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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I cannot be part horse and part human, this is not a possibility, no metaphor is involved. Me being a centaur is impossible not the least because if I was a centaur i would not be me...
  2. That is so cool...
  3. I'm still reeling from the knowledge i can't be a centaur... I certainly can imagine being one...
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis
  5. Since atheism is nothing but a lack of a belief in a god and some religions do not believe in a god as part of their belief system then it is evidently true that atheists can be religious but "not buying what theists are selling" is not a religion by any definition...
  6. Never argue with an idiot... http://vitaminl.tv/video/885
  7. For me it's "I don't know so I need to investigate as much as possible", there are sightings that are inexplicable and not because of lack of data, I do know that doesn't mean aliens but it turned out rocks did fall from the sky and centuries of simply saying no it had to be something else didn't make it something else... ignoring puzzles never solves them and disinformation helps no one but those holding secrets... I think the quote from Jefferson (it might have been someone else) went something like this... "I would rather believe two Yankee professors would lie, than that stones have fallen from the heavens." ​It could be apocryphal, old quotes are hard to be completely sure about...
  8. While I am sure there is an explanation if you watch closely they do disappear into dark clouds at least once around 00:10... I have seen the search light effect many times, this just looked a bit different than the ones i've seen...
  9. No beanieb it doesn't work like that and it has been explained why several times at least in this thread i am sure. We do not know what primitive life looked or how complex it had to be before we would call it life but there is no doubt that life has no "software or hardware" at it's most basic level it is chemistry, nothing more, the information fallacy is just that... a fallacy... and the idea that the first life was as complex as even a modern bacteria is also a fallacy as well...
  10. A more realistic take on the Thorium powered car....
  11. I'm allergic to radioactive cheese nips anyway....
  12. I know not many share this little fetish of mine but most threads on SFN remind me of music videos or at least songs, this one reminds me of this one....
  13. WHAT! Mods don't get the ladies?
  14. Here is an interesting short video...
  15. Birds are dinosaurs much the same way that bats are mammals...
  16. You don't find banana peels to be erotic? what is wrong with you?
  17. I call you out on that proof... I would suggest reading the Holy Bible to find out what god's morality really is, not just the cherry picked parts most people like but the whole gory horrific misogynist genocidal text...
  18. If swansonT hasn't sanctioned me with extreme prejudice by now I would have to say he is neither ignorant or unfair... kiss kiss kiss
  19. It's it obvious? It's a decelerating alien interstellar space craft, I deserve to be granted moderator status for this BTW.... http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Freakish_asteroid_discovered_resembles_rotating_lawn_sprinkler_999.html
  20. Could you explain it with out mixing science and woo words?
  21. Now I do know what you mean, these "mods" won't let me down load all the porn I have from the aliens from Zeta Reticuli either, very frustrating....
  22. I don't have access to your face book account, this is not face book where you can assert anything with no evidence, read the rules then get back to this non mode...
  23. Truth has to be backed up by empirical evidence, simply asserting it is just horse feathers...
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