what ever you feel is good to you is what you should follow? Ok, so this applies to men as well as women? Fred This makes no sense to me, could be more specific? You don't think birth control is a game changer? Safe sex prohibits both pregnancy and STD's So a woman has far more responsibilities when it comes to sex? This is just sexist twaddle... So group marriage is ok? One woman several men or one man and several women? How about Male male marriage or woman woman marriage? Let's be clear on what you call marriage and why...
  6. All I can think of is Noah the only guy who had a boat...
  7. If you are just going to brush aside the bits you don't like, don't agree with, or think aren't true or possible with why bother with it at all? I'll bet my morals and your's as well are better than the morality of the bible. The bible is stuck in time, later bronze age, in one chapter it actually says gods army was defeated because the enemy had chariots of iron... so god is vulnerable to iron chariots? It's gets pretty silly arguing for a god that can't trump iron chariots. I would suggest you sit down and take a day to read exactly what you are referring to instead of taking bits and pieces of it out of context...
  8. Everything back to normal, just below batshitcrazy.

  9. Here it is... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bx3PYFwnnA
  10. SWAT has the street blocked in front of my house, they are talking though a bullhorn to someone in a house down the street. Guns everywhere oh my...

    1. too-open-minded


      lol what happened?


    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      When ignorance shows it's ugly face, it's up to the men and women of Science Wisdom And Training to teach and to serve. Probably some guy, hopped up on astrology or something, screaming from the roof how, "It's just a THEORY!"

    3. Moontanman


      Not far off Phi, he was on the roof of his apartment complex threatening to kill himself, took the entire city county swat team 6 hours to get him down... just one of them things...

  11. Yes that is them, I was under the impression they had been taken off the market, I have an obsession with magnets and lasers, I'll try and repeat the experiment and let you guys know how it went. Thanks for the links, I have been wanting some of the putty stuff that eats magnets, have you seen that stuff?
  12. I plan to try it again, I'll video it if possible, it puzzles me greatly. The magnets are powerful enough to affect each other on a smooth table 12" apart, they do not have a flat side but are amazingly difficult to pull apart or push together... They are ceramic not metal
  13. The other night I was playing around with a couple of magnets I have, they are very powerful and were sold as toys for a short time but injuries to kids caused them to be pulled off the market. The magnets are oblong, thinker in the middle than the ends, about 2" long and maybe 3/4 of an inch think at the middle. The poles are centered in the middle instead of the ends. The idea of them being a toy was that you could throw them in the air and they would find each other and orbit each other for a fraction of a second. They make a rattling noise as they come together and orbit each other. I was eating boiled eggs, yes I like boiled eggs, and I put an egg that had yet to have it's shell removed and noticed the egg moved toward the magnet. I picked them up and found the magnet and the egg had an effect on each other, it was weak but but real. How or why would a magnet have any effect on a boiled chicken egg?
  14. So no humans currently alive saw "it" so your totally unsupported gibberish is just as good as empirically tested repeatable scientific evidence? You do not have to personally witness something to find out if it is true. That is one of the saddest arguments from personal incredulity I have read in some time. Do yourself a favor and watch a few episodes of CSI to get an understanding of how evidence allows us to know what happened in the past as opposed to having faith in totally unsupported nonsense.. You are the one who made a positive assertion. I simply asked you to show me evidence you are correct...
  15. http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/says_about/abortion.html Not to mention unreasonable This is simply not true, abortions are preformed for reasons other than not wanting to be pregnant Sounds like men need to keep it zipped up or at least wrap that rascal. BTW this is very childish, this is not human nature but the nature of an immature little boy. Is this the argument of a 12 year old boy? If a man can't find a woman who is willing he must commit rape? Your argument is childish and stupid... If a women says no, it means no, that means the little boy has to take care of his pee pee all alone... No, it takes two to tango and rapists must be dealt with by the law and harshly too. Your view on this issue is disgusting, most men are mature enough to treat women like the people they are. You have no respect for women or your self. Yes let us talk real world, in what universe is your world located? No, real human beings care for each other, real men and women accept responsibility for themselves, they don't trey to shift the burden of responsibility like a small child. Scientists were saying the world was 3000 years old? Theists were saying it was more than 6100 years old, can you substantiate any of this nonsense?
  16. Fred, what religious code are we talking about here? Are talking about the one that allows a man to take his wife to the priests if he thinks she has been unfaithful so the priest can force an abortion on her?
  17. We may indeed be barbarians to our descendants but at least we don't kill people for working on Sundays or support slavery or genocide or child molestation. Religion, especially the Abrahamic religions are not only barbaric but they are morally bankrupt, my morals are far better than that god or his followers if they follow his moral code... As for abortion religious people insisting on restricting birth control and or information about birth control result in more abortions than educating people. In fact the most religious areas of the country that refuse to teach sex education other than abstinence have much higher abortion rates than less religious areas. In fact the most religious extreme states like Texas where teaching young people about birth control is not allowed have higher rates of second abortions than any one else... Religion is barbaric, only a barbaric culture would follow the barbaric immoral code of the Abrahamic god and religion only serves to impede science while it uses the very thing it denigrates to convince more people to follow the religion. Science works, religion does nothing, gives us no new knowledge and it, religion, had to be gelded by secular governments before we could even begin to form first world societies based on the scientific method. Make no mistake, take away religion and the world is no worse than it already is, take away science and the progress it has given us and millions begin to die immediately, with in months billions will be dead. Pray for sanitation, pray for electricity, pray for food...
  18. Can you give any evidence to confirm any of this?
  19. If may seem obvious to you but it is not to me, I see no reason why discovery of another "sense" would be evidence of god any more than eye sight is evidence of god..
  20. And why do you think this is true?
  21. What basis do you have for this assertion? Again, where are you getting these ideas? Why do you believe them? Can you demonstrate this to anyone else?
  22. No you are mistaken, at one time lightning had no explanation other than the supernatural, it was investigated and found to have a natural cause. A statistically significant test would give reason to look into it further.
  23. I just remembered that when i was a little boy my grandpa kept milk in gallon jugs suspended in the well we got water out of, it was in the mountains and ground water there was rather cold..
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