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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. If they make mammoths i want one about the size of a small pony, GMO mammoths! Let it run loose in the back yard... eat the grass so i don't have to mow it...
  2. I would be willing to bet the extinction of the dinosaurs was quick in geologic terms but lasted a few hundred thousand years at least. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/01/110127141707.htm But other schools of thought have lend more credence to the sudden event... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cretaceous%E2%80%93Paleogene_extinction_event
  3. Volcanoes often explode, thereby distributing the iridium but the impact almost certainly happened as well, quite possibly more than one, it was bad million years or so to be on the earth... I've read the possibility the impacts triggered flood basalts as well but i am not sure how much evidence there is to support that, something about the opposite side of the world from an impact being messed up as well...
  4. yes, but iridium come from mantle lava floods as well...
  5. The iridium could have been volcanic as well, personally i think it was a synergy of both, a triple whammy of multiple impacts and flood lava... http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/extinctheory.html
  6. Can you support the assertion of space iridium being a different isotope than earth bound iridium?
  7. I know a couple of pansexual women, they can wear any look anything they like, the green nail polish is to be expected, licking a pan is bit over the top Both of them are practicing witches as well... Adriana I love you I love Laci BTW...
  8. Previous World Wars might have economic roots but if anyone thinks a real World War wouldn't escalate into A nuclear nightmare when one side saw it's self on the losing end doesn't have any oars in the water. Large scale war is not the economic game it once was and i think everyone who could be involved knows that. It's worry some it might get out of hand by accident but by design is insane...
  9. Locally and all up and down the east coast there is an influx of coyotes, they are killing pets and domestic animals, they were reintroduced to help keep down the deer population but pets are easier to catch... in a few places cougars are causing problems, out west they have killed several people in recent years, and bears are at an all time high and black bears are more likely to kill you than grizzlies... Their have been some interesting consequences of the genetic bottle neck deer went through about 50 years ago in my old tromping ground, resulting in lots of albino, lecucistic, other weird colored deer.
  10. Didn't both world wars start under similar conditions? It scares me, the US has a serious need to poke it's nose into every conflict in the world, pulling back a bloody stub is inevitable... The Russians have a serious need to prove their power and the US POTUS and his weak party want to show some sign of strength, sounds like a powder keg to me, with NK saber rattling and china flexing it's muscles, I grew up in the cold war, I get nervous every time this stuff starts...
  11. I think there is considerable proof we killed them all or at least destabilized the population at a time of environmental change that pushed them over the edge, mammoths and mastodons anyway not sure about the others...
  12. Ok space fans, who said the following line... "who died and left you in charge?... "Captain Bipto!"

  13. If aliens had the technology to travel between stars bent on domination it would be muck like our modern military fighting stone age people with stick and spears. They could just sit back and pellet us with rocks and get the job done. There is an interesting series of science fiction books with just this theme, an alternate history where aliens attack the earth during the middle of WW2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worldwar_series Then there is always this master piece of horror... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaced_Invaders
  14. the idea that many of these animals were pushed over the edge at least by humans is the point in we should bring them back. As you point out it would be enormously expensive and be quite a bother if nothing else. The idea of mega fauna walking around in your back yards is bound to be unpopular after a few human deaths by mega fauna... the spreading of current dangerous fauna into areas where they have been absent for centuries has already caused quite a bit of problems...
  15. In the US the police would probably taze you to death...
  16. supposedlythe ecosystem suffers from not having these animals in it, I think that is highly debatable...
  17. I agree, such a move would be an all or nothing move, if you can't provide the habitat and numbers needed at least eventually it seems a bit cruel although different species of elephants to heard together and neanderthals were probably human enough to pass in a crowd if they were dressed as human although they would be powerfully built men with arms as big as a humans leg muscles. Ground sloths would probably be a bit less cranky and there is evidence they were kept penned up by early man in SA. Things like cave lions and or sabertooth cats probably will never be gene sequenced since we simply don't have the DNA on these species. But some of these "rewilders" suggest transplanting African animals to fill in the gaps in the ecosystem or maybe even Siberian tigers. I think that is fool hardy as best due to transmitted diseases if nothing else... but it would be interesting to see how kodiak bears compete with siberian tigers...
  18. It's still not working for me...
  19. I think we should but be prepared to deal with mega fauna if you release them back into their natural habitats. Can you imagine Colombian mammoths roaming the mid west? Woolly rhinos? Giant ground sloths, better be prepared to have a a few human deaths associated with them... I think neanderthals would be the most interesting... The best ones are forever out of our reach, glyptodonts, and a few others but we are responsible for the extinction of some of these unique gene pools, i don't think refilling a few of them is completely crazy, mammoths might fit in Alaska, give the grizzlies and bigfoot something to fear... There are other animals slowly becoming extinct we should concentrate on saving as well, it's a complex issue for sure... Hmmm mammoth steaks...
  20. Other universes if you dig the multi universe hypothesis... I see, I had to ask and i am still not getting updates....
  21. Can the universe be thought of as an expanding surface of a 4D sphere? If so could it be rotating and so be the cause of phenomena like pinwheel galaxies that resemble things on the surface of a rotating 3D sphere like a hurricane? Just a random idea, sorry if it's stupid...
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