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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Nether does bigotry, sexism, racism, or political oppression...
  2. So nudity is wrong for some reason? First of all what gay views are false? Knowing someone is gay has no effect on whether or not someone is gay, people don't turn gay or become gay due to seeing a parade. Secondly what is gay propaganda? Thirdly you base your argument on the bible? Really? I bet you are committing an abomination in the eyes of god right now, wearing cloth made of mixed fibers is an abomination in the bible just like laying with a man as you would a woman is, why cherry pick gays?
  3. I sympathize with them, no one has the right to not get their feelings hurt, no one has the right to make you respect their beliefs. Religions are dying, the idea that religious people somehow deserve some special respect is silly. If there is a god and he doesn't like pussy riot (just the name has them on my radar, lol) then let got do something about them, god could sweep them away the first time they do anything but evidently god likes pussy riot... So they have their own brand of immorality? I see no reason to assume Russians are any more moral than any other people.. Why do you dislike gays so much? Children are either going to be gay or they are not, they do not learn to be gay. What? Impromptu parades result in jail time? Can gays get a permit to have a parade in your country? They can in mine and usually do.. Why are crimes against gays so rampant and unpunished?
  4. I'm not sure how serious this is so I'll post it here. Evidently NASA has photographed what appears to be a light shining straight up out of the ground on Mars. http://higherperspective.com/2014/04/nasa-photo-captures-strange-bright-light-coming-mars.html?utm_source=HP
  5. Great cover of a classic...
  6. This demonstration of inductive heating is awesome... Kinda makes you want to run out and buy some copper pipe right now... Seriously, is this real or some sort of trick?
  7. Actually such planets could hold onto hydrogen, if the mass was afew times greater than earth it could be hydrogen so thick it would have liquid water at the surface even interstellar space. But even without that extreme an earth sized planet at that distance could hold onto hydrogen, helium, argon, nitrogen and liquid methane. A thick hydrogen atmosphere can retain quite a bit of heat, UV from the sun would cause an effect similar to the effect of the sun on Titian but probably at a reduced rate.
  8. What would a rocky planet look like that far from the sun? It could hold onto hydrogen and a NASA expert says that hydrogen can be a very effective greenhouse gas under enough pressure. The idea of life on Titan and various other new ideas about how we think about cold planets makes the idea of an Earth sized planet that far out very interesting..
  9. It's quite possible your memory is a bit retroactive, memories can be like that, a bit like dejavue (sp?)
  10. Going to do some fish collecting in the foot hills of NC this week end, i am stoked!

    1. zapatos


      Are you looking to fill your aquarium or your dinner plate? I'm curious what your plans are if you wouldn't mind providing some more detail.

    2. arc


      I was wondering the same. I've got this Gollum image in my head, you'd better hurry!:)

    3. Moontanman


      Sorry guys, it was for science. the point was mostly to take pictures of fish from different water sheds and record the numbers of species and take photos for a book. I did bring back a few specimens from my aquarium. I caught or helped catch several species, including Black banded sunfish. Enneacanthus Chaetodon, Esox niger, Nototrpis chiliticus, Nocomis leptocephalus, A bandeded water snake, a mud turtle, a lesser siren, green newts, a very tiny stinkpot turtle and several other species I...

  11. I thought there was another thread that mentioned life in our solar system and life on Titan specifically but I couldn't find it but I did find this great talk by Dr. Chris McKay (NASA Ames Research Center) about life on Titan told as a mystery, it's long but well worth the watch if you have the time... I was truly engrossed in the video, Dr. McKay was extremely interesting to listen to and his lecture was easy to understand. It made me think of the titan equivalent of Earth's black smokers in our oceans except with water magma and super heated methane leaching various chemicals from the magma and hot rock (liquid and hot frozen water) as water does on earth in hot SiO2 magma. I see no reason why the H2O magma wouldn't be as impure as SiO2 magma on earth and the liquid methane could leach various chemicals out of the water magma, ammonia, possibly various chlorides, and even light metals like sodium, potassium, lithium ect. His ideas are exciting and raise many questions that needs to be answered...
  12. Intelligence is the ability to learn, wisdom is knowing that you have yet to learn everything...
  13. Can you demonstrate anything that is nothing?
  14. I can honestly say that I have never heard a religious explanation for reality that wasn't wrong, I am open to the possibility but claiming god did it has never explained anything i am aware of..
  15. Wasn't that what i said?
  16. I often wonder if in 100 years scientists will be laughing at us for discounting UFOs as imaginary or all hoaxes like scientists today do 18th century scientists who were so sure rocks could not fall from the sky... UFOs could represent something completely different from aliens but still be real manifestations of something unknown but ridicule keeps anyone with real credentials from investigating thoroughly what is going on.... IMHO, something real is behind at least some of them, exactly what is of course speculation but so was ball lighting until quite recently...
  17. I think Acme's explanation has some merit, different cultures do see different things, South Americans are morelikely to see little hairy dwarf and the sexual nature is usually a beautiful female alien actually seducing a human rather an anal probe... Hmmm might be something to this anal probe thing... Hmmmm
  18. Nothing unreal can exist, nothing is not real, therefore nothing cannot exist...
  19. Great song and video...
  20. They wick effect has been demonstrated with pig carcasses, they burn slowly after the initial flare up and result in a burn pattern very suggestive of SHC, in fact at least one body was found burning and the wick effect was confirmed, only a small smokey flame burned out of the body as it slowly consumed the body, it was murder...
  21. Issac Asimov in one of his many many science books suggested an absolute limit to the size of a nucleus due to some limiting factor even if we ignore radioactive decay. It was much lower than 534, something about the strong force i think, it was long ago and far away, sorry i can't remember the book...
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