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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I heard they like to pole them occasionally as well...
  2. Yes, I understand, I still question how you can make that assertion, solipsism cannot be refuted or confirmed, it is not a testable way to describe the world.
  3. The main thing that jumps out at me in the OP was the idea that some how science equals atheism and that the "fight" is between Christendom and science, this is not true, the videos I listed show this very well and the texts are available as well as links to some relevant scientific information. http://darwinwasright.homestead.com/1stFFoC.html
  4. Lots of very good answers here and i do understand the delima of religious indoctrination vs scientific inquiry. I suggest this series of videos to illustrate so many here have written in print, sometimes a visual representation can close the gaps a written description cannot... science is not necessarily atheism and religion is not necessarily creationism, this series of videos illustrates this extremely well, there are 17 of them but they are all only around 10 to 15 minutes long and well worth watching... http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL126AFB53A6F002CC
  5. I asked for evidence, you, like everyone else, are welcome to your beliefs as long as they don't impinge on any one else but you are not welcome to your own facts. Now again, you made a pretty hefty assertion here. All I want to know is how do you know that... all I see is assertions about belief and feelings neither is acceptable as evidence..
  6. Maybe they use only one orifice for everything like this creature, an invertebrate with an internal skeleton...
  7. It's the only system we have... what is your point?
  8. How do you know that?
  9. I don't think an appeal to authority means much but I will concede that we are something special to us but to the rest of the universe I don't think you can support that with anything but hopes and wishes.. So no you cannot back up your claims with empirical evidence, just hopes, wishes, and wooo? I asked for evidence you gave me feelings and belief...
  10. Care to back that up with something other than your baseless assertions?
  11. Could you give me a link or name of the books involved?
  12. I agree, we only have one data point, but assuming that all life is similar enough to coexist is a bit of a stretch. all life on Earth is related, uses the same chemicals in pretty much the same way, if a planet was that similar to the Earth then you would have problems with diseases the new life had never evolved any resistance to, just as big a problem for that life as not being able to use the chemicals of life on that planet...
  13. I have gone over this again and I think that you are basing this on a false assumption. Yes Jupiter and Io have a large electrical connection but you have yet to show such a connection exists between the Earth and the Sun and you are ignoring that the energy that causes Io to be so active geologically is attributed primarily to gravitational flexing not a electrical current generated by a magnetic connection. Can you demonstrate other wise? http://www.space.com/16419-io-facts-about-jupiters-volcanic-moon.html
  14. Several shots of tequila?
  15. Scientific study, I don't ascribe to the idea that different ecosystems could mix, it would be highly unlikely aliens could adapt to a planet they did not evolve on...
  16. No one as far as i know is suggesting that theists or atheists are more or less intelligent than each other or anyone else.... Again, no one has said it does... Opinions are just that opinions, unless you can back it up with evidence you are just making baseless assertions... Can you show some evidence this is true or that god as seen as a creator has any intelligence at all, it could just be a mindless force that creates things, much like a whale dying in the ocean creates a home for lesser creatures neither of which know anything about the other.. This is a false dichotomy, superior intelligence is not necessary for either... Since intelligence is not necessary to disbelieve or believe in god this statement is self contradictory...
  17. Just for a moment ignore the megatons of polycarbonate it would take to surround Ceres, evolution would take some interesting twists i bet... Butterflys the size of eagles... the possibilities...
  18. My personal fav... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0WOIwlXE9g Kind of reminds me of Flesh Gordon's space ship... The Op, not the you tube vid...
  19. Then you have all those light houses... just light houses.. not the organ you were looking for...
  20. That site asked me for a password when i was already logged in... just sayin'
  21. Tequila makes my clothes fall off?
  22. I follow this stuff mainly because I am a cancer survivor and the fear of it returning is always at the edge of my mind but the OP was just horse feathers. This on the other hand makes at least some sense... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/06/130605190158.htm
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