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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Let's get real here, when theists talk about atheists they aren't talking about Buddhists or Shaman or any other supernatural belief system that lacks a belief in a specific god or gods they are talking about people who don't buy the horse feathers they are selling about their own religious beliefs. No one talks about someone who doesn't believe in Odin or Zeus as atheists an atheist is some who doesn't believe in the particular brand of supernatural nonsense you happen to hold sacred. I'm not really satisfied with being an atheist due to this fact I prefer Apistevist, In other words I lack a belief in anything that requires faith (with apologies to bionicdance) Apistevist pretty much says it, if it requires faith with no evidence then I do not buy what ever is being sold...
  2. Thorium powered car could run for a century with out refueling! Nuclear power car runs on thorium!
  3. We've already defeated smallpox with out the restricted breeding, why not pursue that avenue instead of eugenics?
  4. Oneness with god, what does that mean and how does it contribute additional knowledge about reality?
  5. No, mirror matter is composed of electrons protons and neutrons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_matter
  6. Being the versatile archosaurs they are this shouldn't come as too big a surprise.. http://www.livescience.com/41096-are-crocodiles-secret-fruit-lovers.html?cmpid=555152 Not quite the same thing but still very cool, I love gators, swimming with them is a rush... Gators, closest thing we have to non avian dinosaurs...
  7. The OP makes a priory assumption that is not true, it's like asking have you stopped beating your wife, it's a malformed question with a not so hidden agenda... You might change it to what are the odds of life developing on any particular planet but as asked it is nothing but a dishonest attempt at pushing an agenda...
  8. I have seen the rapture in my dreams... 99% of the population is not easy to look at nekked...
  9. Then what is the point of labeling energy god? What does the label god add to the concept of energy? It's like labeling the water on the earth "mighty water" it adds nothing to the definition but obfuscation...
  10. Isn't Cerenkov radiation due to the particles traveling faster than light in the medium they are passing through?
  11. So god is photons? The appeal to authority is kind of weak... I label water god.. fact are we all not made of mostly water? fact! I think i'll go have a bottle of god with a few impurities like alcohol and hops for flavoring...
  12. Well then, if it's a "fact" then you shouldn't have too much trouble showing us some evidence of this "fact" other than your assertion it is a fact...
  13. You are of course welcome to believe anything you want but no evidence supports that particular belief.
  14. I disagree, we do know Alan's position and it is not well hidden in an agenda of science denial in nearly everything he writes. The question is a common one among science deniers across every forum I've ever been a member of. He phrasing of the question is straight out of science denier web sites like "Answers in Genesis"...
  15. As for the OP, I think the question is loaded, it assumes something that is simply not true then asks for an answer based on that deception...
  16. Yes, strong and weak, either you don't see any evidence for gods or you are sure there are no gods which of course means you need to show evidence, simply not buying what theists are selling is the default position and requires nothing in the way of evidence... BTW i am quite sure that God as described the Holy Bible is not real and i am prepared to back that up...
  17. I've following this thread as well, I just don't see the energy flux necessary to do the job, Io was mentioned early on as an example but it is gravitational flexing that causes Io to be to active not magnetic fields... on top of that Earths expansion or contraction can be measured to very small increments, is there is evidence of this expansion/contraction?
  18. I stopped eating rice and my sex drive sky rocketed, in fact nearly anything i do causes my sex drive to sky rocket... even sky rockets...
  19. maybe not yet but I wouldn't bet the farm it will not be able to in the future...
  20. I was perusing some of the more questionable videos on you tube today and ran across several nuclear warfare simulation vids. I know religious people are often painted as crazy but does anyone really think that taking out a city would cause the rest of the world to cower or to just use the occasional nuke? These simulations seemed to assert this eventuality but then i thought what fun would a video be if the first country to use nukes was turned into a radioactive parking lot? I just don't see the one batshit crazy nation holding the world hostage scenario as a viable option. kinda like me threatening to sucker punch a professional boxer, I might draw blood but it wouldn't be a significant impediment to him kicking the living shit out of me... Iran has a few nukes big deal, I have a BB gun my neighbor has a 12 gauge magnum, maybe if i shoot his eye out kid...
  21. yeah well some us aren't super hackers, I only survive because i'm not interesting enough for anyone to bother with...
  22. Two pages out of this... amazing! I did wonder why the pic wasn't a bit clearer, Curiosity is supposed to have all those super cameras and stuff...
  23. This is just too damn good to be true, can we sat POTUS in Klingon? http://freakoutnation.com/2013/11/10/this-actually-happened-new-york-elected-klingon-general-martok-into-office-this-week-because-why-not/
  24. Gee and here I was worried about the gov monitoring the web sites i visit... that must be one boring job...
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