How can can someone create their own religion with out lying, in fact I would assert that religion is dishonest in it's very nature due to dogma being used to explain things in a slanted dishonest manner.
I am an atheist, I was a theist until I realized how dishonest and unsupportable religion really is.
What are Christian values and where do they get them? So reality is PC?
How can something based in mythology, something that prohibits questioning a book that is demonstrable wrong about nearly everything it asserts be a part of science... I accept reality as authority not an ancient book or books.
Science plays no role in religion, Religion only serves to impair or impede human progress. Please show some evidence for what you "believe" to be true, you seem to be defining both religion and science in an odd way.
I see no reason to accept an authority based in mythology.
I don't understand how you are using "world view" I know that lack of belief in a god is not a world view.
It would depend on which religion you are describing would it not?
Buddhism does have a supernatural component and it's the supernatural I reject, god is supernatural by definition.
The number of people who believe something is not indicative of it's validity..
Religion provides a moral compass? I suggest you back that up with more than an assertion.
Religion in general, Abrahamic religions in particular do not play well with others, it is religion that will not live and let live, Most major religions are commanded by their deity to convert others.
I Reject the moral code of the Abrahamic religions due to the fact it is immoral...
The religion of the Inuit doesn't knock at my door to bring me the good news nor does it try to inject Inuit Religion into schools, government, and politics.
And your point would be?
No, I hold all religions to be equally invalid.
I call em like a see em, yes their are moderate religious people but they share the same delusion that every one should worship the way they do.
Living your life by following the morals of bronze age savages is not a valid way to live your life..