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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Time get down to business, Alien rain! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZziAccDn4c
  2. Actually NO, it does not say that in Exodus 20:5 http://biblehub.com/exodus/20-5.htm and since the bible specifically condones slavery I would like to see where it says a slave cannot serve god... Doesn't matter what god you worship, you have not supported your assertion that a slave cannot serve god..
  3. I have to ask, what other theories? what moral values would that be? This is nonsense, religion is not practical in any way, neither has any rules about bringing ones self into harmony with the environment. This too is nonsense, the so called ten commandments are not anything but primitive nomads plagiarizing earlier religions and have little if anything to do a stable or just society... Your point here would be? To assume intelligence is the agent of anything but human endeavor demonstrably wrong. Science is by definition restricted to that which is demonstrable. Science by definition rules out anything that is not demonstrable. All science has to say about the beginning is that we can't at this time investigate back any further. Your assertions about the big bang are not part of science... No, religion calls it revealed truth, science calls it as of yet unknown, which is more honest? Yes we are capable of convincing ourselves of anything, our brains play tricks on us, that is why a personal experience is meaningless to anyone else unless you can demonstrate it to others, the supernatural falls into this category of personal experiences. Please demonstrate this assertion. You miss define religion, you miss define science, and you tell us nonsensical drivel about how to live your life, that sounds like preaching to me...
  4. I went back to the beginning of this thread and read it through, I must be losing my edge...
  5. Being an atheist religion does look like an infectious disease from my perspective. I've seen people abandon all reason in favor of mythology, some people even allow religion to kill their children. Some people seem more susceptible than others and some people are more infectious than others, a great many of the infected think it's their primary goal in life to infect others. Yeah, religion acts much like an infectious agent...
  6. Can you tell us where in your religious texts it says a slave cannot serve god?
  7. It's a common "belief" in some circles that biochips implanted in your person will be required in the last days just before the second coming, in the bible it is described as a mark on some peoples right hand or forehead. I'm not completely sure which flavors of Christianity claims this, I know I've heard about it much of my life. I've never read of or heard anyone but Christianity making this claim, it would be nice to have a citation for the assertion that religions other than some fundamentalist Christian sects believe this. I remember my grandfather telling me about the crazy that went on when the government started assigning SS numbers to everyone due to this particular interpretation...
  8. I deal with them all the time, a month ago on a population study we had three of them shadow us while we seined... Just big babies... Actually it's quite unnerving to see them glide silently past while their eyes follow you and you are in water up to your neck, give you a face to face look, but they generally don't eat something as big as a human, but they take dogs quite a bit and I saw a guy fight one in his back yard with or over a lawn mower, I'm not sure which...
  9. The Predator is a jerk! https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-o7mZ-qUIryk/U4mfwJ9-rpI/AAAAAAAAk5s/NUvtJODy9CI/w286-h218-no/predator-asshole-gif-1283015.gif
  10. Probably tequila...
  11. Also alligators are harmless unless you let get them a lot closer than this photographer was...
  12. Here guns are tolerated but simply walking sown the street with a long gun is not allowed, you can carry concealed pistols but the city proper has a law that prohibits carrying guns around unconcealed. I can have my shot gun in my car as long as it's not concealed... makes little sense sometimes... Now to be sure, I can carry my shotgun if I have a good reason, like taking it into a gun store for some reason, walking around in my own yard is cool as well although police will generally stop and see if there is a problem if you are in the city limits proper. The police seem to have considerable leeway in interpreting this law...
  13. I understand that, it was just random info.
  14. There was a rash of home invasions several years ago where people who did not own guns were targeted. It turned out the perpetrators knew the victims and were aware they had no guns in their house.
  15. I'm not a student, just trying to get some perspective on a story I am writing..
  16. Well the software is way out of my league but I don't need perfection but I would like to reasonably accurate when describing the world I am building.
  17. Is this software available online?
  18. Obviously I was confused as to the OT In my state even with an intruder you have to be unable to retreat or defending someone else who cannot retreat. No stand your ground, if you do fire a gun you better be able to convince the law that you were in immediate fear of your life or some one else is. You cannot shoot someone over property, I cannot shoot someone who enters my yard to steal something but my dogs can eat his ass alive... Again no, you cannot seek your dogs on some who is trespassing either. I think the gun laws here are relatively reasonable, I'd like to see gun licensing much like drivers license but there are simply too many pro people here to allow that to happen via popular vote. Carrying a long gun inside the city limits is called going to the terror of the public and it is enforced. I agree that stand your ground rules are insane, going looking for trouble like Zimmerman did is a sign of a mental disorder IMHO. In this thread so far all guns have been considered the same, they are not http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8 You are more likely to be killed by someone beating you to death with their hands than a shot gun...
  19. Thanks, but it has occurred to me the torus will have to have a pear shaped cross section to be both strong and efficient. Any chance there is a formula for that? I may just approximate by using a large outer torus and a small inner one...
  20. You build such an elegant strawman or maybe a direct insult? I never said a gun is used to go next door and intimidate someone. In fact I said quite the opposite. But it is still a fact that calling the police results in an investigation after the fact not in prevention of the crime. I have dogs, they have discouraged trespassers many times, I still do not understand how you can equate me with ammosexuals, Just kidding, i am well aware of the contradictions in my views on this but as I have said I grew up with guns, hunting was away of life and having a gun at the door to defend your livestock and such from both animal and human marauders was necessary. Now days they are only useful for home defense and I have a shotgun which is also quite different than a pistol or automatic assault weapons. When people pull out pistols there is no telling if they can hit the ground with the weapon with out some reasonable training. Bullets go every where even at close range. I don't think you can compare all guns together any more than you can compare all drugs as one.
  21. Well I no longer live there, two years now, I still have gun, it never gets handled or taken out for show, I think it's my right as a human being to have a defensive weapon. A shotgun is far more intimidating than a pistol, easier to aim and much less likely to go off in any condition that wasn't intentional and #5 pellets don't go through walls so the neighbors life is safe. Everyone has to live where they can afford to live and eat pay power bills and such, many of those places are my range... In all 6 cases in the last couple years the home owners had no weapons.
  22. Since I don't carry a gun around in public I don't see the irony. The Sheriff admitted that it was unlikely for them to get to me quick enough to prevent violence from the drug gang perpetrated on me... That is an arrogant statement, you have no idea who i am or what difficulties i face, sometimes just up and moving is impossible unless you want to be homeless... Where I live a sheriff does not choose to carry a gun, it's part of his job... As I have said I do not carry a gun around in public, although I did in my yard a few times when threatened by gang members driving by and pointing guns at me... If someone comes into my my home unannounced and unwelcome I see no reason why i should not be able to defend myself. Calling the police only serves to have someone to catch the criminals after the fact. Home invasions happen here, probably two or three a year in my area, and in every case where the home owner was unarmed the home owners were abused or killed. Calling the police is not defending your home.. Again, the police investigate crime, only rarely do they actually show up in time to prevent crime. Since I stated that people who carry guns in public, possibly i should be more specific, if someone feels the need to walk around in public openly carrying a rifle or large gun when there is no threat and only to impress others then he has a mental disorder that needs to be addressed.
  23. I would judge that gator as about 5 to 6 feet long, 100 to 150 pounds...
  24. I have a gun in my house, it sits by my bed loaded, a 12 gauge pump tactical shotgun. I actually bought it because the local sheriff deputy said I might need it due to some disagreement with local gangs in my old neighborhood. Now that being said I grew up around guns, loaded guns were every where in the house. I can honestly say that even as a little kid the idea of picking on up for any reason was something i knew not to do. But I have owned guns, bought my first one at 12 with my own money i had worked for the previous summer. I think the people who like to carry a gun around in public have some mental issues that need to be addressed.
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