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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Here is an interesting short video...
  2. Birds are dinosaurs much the same way that bats are mammals...
  3. You don't find banana peels to be erotic? what is wrong with you?
  4. I call you out on that proof... I would suggest reading the Holy Bible to find out what god's morality really is, not just the cherry picked parts most people like but the whole gory horrific misogynist genocidal text...
  5. If swansonT hasn't sanctioned me with extreme prejudice by now I would have to say he is neither ignorant or unfair... kiss kiss kiss
  6. It's it obvious? It's a decelerating alien interstellar space craft, I deserve to be granted moderator status for this BTW.... http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Freakish_asteroid_discovered_resembles_rotating_lawn_sprinkler_999.html
  7. Could you explain it with out mixing science and woo words?
  8. Now I do know what you mean, these "mods" won't let me down load all the porn I have from the aliens from Zeta Reticuli either, very frustrating....
  9. I don't have access to your face book account, this is not face book where you can assert anything with no evidence, read the rules then get back to this non mode...
  10. Truth has to be backed up by empirical evidence, simply asserting it is just horse feathers...
  11. PP, you have yet to support anything you have asserted, exactly what is complex energy?
  12. I knew that guy in the van was iffy, I waited at the safe house for hours... now I'm out the money for the van guy and the safe house....
  13. Again odds do not figure into it, only certain chemical reactions can occur, Helium is never going to react with oxygen but Carbon reacts with many things, it's no accident that life is composed of the most common molecules in the universe and they react in ways that are not governed by chance... Those are not the only "modes" do a little bit of research, http://www.talkorigins.org/ would be a good start. Again not true complexity can indeed arise spontaneously, google is your friend... http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/thermo/probability.html
  14. Dammit! How am I going to achieve youtube fame if you keep giving away the plot!
  15. It's too late you're screwed... http://www.theonion.com/articles/breaking-authorities-currently-racing-down-highway,34462/
  16. They are both mammals and their hearts, while not identical, have evolved along with the organism to meet it's needs along with the other systems in it's body, neither is superior to the other in any basic way... Trans-species organ implants have been done but the rejection problem is greatly compounded compared to intra-species transplants.
  17. It snowed here last night, I mean it actually accumulated on the ground and lasted til mid morning... weird...

  18. A small child would be in danger for sure but around here the gators are somehow fundamentally different than the ones further south, it's almost unheard of for one to approach a human this far north... I've been in the water and watched some really big ones just swim by as though I didn't exist...
  19. Don't forget the invertebrates with internal skeletons... just to confuse the issue a bit more... I thought of that as well, I used to keep bees on a hobby level... Oh then there are people with a real sexual fetish for bees... I'd provide an illustration but I value my membership here a bit too much for that...
  20. You would have to create the equivalent of a nuclear explosion to do that...
  21. After using BionicDance's word I feel I should give her channel a plug, sorry if it bothers anyone... http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6vEgUAUC6ti47YsczNNoRQ
  22. Could it contain a significant amount of phosphate? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stainless_steel
  23. Citation needed please....
  24. Ok, I agree scratch the "small penis car" but exactly how is thorium used to power a laser with out a nuclear reactor?
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