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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I would suggest you find a large group of women, large to make sure you have enough to make it statistically valid, sit down with them and start making these assertions. I'm betting you would come away with knots on your ego if not your head...
  2. Your impression is mistaken exotic animals are causing problems all over the world, from pythons in the Florida everglades to large mouth bass in Japan. Just in my area Flathead catfish and blue catfish from the Mississippi river system have caused considerable harm to the native species. Rabbits and mice in Australia, I can go on and on but it's a real problem and natives often do not fair well when exotic species are introduced. Pacu introduced on some pacific islands have actually started harming humans, hence their nickname "nut cutter" Disease is yet another problem, exotics often carry disease and the native fauna suffer greatly. This is even happening in the oceans, lion fish , native to pacific waters introduced in Florida have now taken over many deep reefs and wreaks all along the east coast of the USA.
  3. I'm not sure why that is relevant, can you elaborate?
  4. Throttle back a bit dude, this is the speculations section, no one expects a time rift to open and see an apatosaurus come running out... When species from one ecosystem are transferred to another many time the alien organism crowds out native organisms, this has happened many times in history, from encrusting mussels in the great lakes to round gobies, carp, catfish, the list is very long...
  5. The TV show was just the spark for the idea, why is that such a bad thing?
  6. I guess the idea of Russia allying it's self with the west is too difficult to comprehend?
  7. I know it's a TV show guys, just a little mind game about two completely different ecologies, during the time of dinosaurs no large mammals existed, now the only dinosaurs left are birds. I think it's interesting to wonder if dinosaurs could compete with modern mammals. No such thing as a brontosaurus guys... One of the episodes that caught my attention since invasive non native species is something NANFA is deeply concerned about was when thousands of pterosaurs came through a rift. Single animals would not be a bid deal as far as invasive species goes but thousands could establish a population if they could compete with modern birds.
  8. In one episode a huge flock of pterosaurs came though, this what made me start this train of thought. Obviously one T-rex isn't going to reproduce so any damage he might do would be limited. To Primeval's credit the creatures that come though are often just annoying rather than dangerous, If it was US based every incursion would be a T-rex. I think that modern mammals would give a good account of themselves over time. Lions could certainly kill small dinosaurs and babies of larger ones. I think the dinosaurs egg laying would be their Achilles heel, one sauropod gravid with eggs would simply lay them and walk away, a passing honey badger would make short work of them. A Kodiak bear is quite formidable as a predator, it would be interesting to see how one would handle a moderately sized predatory dino... I'm not sure but I think I read where some dinosaurs were pack hunters as well.
  9. I like a British TV program called "Primeval" in this show rifts in time allow animals from various eras to invade the present. In this show usually only one or two animals come through and are dealt with in various ways. The animals from the past are generally shown to be too dangerous for modern animals to deal with them but I wonder if that is true. During the time of the dinosaurs there were no modern type Mammals and the mammals that were alive were easily dominated by dinosaurs. If the two ecosystems were truly mixed in some way would Mammals beat out the dinosaurs or would dinosaurs reclaim their dominance? I think dinosaurs would be at a big disadvantage over time due to laying eggs and the fact that modern mammals are more powerful than the mammals the dinosaurs lived with... In one of the Jurassic park novelizations they strongly indicated that dinosaurs had migrated to the mainland and were slowly taking over. Would size prevail or mammal sophistication?
  10. The black triangle at 09:00 and forward is interesting but there is no context to judge it's actual size...
  11. Christian tolerance seems to be a bit limited in this Senate invocation by a Hindu... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XiizB9Lkqk
  12. This short video is very informative as to how and why drugs were criminalized, most people would seem to think that some group of researchers came up with which drugs were bad and which drugs could be used but as it turns out this is not true. Some of this i have read before but the video sums it up quite well. As for my opinion I would much rather be around stoners than drunks any day. In fact if I was to decide alcohol would be illegal way before cannabis...
  13. I am not sure what you mean by "what definitely happens" , over time biological material degrades in some way or another, far too many possibilities to pin down a specific event...
  14. Created by what? Do you have any empirical evidence to show us what created them? I'm not sure what you mean by so closely related in their gene pool, why would you say they are any more closely related than any other group of similar animals? Feliformes are a branch of carnivora that share a common ancestor, please be more specific.
  15. I would say there are to many variables to make a reasonable speculation on the subject, under the right circumstances DNA can last a long time. You seem to think they would fall apart on their own, to some extent this is true but it would take along time to degrade completely, bacteria would generally speed up the process by quite a bit bit still so many variables it would be difficult to really make a call. DNA can survive thousands of years frozen as in mammoths frozen in the tundra. The idea they would fly away as atoms doesn't make much sense but light will also degrade organic molecules as does temps and oxygen in the air..
  16. Sharks are quite sensitive to electric fields, metal in salt water usually sets up an electrical field, I would say it's a possibility...
  17. You have several things wrong here, pure oxygen, even as a gas is quite reactive, too much would kill you. In it's liquid state it is even more reactive so no you could not breath liquid oxygen even if it wasn't very cold...
  18. More on Chernobyl. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/06/science/nature-adapts-to-chernobyl.html
  19. This also opens the door to persecution via intimidation, how many times have you bowed your head at an invocation only as a show of respect, not because you believe but it's rude to act like you are not? I live beside a Muslim family, the old man is a bit... senile... I guess... and he occasionally thinks i am his son, he comes over at night and rifles though my car, sometimes he will hit the horn and insist i take him somewhere. I have had several long conversations about religion with him, the idea that this sweet old man would be intimidated because he is in the minority roasts my nuts a bit...
  20. You are aware of the coal sludge releases not to mention smoke and ash emitted by the coal fired power plants are quite heavily laden in radioactive waste and other heavy metals. I see no reason to assume the increased levels of pollution are primarily from nuclear power plants.. Readers a region uninhabitable is a bit weird as well, Chernobyl was supposed to render the area uninhabitable but the wild life is doing great, some seem to be actually developing tolerance to the radiation but there is no doubt that uninhabitable is subject to subjective, humans could live there, cancer rates might go up but uninhabitable is "not entirely accurate". Opps my bad this looks like i am disagreeing with the poster but I wasn't...
  21. I'm not quite sure what to make of this, my "it seems too good to be true" alarm keeps going off but if it's real I see no reason why individuals couldn't make their own kerosene at home... http://interestingengineering.com/water-carbon-dioxide-solar-power-solar-jet-fuel/
  22. Prayer may not do any harm but it had never been shown to do any good either. I often wonder how those that want to pray would react to someone who wants to pray to another god, maybe a pagan ritual. If they are against that then it's obvious their prayer has an agenda that is less than representative of everyone. Prayer should stay in private, home or church, but I am at the point now days that would come close to approving a hunting season for street preachers so maybe I shouldn't be allowed to make such decisions. People of "faith" bother me, they wear their faith like it's a good thing when in fact it just shows how gullible they are, such faith is only allowed in reference to religion, try to sell them a flying dog and see how quickly their critical thinking kicks in. In Texas a few years ago they had a bad drought, the governor held a huge prayer rally for rain, of course rain didn't happen but it makes you wonder why wasting time and money that way is approved. Religion to me is nothing more than a way to bully people into believing your way is correct with no evidence to support your point of view. In government i think this is dangerous, you don't have to look back to horribly far to see this allow different flavors of the same religion to persecute each other. Mixing religion and government is simply the beginning of such persecution...
  23. It all sounds like children on a play ground bullying each other...
  24. There are spaces where such fauna could roam, the extreme north, where things like caribou and musk oxen live, they used to share those habitats with woolly mammoths woolly rinos and such but many of these animals also migrated huge distances like from places like the midwest to the arctic circle as they followed the weather. I'm not sure the midwest is ready for herds of mammoths, every winter...
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