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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. We may indeed be barbarians to our descendants but at least we don't kill people for working on Sundays or support slavery or genocide or child molestation. Religion, especially the Abrahamic religions are not only barbaric but they are morally bankrupt, my morals are far better than that god or his followers if they follow his moral code... As for abortion religious people insisting on restricting birth control and or information about birth control result in more abortions than educating people. In fact the most religious areas of the country that refuse to teach sex education other than abstinence have much higher abortion rates than less religious areas. In fact the most religious extreme states like Texas where teaching young people about birth control is not allowed have higher rates of second abortions than any one else... Religion is barbaric, only a barbaric culture would follow the barbaric immoral code of the Abrahamic god and religion only serves to impede science while it uses the very thing it denigrates to convince more people to follow the religion. Science works, religion does nothing, gives us no new knowledge and it, religion, had to be gelded by secular governments before we could even begin to form first world societies based on the scientific method. Make no mistake, take away religion and the world is no worse than it already is, take away science and the progress it has given us and millions begin to die immediately, with in months billions will be dead. Pray for sanitation, pray for electricity, pray for food...
  2. Can you give any evidence to confirm any of this?
  3. If may seem obvious to you but it is not to me, I see no reason why discovery of another "sense" would be evidence of god any more than eye sight is evidence of god..
  4. And why do you think this is true?
  5. What basis do you have for this assertion? Again, where are you getting these ideas? Why do you believe them? Can you demonstrate this to anyone else?
  6. No you are mistaken, at one time lightning had no explanation other than the supernatural, it was investigated and found to have a natural cause. A statistically significant test would give reason to look into it further.
  7. I just remembered that when i was a little boy my grandpa kept milk in gallon jugs suspended in the well we got water out of, it was in the mountains and ground water there was rather cold..
  8. As a long time motorcyclist I have to admit I would miss the sound, motorcycle sound can be as varied as a two stroke dirt bike with expansion chambers to multi cylinder 4 stroke super bikes. I really used to love the sound of my XS 1100 midnight special, but the most heart pumping powerful motorcycle sound is the noise a multi cylinder two stroke with expansion chambers makes. The old TZ 750 yamaha road racers sound was almost orgasmic...
  9. I suggest you read the forums rules again, proselytizing is not allowed. That being said I have to ask why do you think this is true?
  10. Again as I said in the quote you used... What not who and the what is reality with a large helping of empathy thrown in.. People in the past were as intelligent as we are they just didn't have the knowledge base that we do to build on... It's our culture that has evolved significantly since then not us. Reconciliation, as long as you don't require your god or reality to conform to the writings of bronze age savages I think the disconnect is much smaller and easier to deal with.. The only problem I have with this is seeking answers from religion when religion has no answers only dogma...
  11. So ridicule, misdirection, and an attack on my inteligence is the best you have? Possibly you would be kind enough to tell me what my point of view is? No as i have already said it's the supernatural that defines a religion. So you give me an ad hominem attack and then accuse others of the same thing. Last time I checked The Bible and most other modern religions had their start in the bronze age as the writers of the bible plagiarized earlier poly theistic beliefs? That is pretty much has been done over and over and over, religion is PRATT your personal attacks on my intelligence and character show you for what you really are..
  12. I am the voice of world control... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colossus:_The_Forbin_Project
  13. Hurricane is gone, not much damage but 20,000 people are without power..

  14. How can can someone create their own religion with out lying, in fact I would assert that religion is dishonest in it's very nature due to dogma being used to explain things in a slanted dishonest manner. I am an atheist, I was a theist until I realized how dishonest and unsupportable religion really is. What are Christian values and where do they get them? So reality is PC? How can something based in mythology, something that prohibits questioning a book that is demonstrable wrong about nearly everything it asserts be a part of science... I accept reality as authority not an ancient book or books. Science plays no role in religion, Religion only serves to impair or impede human progress. Please show some evidence for what you "believe" to be true, you seem to be defining both religion and science in an odd way. I see no reason to accept an authority based in mythology. I don't understand how you are using "world view" I know that lack of belief in a god is not a world view. It would depend on which religion you are describing would it not? Buddhism does have a supernatural component and it's the supernatural I reject, god is supernatural by definition. The number of people who believe something is not indicative of it's validity.. Religion provides a moral compass? I suggest you back that up with more than an assertion. Religion in general, Abrahamic religions in particular do not play well with others, it is religion that will not live and let live, Most major religions are commanded by their deity to convert others. I Reject the moral code of the Abrahamic religions due to the fact it is immoral... The religion of the Inuit doesn't knock at my door to bring me the good news nor does it try to inject Inuit Religion into schools, government, and politics. And your point would be? No, I hold all religions to be equally invalid. I call em like a see em, yes their are moderate religious people but they share the same delusion that every one should worship the way they do. Living your life by following the morals of bronze age savages is not a valid way to live your life..
  15. Hurricane conditions this afternoon and evening, so much fun, my yard is a pond and limbs are coming out of the trees...

  16. You would have to demonstrate a god before you could even ask that question...
  17. It's quite possible that Eukaryota wasn't as adaptable to the conditions on the early earth, hot seas and asteroid impacts could have suppressed eukaryotes, even today eukaryotes do not occupy as extreme conditions as prokaryotes and archaea with archaea being able to live in even more extreme conditions than prokaryotes.
  18. Love them curvy girls...
  19. You are indeed completely correct, nonetheless the burden of proof weighs on your shoulders not mine. I have asked several times for something to back up your horse feathers with something beside i believe so it must be true. This has nothing to do with opinion or views on a subject, somethings are demonstrably or evidently true, somethings are not demonstrable or evidently true, the supernatural rests completely in the latter category until you can supply demonstrable evidence... I don't understand your your views/my views thing, if wrong I want to know and I'll thank who ever tells me I am wrong because i won't be wrong anymore. It has nothing to do with my views on any subject...
  20. Being well known is not a citation... cooking pork to well done negates any disease problems, those diseases you seem to be so afraid of occur in most meats is not cooked properly, why single out pork exactly? . How about you save us some time and tell me what evidence there is for anything but evolution?
  21. Sarcasm.. do you speak it? Pork kills you when you eat it? Citation please.. No, the positive claim is "god exists" Do I have to prove bigfoot doesn't exist before I can say I don't believe there is sufficient evidence that bigfoot exists? Atheism is not asserting god doesn't exist, it's asserting there is no evidence for gods existence so the default position, until such evidence is presented, is there are no gods The only evidence we have is that humans evolved... You can think of god as anything you want, there is no problem until you assert it as fact. Again the burden of proof lies with the person making the positive claim. Popular opinion is meaningless. Millions of people believe they've abducted by aliens does that mean I have to believe until we can prove there are no aliens? This is nothing but a strawman argument. No it is a choice based on available facts. That would really depend on what god you are talking about, the god of the bible is evidently not real. Again popular opinion is meaningless..
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