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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. They cannot imagine? How do you know that?
  2. A woman with a 1 yo child in a car seat was killed today in Washington, she was obviously deranged and her behavior was threatening but was her death really necessary? I've watched the tapes released so far and while i understand that a car can be a weapon her actions looked more like a panic stricken person trying to get away than a person trying to use her car as a weapon... thoughts discuss?
  3. Ok, I'll accept that about protozoa but not for Elephants, dogs, apes, whales, octopus, ect... Morals are relative to the culture they exist in, animals display moral behavior in relation to their social needs... What language? You have to be a bit more precise, why would thought require a language? I can see that communication between animals might require a language but internal thought?
  4. I'm going to have to disagree with that, a great many animals demonstrably have that same power. From Elephants to apes to whales and even fish and mollusks, humans cannot claim sole rights to free will, my own dogs demonstrate this every day..
  5. Then protozoa can think...
  6. Well they can choose, given more than one option they do choose... They react to stimuli but on a basic level so do we. The question, I think, is how complex the choice has to be before we consider it free will...
  7. If that is what is being asserted then i think you can show free will down the level of protozoa at least...
  8. Since I am not expert in any way I was hesitant to call horse feathers but the idea of a human ape hybrid being a biologically viable creature able to reproduce and maintain a population is more than a bit outside the realm of possibility to my mind at least..
  9. This is just a guess but i would think the ionic shock to the nerve cells causes the pain...
  10. My thoughts and hopes go out to you arc, I wish you the best of all possibilities...
  11. An interesting assessment of the Fukushima accident... http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2013/09/fukushima_disaster_new_information_about_worst_case_scenarios.html?wpsrc=upworthy
  12. You've failed to ask a coherent question..
  13. The fact they had to buy the publication to get their paper published is a bit of a concern but I'll with hold judgement until the details come to light. Being a hybrid, of a human woman and a male primate of some sort is disturbing especially since the male primate cannot be identified and is completely unknown...
  14. Belief is meaningless in the face of reality...
  15. You keep making a point that has no meaning, "if not for football I would not be playing football today" you keep asking meaningless questions about things that are well understood and claiming they are too complex to be understood. Life literally has changed the earth as it evolved to fit it's environment, if you had evolved on Venus you would think living at the bottom of a high pressure super critical fluid CO2 atmosphere was perfect and too complex to under stand why it was so perfect for us, this is not an unanswerable question once you know the mechanisms that allow life to evolve and adapt. I would be more surprised is life wasn't perfectly fitted to the Earth, adapt and evolve is what life does that that is driven by environment.... Evolution is a demonstrable fact, you evidently have no idea what the terminology of science means and belief is meaningless in the face of reality...
  16. Again, you claim to know what someone can or cannot know based on your own inability to understand. As far as i know no one has claimed to be above life or to not be a part of the ecosystem that is our planet. All you have been doing so far is word play...
  17. Researchers claim new evidence of bigfoot, new films and DNA evidence. These films are either real or fake, no mistaken identity here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MIo6KmdtPM
  18. Nothing shocking about this... what is your point?
  19. My point exactly...
  20. I just gave it, many tons of radioisotopes, can it be said that Fukushima released tons of radio isotopes? I am not talking about tons of contaminated material but tons of actual radioactive isotopes...
  21. Seriously Overtone? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivy_Mike In addition to that... [/size] This was seriously large amount of radioactive material... Can the two really be compared? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster#Radioactive_release
  22. I am completely capable of finding food and drink, why can't you? I grew up getting most of my food and water from nature, it was not manufactured by some one else and given to me, if I had to go back to that I could, I wouldn't want to but to suggest that somehow food and drink are unique to earth or what ever is bogus..
  23. The idea that nuclear reactor radiation is somehow qualitatively different than any other radiation can be shown to be bogus simply by the idea of dilution, if the radiation released by the Japanese reactor was spread evenly around the world would it be a threat? I assert no, as I indicated earlier, Ivy Mike, a nuclear explosion released many tens of tons of radioactive debris to the earth's environment, how many tons did Fukushima release? I think a straight up comparison is relevant here..
  24. No, perfection in that sense is an illusion, we are what we are because of the constraints not despite them, different constraints would bring different illusions of perfection , "if things were different... things would be different" you cannot make the connection that things are perfect because you don't know if they could be better or worse, they are as they are, no other possibility can be known to us...
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