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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Could this shark be a window into how fish adapted to the land before they were able to live out of the water? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epaulette_shark
  2. Not to mention salamanders with lungs and with out lungs or gills...
  3. No, not if you mean give you positive reputation points...
  4. Citation please: Care to elaborate? I gave a link to this information... Modern humans are apes by definition... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_evolution Convincing someone who is not honestly seeking knowledge is a fools errand...
  5. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    In Florida the other day a guy killed another guy for texting while watching the movie...
  6. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    If others can carry around their hand guns, why can't i carry my 12 gauge around with me? The 12 gauge pump is obviously safer than a hand gun, easier to aim accurately, much less likely to go off by accident and it sends a message of don't trifle with me...
  7. No a cloned plant is not the same organism any more than your clone would be the same organism and animals cells can be grown forever as well.
  8. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    In NC you can take a gun into a bar... what could go wrong?
  9. Nothing can be immortal, even the universe ends...
  10. To this guys defense, if there is any, I have to admit he has pretty much stated what i am sure he had heard thundered from the pulpit many times. Last night it was late and my back was giving me a fit so my answers weren't quite as eloquent as they should have been. People like LWalkersr are either lost forever in their refusal to even consider questioning their beliefs or so uninformed that they truly believe they are delivering a message of truth for our benefit. For the most part hearing this PRATT over and over your entire life with no idea that that any of it is less than the truth is crippling to the mind. I have family members that way, their world view is so tiny and narrow they cannot imagine being wrong or that any other world view exists outside possibly some other denomination that just worships the wrong way but still the same myths. They have no idea of the richness of the world outside what they've been told and many if not most have had such thoughts as Satan is deceiving the world implanted to the point of terror at even being exposed to anything that could possibly plant doubt in the mind they keep locked down. They almost certainly do not know the richness of reality as told through scientific naturalism and assume anyone who suggests they are wrong is working either intentionally or accidentally in league with Satan. I hope we can talk to him some more and see if his e-mail is possibly a call for help because he is beginning to question and groping for answers but still afraid to acknowledge his need for more... I think one of the most important things that can be said is this has nothing to do with intelligence, this is of paramount importance because the fundamentalists excel in teaching their flocks that we skeptics are assuming they are stupid and they equate ignorance with stupidity which is of course not true but it is a good way to keep them feeling hostile to those who would question their beliefs and makes sure they do not listen to other view points.. This sort of thing says it all...
  11. Well i managed to get moondog hung on another friend, snake and turtle were high school and jr high school names, I have a friend we called yahoo way before there was a Yahoo, I still have a hard time remembering his real name even when we are face to face, yahoo fit him so perfectly...
  12. James this is nothing but an argument from authority and even then it only suggests the possibility of a god, there might be an all powerful pink fairy too but just because it's not ruled out doesn't mean it's probable. I am an atheist but I would never say there is no god. I only say there is no testable or objective evidence for a god. Any number of things might exist and your critique of the theories that cannot be tested... well then pot meet kettle...
  13. Another warm sunny day in the south, that's why i live here!

    1. dragonstar57


      let us know if you feel the same way when its 132 degrees and hasn't rained in 6 months. while us in the north are rocking 80 degree temperatures on the banks of lake Michigan as we eat a Chicago style pizza.

  14. The best answer is that we don't know, but no evidence supports it being anything but a collection of myths...
  15. yeah but natural causes are known, why make things more complex than they have to be?
  16. So now we are down to baseless speculations? We don't know what causes lightning so it must be god? same thing...
  17. I also have to ask why do you believe what is in the bible? Why should anyone believe such an inaccurate haphazard jumble of fables?
  18. My parents created me, humans evolved from apes, the DNA and fossil evidence is over whelming... You give no evidence at all, just baseless claims from an old collection of myths, not even the oldest collection of myths...
  19. Show me some evidence of any god much less the god of the bible, no god no Satan only men writing myths about what they thought god was like, no evidence what so ever...
  20. Horse feathers, the bible is not complex at all, it is certainly no more complex than Lord of the rings and not a very good story, full of contradictions and things that are demonstrably not true...
  21. I was known as "skinny dip" for a while as well... on a warm summer night with the full moon shining bright how can you resist the madness how can you dance but clad in the sky?
  22. Well lets just say i am a bit more... careful now days...
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