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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Party animal: anyone whose face lights up at the mention of tequila...
  2. If I told you that you had a lovely body would you hold it against me? medication... definitely medication...
  3. Of course! It's well known that women like men with big feet, any woman would jump at the chance of a bigfoot....
  4. Name one thing that meta physics has solved that if you took it away it would be missed...
  5. Building a clear shell around a small planet to hold in an atmosphere seems like a no brainer at first, lots of hydrocarbons in space to make a poly-carbonate shell small robots crawling around on the inside or outside to repair any holes.... "sunbathing on Mercury or jamming on Jupiter which do you prefer " Daedalus http://www.space.com/23063-terraforming-planets-shell-worlds.html?cmpid=545402
  6. Citation needed, if such DNA samples existed they could be shown to be hominids at the very least...
  7. I'd like to point out that moths do not navigate by the Sun...
  8. AFAIK no drugs were involved...
  9. Just ground beef mushroom and onion...
  10. DNA does not degrade all that fast in the wild and I have found deer skeletons and in one case a bear skull in the wild, all of which would have had viable DNA. A den would contain DNA, feces, hair, and skin should be present in a den. Even you tube hits make money, money is being made or attempted to be made on this. But even that aside, fame is enough of a motive and for some fooling the experts is more than enough motive, look at the millions of fake UFO videos on you tube. This will eventually shake out, I would love it if bigfoot was real but not enough to accept horse feathers a proof...
  11. Well it's over now but it was one of the oddest experiences i have ever had, the fact it happened to both of us at the same time does suggest food poisoning of some type but what would fit the parameters of the symptoms? BTW, we ate some of the pizza later and no such symptoms appeared...
  12. Nonetheless this has all the hallmarks of making money being the end goal, if nothing else the guy who is promoting this was paid and I am betting paid well. I will not pass judgement until this has been allowed to play out but the DNA is almost certainly bogus, the films are not convincing but films or pictures will never prove the existence of bigfoot. You need a body, for something that has been hoaxed so many times nothing less will do...
  13. Trust is the only way these things can be divined, we have to establish trust, once we do that we cab discuss the issues but to simply prattle on about it being impossible serves no one... I am quite sure other beings do have cognition, in fact that can be demonstrated, how complex that cognition is can be tested, emotions are more subtle but the fact that other beings have them can be demonstrated as well... The sun is not a living being... I have never claimed to know everything, in fact I would say that is not possible. "no one knows everything and every thing we do know is subject to some degree of error" Again, no one has claimed to know these things but they are with in the realm of obtainable knowledge. You keep inflating the lack of knowledge as though it is a permanent, the quest for knowledge is on going and the lack of total knowledge cannot be used to denigrate this... I think you are doing nothing but assuming these things will always be unanswerable so any quest to know them is meaning less. Why don't you be honest and tell us what your agenda really is...
  14. Once more... Life is a self replicating chemical reaction... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life If this is not what you are talking about please let us know which parts are too complex to understand, saying all of it is too complex to understand is demonstrably not true...
  15. One anomaly was that three workers had walked off the job that night leaving only three people to run the Pizza Hut restaurant, I would like to think one disgruntled employee wouldn't do such a thing. Pears, by the time we were capable to going to the emergency room the symptoms had gone down to a dull roar... I'm not sure Pizza Hut will be getting our business in the future...
  16. My wife and i just spent two days experiencing some really weird health problems. We cannot figure out what happened, here are the symptoms... Heart palpitations extreme shakiness/weakness/agitation/inability to think clearly Waking night mares/total inability to sleep Ringing in our ears Tremors/dizziness Elevated blood pressure Extreme sweating/hot and cold flashes We were both too weak and disorientated to drive Intestinal problems The nightmares were as real as hallucinations can be and long lasting, some of them lasted an hour or more it lasted two days, the only thing we shared besides living together was eating a pizza from a commercial pizza place just before the symptoms started, no drugs were involved, prescribed or other wise. The symptoms occurred at the same time almost to the minute and ended very closely as well. By the time we were capable of going to a doctor the symptoms had begun to abate and they dissipated fast. The nightmares/hallucinations were very disturbing. This was so weird I have been puzzling on it for days now and i can't come up with any reasonable explanation. I have searched the net extensively and cannot make a connection to these symptoms with anything... anyone have any ideas I can follow?
  17. I average less than 3 hours a night, I've gone several days with out sleep, melatonin seems to help...
  18. Money, follow the money...
  19. I give it a month at best before it self destructs...
  20. There has to be more to this but I am not familiar enough to figure it out. Does anyone have info? http://www.sciencemag.org/content/342/6154/60.full
  21. Why would you expect anyone with out education to understand anything they hadn't received an education on? I do understand life in a broad sense and many parts of it in detail, you still seem to be making claims you cannot back up...
  22. Well then what is the best methodology? Can you show us what part of life science doesn't understand? Surely you can point out the parts that we cannot understand because there are parts we do...
  23. WVBIG47, I'll make a bet with you, this is hoaxed, the idea of a hybrid pretty much tells the tale, Arete knows what he is talking about, I was suspicious but I didn't have the knowledge to put my finger directly on it, he does. Read his link... http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/02/bigfoot-genome-paper-conclusively-proves-that-sasquatch-is-real/ it raises many problems not the lest of which is this... This "research" is shoddy, it would not be accepted for any other researchers I see no reason it should be accepted now... The best thing to do is next a hunter sees a bigfoot, shoot it, haul it's carcass in and the proof will be indisputable until then it is just mental masturbation...
  24. You realize that guys assertions are totally unsupported don't you? I can make an assertion that contradicts it completely with just as much authority... Observing my dogs for the last 38 years I think he is talking out his rectum... In fact imagination needs to be defined before we can even debate the issue..
  25. I did and I did see any assertions that animals cannot imagine, I suggest you provide the link the the quote that backs up your assertion... btw that is what we require, telling me to look it up is not acceptable..
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