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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Still the same reason i gave, similar is not the same, plesiosaurs are not dolphins, no matter how many times a land animal evolves into a sea creature it will never independently evolve into a dolphin... If all humans dropped dead tomorrow the great apes might evolve into another animal capable of the things we are but it would still not be human... Even if a cell line similar to eukaryotes evolved it would still be genetically distinct from any extant eukaryotes, it could be similar but it would not be the same thing..
  2. Another old song the is eerily relevant today...
  3. Not the same thing, like I said, you might get an organism that could evolve into complex life but it could not be a eukaryote. It would not be an eukaryote any more than a plesiosaur is a dolphin... It might be similar in many ways but it would not be the same thing..
  4. Umm...No, nothing will evolve twice, another type of cell capable of evolving into complex life forms might evolve but it would not be an eukaryote...
  5. Still relevant after all these years...
  6. Not necessarily, primates cannot make Vitamin C but most other animals can, I'm not sure but other animals might make their own Vitamin D.... Also, humans cover their bodies with clothes which could interfere with absorbing sunlight as well...
  7. Oh Well! I figured it was editing of some kind, thanks guys...
  8. The time stamps all match, it is a neat trick of editing at the very least...
  9. New study suggest that just 5000 years ago Europeans had darker skins than they do now. Eye color was also found to be significantly changed over 5000 years.. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140310182731.htm?
  10. Weird video of truck striking a man riding a bike, he seems to appear in a flash of light after he is hit...
  11. I've caught salps in nets before, odd creatures for sure. They are mobile Tunicates, they look like Tunicate larvae in many ways, a great example of neoteny at work. Tunicates are a basil off shoot of chordates. Tunicate larvae resemble primitive fish in many ways, tunicates ie sea squirts are wide spread in the oceans of the world and an important part of the ecosystem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salp https://sites.google.com/site/chordatestunicatesandlancelets/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunicate Where I live we have these sedentary colonial tunicates that look a lot like brain coral, they are often brightly colored and colonies are often big as footballs..
  12. typical basset hound behavior... Froggy went a courtin' he did ride.. should have brought his glasses along this time..
  13. It appears the first animals may have had more influence on the oxy levels in the ocean than once thought. By removing organic particles from the ocean, sponges and other filter feeders removed a drain on the oxygen in the ocean allowing oxygen levels to rise and allow for more complex animals to evolve. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140309150540.htm
  14. Yes, ants and some termites do these things, ants have livestock, farms, make and store honey, ants do quite a bit that we are aware of but sadly they don't appear to be aware...
  16. Ants do those things quite well.
  17. I ran across this today, interesting short video of a lander being tested...
  18. How can you compare a sperm whale with us by saying they have no technology, they also have no hands, their intelligence cannot be compared to ours in any manner that requires hands.. Faux humility? I have no idea what you are asserting...
  19. We are the most intelligent as measured by whom? Us? With out access to the knowledge and skills of others we are not superior and the measure of superiority is not exactly objective. We can put tools to better use than most animals and we record knowledge for later use but before we developed the technology to do those things were weren't exactly king of the world. We should be careful as to assumptions of superiority, if a fish is compared to a bird by the things a bird can do but the fish can't the fish looks pitiful but turn it around and he bird is inferior. It's completely subjective to claim we are superior... Aliens might judge us quite differently than we do our selves and think a sperm whale is the most intelligent due to it's huge and complex brain. If we could communicate with a sperm whale we might find them enormously intelligent with a complex language and philosophical ability far beyond anything we can even imagine. Comparing apples and oranges is seldom an accurate way to judge the merits of anything...
  20. BTW, you might want to look into some religion besides the ones of Abraham, there are other older and just as well documented religions around the world that have prophecies that have been fulfilled and those that are yet to be fulfilled as we as those that are obviously never going to be fulfilled. Your Abrahamic mythos has no particular advantage over any of them and is no more accurate than any of them. Your religion like all others is supported by nothing but baseless claims, assertions, and a book. If you have any positive, testable, evidence i suggest you give it or admit you have belief and faith but nothing else... Oh yeah and that last, "No true Scotsman fallacy" straight up nothing more...
  21. If you have any evidence outside the bible for the existence of Jesus I suggest you give it, Paul never met Jesus and the writings we do have are all generations later second or third hand at best the the four gospels we use not are but a small subset of the writings that were once used. The ones we use today were confirmed by popular vote, all are anonymous, the named authors are made up names not the names of real people...
  22. What about the prophecy where Jesus claimed he would return in the life times of his apostles? How can someone not being allowed to use their religion to discriminate against someone else be persecution? Whites used to use their Christian Faith to support their god given right to discriminate against black people too.
  23. Well to be fair the thread is about alien invasion not mans threats to himself. The fear of the other is a well established theme in human cultures who could more "other" than extraterrestrials? I think the basic but unsaid assumption of this thread that aliens would be enough like us to want our planet is an assumption that is weak to say the least. Atmospheric differences are easily the hardest for aliens to get past.
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