We may indeed be barbarians to our descendants but at least we don't kill people for working on Sundays or support slavery or genocide or child molestation. Religion, especially the Abrahamic religions are not only barbaric but they are morally bankrupt, my morals are far better than that god or his followers if they follow his moral code...
As for abortion religious people insisting on restricting birth control and or information about birth control result in more abortions than educating people.
In fact the most religious areas of the country that refuse to teach sex education other than abstinence have much higher abortion rates than less religious areas. In fact the most religious extreme states like Texas where teaching young people about birth control is not allowed have higher rates of second abortions than any one else...
Religion is barbaric, only a barbaric culture would follow the barbaric immoral code of the Abrahamic god and religion only serves to impede science while it uses the very thing it denigrates to convince more people to follow the religion.
Science works, religion does nothing, gives us no new knowledge and it, religion, had to be gelded by secular governments before we could even begin to form first world societies based on the scientific method.
Make no mistake, take away religion and the world is no worse than it already is, take away science and the progress it has given us and millions begin to die immediately, with in months billions will be dead. Pray for sanitation, pray for electricity, pray for food...