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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. This song should be playing in every voting center in the country during the election!
  2. Yes, I have my doubts about a stable element at atomic number 164, in fact I was under the impression that the so called island of stability was supposed to be around element 124 and the stability was somewhat less than... stable. More important than simply speculating is getting an accurate measurement. However, the margin of error is so great on this one it makes you wonder how such a extreme error could be taken seriously at all. Even if the asteroid was 100% Osmium the density is far and away from anything you would expect from a reasonable measurement. A pure Iron Nickel asteroid should have a density of around 7.8 grams per CC even a pure Osmium asteroid, 22.59 grams per CC, which is wildly unlikely, wouldn't come close to the claimed measurement of 75 grams per CC. Lots of unknowns in science, various readings, findings, measurements that do not comport with reality was we think we know it. I think it's important to investigate these things when possible, remeasure when possible, but we shouldn't fall into the trap of assuming something is impossible because we can't explain it. Is there some other possibility which would make this measurement a bit closer to reality?
  3. Do super dense asteroids point to the possibility of heavy elements not found on Earth? 33 Polyhymnia is thought to be 3 times as dense as the densest element on the earth Osmium. Osmium is 22.59 grams per cubic centimeter with an atomic number of 76 but 33 Polyhymnia seems to be made of something close to three times as dense as Osmium. This would correspond to an element that has an atomic number of around 164. https://earthsky.org/space/ultradense-asteroids-polyhymnia-cudos-superheavy Should we be thinking of visiting this asteroid to see if we can obtain samples of this unknown element?
  4. I had a doctor with a sense of humor once, scared the living shit out of me with a cast saw. He was a catbird for sure.
  5. One of the most often sighted cryptids and or sea monsters is the sea serpent, sailors, for centuries, gace reports of giant sea monsters that were large enough to endanger their ships and other wise scare the bejesus out of otherwise brave men. Some of the examples were the giant squids, now days we know that giant squids exist, maybe not as big as reported but still big enough to be monsters. Sea Serpent sightings are now days thought to be the result of Oarfish being mistaken for Sea Serpents but there are sea serpents alive today, real snakes that live in the sea, one of which is reputed to grow to 9 feet long. But has there ever been a real giant sea serpent like the one of legend? Yes! Yes around 50 million years ago there is thought to have been a sea snake that could have been as long as 40 feet or more! Palaeophis colossaeus was this snake! From the description With all the "cryptid" enthusiasm for Megalodon I am quite surprised this snake isn't being blamed for sea serpent sightings, possibly it's relatively new discovery or maybe it is still to obscure, for whatever reason it remains true that giant sea serpents once existed... and old time sailors reported seeing them. I doubt there was any real connection but it remains an interesting coincidence. Now, if we can just find one washed up on shore 😁
  6. You can speculate anything you want but if you are going to tear down a complete evolutionary tree I think you need to find out a little about the evolutionary history of life on Earth. T-Rex was not a crocodile, T-Rex was a Dinosaur, both are archosaurs, but crocodiles are not Dinosaurs. The last common ancestor of both existed before there were either.
  7. As you said this is a spinosaurus not a T-Rex, compare the two then get back to me. Size has little to do with this, a T-Rex in water is about as helpless to large water carnivore as an elephant is to a great white shark. Elephants can swim more than 30 miles and can stay in the water for many hours but they are not going to try and take habitat away from dugongs just because elephants are bigger. You are aware that a T-Rex is, metabolically, akin to birds (they even had feathers)... an endotherm that needs but lacks the traits that makes crocodiles such successful predators in their cool watery habitats. Crocodiles are endotherms, need far less food and can afford to waits for days and or weeks and months between feedings... right? Spinosaurus was a totally different animal, shaped more like a crocodile and only some were adapted to a watery habitat and even that is still debated. Spinosaurus has been redesigned so many times and at this time is considered to have been a quadruped adapted to a lifestyle very similar to the quadruped crocodiles while T-Rex was a biped with almost nonexistent front limbs.
  8. For the same reason lions do not spend much time hunting in water occupied by crocodiles nor do crocodiles hunt on land occupied by lions. Large carnivores do not fight, populations compete with each other over resources and habitats. Yes individuals occasionally interact but it's the overall competition between them over resources that limit their occupation of habitats. So far you have given no reason to think a T-Rex would would want to take up a lifestyle it is obviously not adapted to anymore than crocodiles would decide to take up hunting zebras on the grasslands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deinosuchus
  9. The Main impediment "IMHO" to a amphibious T-Rex is the carnivores it would have to compete with. The wetlands were not empty places just waiting to be exploited by a big predator. There were giant sized crocodilians that lived in those wetlands, crocodiles more than big enough to take down a T-Rex... in fact they probably were a big danger to a T-rex trying to take a drink from a waterway BITD (back in the day) You have to remember that Crocodiles are powerful predators, well adapted to their environment, exothermic, so their food intake was lower than a exothermic T-Rex. Unlike a T-Rex Crocodiles can go long periods without food and so can afford, metabolically, to sit and wait for food to come to them. A T-Rex with its bird like metabolism had to eat much more and to go out and hunt down large prey items on a regular basis. A T-Rex wes adapted to hunting down prey and was probably fast enough to do so with its huge muscular hind legs. T-Rex was not well suited to semi aquatic living in its body plan, it's metabolism, or its behaviors and was as vulnerable as any other land creature to the true dominating predators of the wetlands... Crocodiles.
  10. I take krill oil, not sure if it's any better but it's a pretty shade of red.
  11. I really liked The 100 series on netflix, it got kinda weird towards the end but it was still a great show.
  12. Squid have brains as do cuttlefish but an octopus has nine brains.
  13. Ok, I am an idiot, no sense in anyone else berating me, I withdraw my video. You can trash it.
  14. I was coming back to explain further and I did but the danger of orphaned radiation sources is real, I just didn't realize just how common this is.
  15. This video describes how the use of an RTG to keep warm in the wilderness resulted in their deaths. The harrowing thing is the number of orphaned sources just in the USSR state of Georgia... 300 were found and in the USA one source is lost everyday. Most people wouldn't know what was happening anymore than the three men who found this one. Radiological sources like this are used in hospitals to generate x-rays and other radiations. The number of people and the effort required to just pick and and remove this orphaned one source is incredible but the idea of how many such sources might be lying around, not just in junkyards or near military bases but left abandoned in the wild is super frightening. How many of us would recognize the danger and how obvious would the danger be? In this case the steaming mud in the middle of winter should have been a clue that something wasn't right but the amount of radiation being emitted was enough to damage these men, for them to feel it the next day! Death soon followed.
  16. I've always wondered what does the red crayon taste like? Is it better when you dip it in the glue?
  17. So far you have presented no evidence of design, nothing but "speaking the word of men who wrote about what they thought god should be like" How about you present some empirical evidence that supports your proposition instead of speaking the word of your imaginary best friend?
  18. Ants rule the world. we are just onlookers.
  19. The conditions for life exist all over the solar system, IMHO where life can form it forms, the swiftness it appeared on earth after the earth formed suggests life forms easily and the detections on Mars suggests there is life on Mars afterall.
  20. Well gods, like aliens, are created by humans in their own image.
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