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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. When ever I read about "personal experiences" I have to defer to this as well...
  2. This is the alien mothership... https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHSkJk2yVtc01tIZRprWq62QmTRL1R0MayYSTEA6wJcOir10GqBQ Think a miniature ring world as in Larry Niven's ring world...
  3. Good question, difficult to answer with some rather extreme speculation. I have read, I can't remember right off hand where, that they image of the huge eyes is a birth memory of the first human face the baby sees and is distorted by the new unfocused eyes... I am one of those people who has the OBE experiences from time to time and sometimes there are little grey guys involved, terrified me as a child. I understand intellectually they have no basis in reality but when it happens it is quite real, it's been a few years since this happened but it runs in my family with my mom and grandma having the same experiences but they saw them as demons... Oh yeah, my vision is distorted during these episodes, everything is fuzzy, wavy, fluid. My wife says my eyes are only partially open when i am undergoing this experience and my eyes rapidly move back and forth... I can honestly say that during at least a few OBEs i saw real people and events that i was able to confirm later which makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck but it has happened to seldom it could be coincidence.. .
  4. UFOs are IMHO a manifestation of the primal fear of the "other" ...
  5. http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/03/18/university-scientists-capture-raw-footage-of-ufo-showing-up-at-their-observatory-in-norway/
  6. I can go with that, it is difficult to really critique from so far away in time, the main reason I go to old sightings for discussion is the fact that in modern day faking UFOs has become world wide contest of me too... If you would like we can go on to the RB47 sighting for discussion I'll have to chime in later, I have a migraine today and until it lets up I can't think of much else. I can give you a link to the "slow moving meteor" sighting as well, if you would rather discuss it. http://www.ufocasebook.com/coyne.html
  7. Yet another unknown... http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case665.htm A short video about this sighting...
  8. People on the scene familiar with the temperature inversion said it was a mild one and couldn't have been responsible for the phenomena seen on those two days of sightings. Also the lights that surrounded the jet at quite close range couldn't have been a temp inversion, neither could the people in the control towers that saw the objects. On of the military men was quoted as saying the objects acted as though they were aware of the military communications. From the wiki link
  9. Atmospheric refraction surrounded the jet fighter and flew around the other fighters? You can't cherry pick, if you want to cherry pick then I can do the same thing, yes some of it might have been refraction some of it obviously was not. The sightings took place over many hours and two days a week apart. Where does a B-52 figure in to this? Phillip Klass was the guy who came up with the slow meteor explanation of particular good sighting. Both Klass and Menzel are both well known for pelicanism and they gave their explanation years after the fact. People who were there, military people, saw some of the objects both on radar and visually, the objects that surrounded the jet in flight were not temperature inversions. Again any explanation shouldn't be as unlikely as supersonic pelicans. From the wiki link... Again, I do not assert what they were but clearly they were not temperature inversions...
  10. I know it was just a matter of time before creationists latched on to this one... ISRAELI SCIENTISTS: NEW BIG BANG EVIDENCE SUPPORTS CREATIONISM http://www.breakingchristiannews.com/articles/display_art.html?ID=13544
  11. I am Commander in Chief of the Martian Imperial Atomic Space Navy...
  12. That would not explain the visual sightings by both ground personnel and fighter pilots
  13. You can spin it to mean what ever you want, I am not trying to debunk anyone he plainly said the people there with him would still be alive when he came back. It clearly did mean those around him, there is no other way to spin that with out a falsehood and it clearly was not falsified by no one knowing the exact date and time. You can obfuscate the writings all you want but to say it means anything but what it plainly states is dishonest... The rest of what you assert is meaningless in the context of what you are claiming. Obfuscation is the bread and butter of religion, then as it is now...
  14. Am I going to have to call in the black helicopters guys? Once they are launched there is no calling them back...
  15. But they do control the black helicopters...
  16. Hell is immoral, infinite punishment for finite crimes is not justice. The same punishment for all crimes is not justice. Torture is immoral as well. taking all these into account Hell is immoral as is any "god" who would employ such punishments...
  17. I agree that the "me too" factor is quite high, I try to stick to old sightings due to the this effect. Faking UFO sightings have practicality become a contest to see who can be the most convincing. In the Early years the extraterrestrial option was found to be a likely answer by the USAF and many sightings to this day defy explanation. I think they represent something important, doesn't have to be extraterrestrial or even technological but the phenomena deserves better than the slow moving meteor level of debunking.
  18. I didn't catch that but anemones are indeed a passion of mine and they are among the most interesting aquarium animals I know of...
  19. SWIM should be careful in SWIM's posting but to say drugs as though they are all the same is not true. The Drug that SWIM is using is new to the street and the effects are not well known. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mephedrone It is obvious that some drugs can be used recreational alcohol being an obvious one. So responsible drug use is possible but the one SWIM is taking has little info pertaining to it's use and long term effects..
  20. This subject is personally quite interesting to me, I keep or have kept many marine aquariums over the years and Sea Anemones are one of my passions. I had one for several years that was a meter across. I was one of the first people to explore the importance of photosynthesis in regards to Sea Anemones in the marine aquarium hobby, I used a 1000 watt metal halide light to grow that anemone to a meter across. The fact that they are half plant is surprising but their ancient roots are not. They can be extremely beautiful creatures and their interactions with symbiotic fishes, shrimps, and crabs is extremely interesting... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140318113816.htm
  21. You have no case, the signal to noise ratio is quite high but that doesn't mean there is no signal..
  22. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the actual footage, I saw the show and the footage was turned over the the USAF and never seen again...
  23. I saw that too but it was not the actual footage it was a recreation of the footage not the actual footage.
  24. This is not true, I suggest you go to http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/ and read something not slanted by pseudo science..
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