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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I think you're going to have to give a bit more information before anyone can discuss this...
  2. For me the bottom line is the danger of religion in all it's forms. Even moderate religions have crazy fringes and those fringes drive the religious obsession with wanting a theocracy. The more moderates seem to think why would government based on their version of their religion be a bad thing because they don't know what their religion actually teaches...
  3. There is also the number of reactions actually occurring, It might be highly unlikely that a particular reaction would take place in the right place but when you have a test tube as large as earths oceans with trillions of reactions occurring every second even improbable events become a certainty. Personally IMHO I think life is a certainty given favorable conditions, Gold, in his book "The Deep Hot Biosphere" suggests that life is simply a natural chemical reaction that is apart of planet formation, complex life like us is the true extremophile with most life being much simpler than we see on earth today even in bacteria. Gold suggests that many bodies in our solar system developed life, probably all the terrestrial planets and many of the moons of the giant planets. Any place water and hydrocarbons interact on geological time scales. Some planets change in ways that eliminates such life like Venus and Mercury but others continue to have simple life though out most of their history. Gold suggests that deep inside most moons and planets life can and probably does exist,he even made a case for our own moon...
  4. The question the OP asks is malformed to begin with, there are no odds involved, just chemistry and chemical reactions are deterministic, chemicals do not react by random chance...
  5. Space shuttles do not reproduce and there for cannot evolve, you are the king of strawmen, I salute you and give credit where credit is due, should be an award for the most dishonest post using using strawmen.... This first post has so many strawmen as a important part of it's premise destroying them all would take considerable time and research that Mr. McDougall could have easily realized were bogus simply by judicious use of google but one theme he seem to be fond of insinuating if not outright claiming it is information. Whether claiming it could not come about by random chance to asserting no new information could arise with out an IDer to create the information. But thus is a strawman as well and IMHO one of the most used and most inaccurate of all strawmen. THERE IS NO INFORMATION IN DNA... NO CODE... NO INSTRUCTIONS INSERTED BY A SUPREME BEING...NONE! We have named DNA information or a code to make it easier for use to understand since we see patterns easily as part of the evolution of our own minds. Labeling DNA as information or a code just makes it easier to work with due to the way our minds have evolved to work. I hope the powers that be will forgive me for posting this video but it does make the deliema of information in DNA quite clear...
  6. I do live in the deep south and churches vary from store fronts in strip malls to huge mega churches with tens of thousands of members. Atheists have lots to fear, from conservative news shows that advocate atheists having no civil rights to religions wanting to indoctrinate your children in their particular religious perversion in the guise of education. The perversion that is religion permeates every part of our society espousing lies and bigotry as part of gods plan and insisting they have the right to bully and even pass laws that strip citizens of their rights based on bronze age mythology. The separation of church and state is the only thing that protects us from religious wars and civil unrest based on "my god is better than yours" Religious is in a constant state of war against the rights of anyone who disagrees with them and claim persecution just because they can't persecute people who hold different supernatural beliefs or hold no supernatural beliefs at all. Atheism is not religion any more than a lack of belief in fairies is a religion...
  7. FINALLY! Live dinosaur found in New Zealand, currently in the hands of the local zoological park! this is quite a find!
  8. Robert Foot has suggested mirror matter could be the cause of the Pioneer anomaly... I can't seem to find an article I can access but these links refer to the idea of mirror matter being the causal element in the pioneer anomaly... I do have the book he wrote about Mirror Matter... I've exchanged several e-mails with Dr. Foot about Mirror Matter, the idea leads to some fascinating possibilities... maybe someone else can access the papers in the links... http://www.amazon.com/Shadowlands-Quest-Mirror-Matter-Universe/dp/158112645X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_matter http://www.findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/display/person14116 http://www.findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/display/publication2924 http://inspirehep.net/record/561148?ln=en
  9. Didn't you mean noob? No wait maybe nub was correct.... It's the blob getting ready to eat curiosity...
  10. Seeing might be believing but seeing is not knowing... really really believing in something is not knowledge...
  11. WHAT! You don't believe in hobbies! Just wait till my flying fish/piranha cross is finished... where did you say you lived btw?
  12. It does look a lot like a pile of rocks, not impossible to get a pile of rocks naturally but it would seem unlikely in this case...
  13. Is this a picture of a stone house on Mars? Admittedly it does look like a pile of rocks...
  14. There are no social cephalopods but octopus are amazing good at problem solving especially when you consider they come up with their solutions by themselves with no social or historical connection with any other octopus. If you use brain size as a standard then mormyrids are brainier than humans, I have kept them in groups and they do interact with each other. The problem is that we are defining intelligence in comparison to us, one data point does not a curve make...
  15. Do you have a citation to back this up? It's interesting but I would like to see something other than your assertions...
  16. I can't say anything about intelligence being around your computer but I think we can be relatively certain about in front of it...
  17. Please read the rules, you need to back this up with evidence, personally I don't think you can but the rules require you to do so...
  18. you need to back up this assertion with evidence
  19. Your tongue is controlled by your brain, without your brain your tongue does nothing and is nothing but a piece of meat....
  20. If religion didn't consistently shove it's idiocy in my face very nearly all the time I doubt I would ever have a thought about God, but the reality is that religion makes that impossible by continuously proselytizing everyone. I feel it's necessary to debunk religion to counter the continuous assault by religion. The idea of keeping my disbelief to my self is how religion has taken over our society and even enforced laws based on religion, everything from sex to how to react to those who do not share your particular belief is proscribed by religion, it is impossible to live with out religion rearing it's ugly head in your life. You are an atheist when it comes to most gods, does that mean you worship them secretly? As for rarely insulting people, the assertion that atheism is a religion is in it's self insulting and asserting things as facts with no intent to back them up with evidence to get a reaction out of people is the definition of trolling... if the shoe fits lace that bitch up and wear it...
  21. Do you really think your tongue operates independent of your brain?
  22. Your argument is invalid...
  23. Can you smell that smell, the smell of troll that surrounds this thread?
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