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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. No, in fact even if the Earth was duplicated precisely in every detail there is no reason to expect vertebrates to evolve again much less the exact animal forms we have today, the slightest change could have drastic consequences.
  2. If the being came from another planet it would difficult to explain why it looked that human, no reason to even expect a vertebrate much less a humanoid...
  3. Religion as a moral compass? My morals are vastly superior to any of the abrahamic religions, make me wonder if you've read their holy books or if you want to keep slaves and get a bride by raping the girl...
  4. Everyone is of course correct to be skeptical, Unity+ you are correct, finding an alien being so close to humanoid would be difficult to explain by natural selection. IMHO...
  5. I think this video give plenty of evidence about the trees... There are list of citations of where the info comes from as well on the youtube page... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polystrate_fossil
  6. Elongated skulls after DNA tests show they were not human and couldn't interbreed with humans. Often claimed to be alien human hybrids DNA may show them to be even more interesting... http://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/545/DNA-Analysis-Of-Paracas-Elongated-Skulls-Released-The-Results-Prove-They-Were-Not-Human
  7. Um wasn't me suggesting those things were real ydoaPs...
  8. I'd like to see you substantiate some of the horse feathers you asserted here, highlighted for your benefit... BTW, YEC is incompatible with science, and the idea of a deistic creation is not incompatible but the bible does say that everything we see today was created as we see it, and that adam was created out of mud with no predecessors, science does indeed debunk that no matter how long it took to create the universe... 900 year old people is a bit much as well and no skill level will allow a boat big enough to contain all the species on earth, a local flood is a more reasonable example but it does contradict what the bible actually says...
  9. Does anyone know of any images of what the night sky would like if there was an active quasar at the heart of the milky way?
  10. Horse feathers, ever hear of The Inquisition?
  11. Yes, in Islam Jesus is an important prophet...
  12. I was a little surprised Pat Robertson came out and said Ken should stop embarrassing Christians, talking them out of being theists is a lost cause but asking them not to support dishonest conmen like Ken Ham is the right thing to do and the tactic I usually take on face book...
  13. Who's most famous line was "Gives to me large kiss"?

    1. arc


      A cute wittle Slobovian wabbit.

  14. I think it's becoming apparent its everyone's problem, people like Ken Ham and his fundamentalist ilk are making amazing inroads into our culture by preying on people most basic fears and by lies and misdirection. I honestly think it's a big problem and will only get bigger as the government increasingly embraces these people. Ken Ham's Creation Museum was at least partially funded by the State of Kentucky... States are increasingly taking funding from public schools and allowing religious schools to straight up teach creationism as viable alternative. It's crazier than people think, especially here in the deep south, it's difficult to find people who don't think the Bible is literally true, I think many doesn't understand why this cannot be true or choose to ignore the disconnect but at the end of the day these people given a chance would merge our government with religion in heart beat,,,
  15. I watched it last night, I thought Bill did a good job, his honesty was impeccable and he did a great job of explaining his stance and why it was a viable and why Ken's stance was not. Ken was his usual dishonest misleading self, I could do a better job of supporting creation than he could but he has boxed himself into an untenable position that cannot be supported honestly by evidence and only asserted as faith and belief. Sad that the theists who went to see it, I know several, were convinced Ken Ham is the salt of the earth and Bill Nye was satans slave... It just makes me cringe to think this guy made money off this... money he will use to promote his outlandish lies and misdirection to line his own pockets with money... I thought Bill missed a few chances to highlight Ken's dishonest stance, the idea that nothing in astronomy points to a universe older than 6000 years is astonishingly dishonest and easily shown to be questionable just by the expanse of the universe and fact that we can see it..
  16. Would heavy atoms be common enough to form planets or moons?
  17. I agree and the length of time spent not having sex is significant in how you react sexually to someone. Since both males and females can have sex forced on them the idea that a homosexual will not be aroused by the touch of the opposite flies in the face of human sexuality as much as saying a hetero sexual cannot be aroused by the touch of the same sex. Prisons would seem to deny this objection as much as anything else...
  18. I agree, the soft warm fluffy feathers are nice... then the screaming starts...
  19. I definitely would not do one of the zombie pranks around here...
  20. yeah, i thought about that as well...
  21. It's truly sad to see a person so ignorant of human sexuality much less their own sexuality. Evidently of all the gay men I know none are real gay men or of all the lesbians i know none are real gay women. You are either totally ignorant of human sexuality or a troll, my wife and I have been members of PFLAG for at least 15 years, yes the whole nine yards from meetings and attend a metropolitan community church where we are only one of two straight couples who go there. We have catered gay weddings, have gay friends and a gay son, you are misrepresenting gays for your own agenda, I have no idea what that may be but it's sad if you are really gay and sick if you are just trolling...
  22. I know many gay men, not one of them has ever said they could not have sex with a woman, they prefer to have sex with men. You are just trolling at this point for ignoring my objections to your assertions.
  23. Again, you are not being honest, you claim a homosexual cannot reproduce, you know that is wrong, being homosexual does not preclude you have heterosexual sex, unless you can demonstrate that it does then you have no case what so ever... in fact being heterosexual does not preclude you from having homosexual sex...
  24. How can you say homosexuals cannot reproduce? Do you really think a homosexual woman cannot have sex with a man or a homosexual man cannot have sex with a woman? Surely you realize this is a totally false idea?
  25. Kinda "cool" comic in astro-biology magazine... http://www.astrobio.net/index.php?option=com_comics&msg=&id=&task=&ser=3&pageNo=1
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