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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Please define perfection in this context...
  2. Are you being intentionally obtuse here? Possible chemical pathways to life, abiogenesis, has quite a bit of evidence to support it, nothing like evolution but life came into formation is not a complete unknown and i wouldn't bet the farm it always will be...
  3. Life was that perfect when?
  4. That statement makes no sense what so ever... and yes, if I was without food and water i would indeed still say the same thing...
  5. Perfection is an illusion and it's dishonest to say life is too complex to do things perfectly. There is nothing in my heart but blood, I think with my brain, your analogies are what is muddying the water here. Digest? Your stomach is what digests food, your brain comprehends ideas...
  6. Took you long enough to cut to the chase... There is no "truth" no one knows everything about anything, and everything we know is subject to some degree of error. You clearly do not understand me wordlessly, you like me are depending on communication to understand my stance and I am depending on that same communication to understand you, all we can do is be honest so our true point comes across...
  7. You can't, you do not know what I can or cannot comprehend...
  8. You are putting your cart before the horse... Earth is good for humans because we evolved here, if life had evolved on titan earth would be hell to us, Earth is apparently good for life or humans because we evolved to fit the Earth, go back in time and even the earth could not support humans or life...
  9. Comprehension does not mean something is real or not real, I comprehend Star Trek, doesn't make it true. I do not comprehend why children are sexually brutalized by adults but it still happens, you are making unjustified assumptions...
  10. I disagree that life is too complex to understand, maybe for you, but not to everyone. How do we need support against our own complexity...
  11. No, life is not written in any code, DNA is not a code, and as i have pointed out before, there is no truth...
  12. No there is not many versions of said events, math is not an opinion...
  13. How about you say any word that is not a human word...
  14. Then why did you assert you knew I didn't know? Actually, yes, mathematics can indeed show us what the universe was like minutes after the big bang, your lack of knowledge does not negate what we do know...
  15. How do you know that?
  16. No, the complexity of life might be something you don't comprehend but I and others do... Life is not as question...
  17. How do you know that? This is just your inability to understand...
  18. You need to support the assertion we cannot understand life because it's too complex...
  19. To me it sounds like he is having problems with understanding ecology and TOE is a cosmological theory, it has nothing to do with life...
  20. Unless you are using some obtuse meaning of the word support... yes evolution does explain life and how we are supported by that life... You'll have to expand the idea of "natural pre man made reality" I have not heard of that one...
  21. Can you be a bit more precise with that first one? Evolution explains life, our lives and how we live it, pre science all we had was baseless assertions hinging on unsubstantiated beliefs... Your beliefs do not affect reality, can you give me some reason not to accept linear time?
  22. You just gave it...
  23. Then you do not understand what a theory is, a theory is a body of knowledge, it is never proven, it is always subject to revision, there is no such thing as "truth" no one knows everything about anything and everything we do know is subject to some degree of error...
  24. You do make a point, some religions do and some do not reject reality, most mix reality and nonsense at least to some degree.. . A hypothesis should be, at least partly based on real world observations, a theory is based on observable empirical evidence not belief...
  25. I have traveled a very similar course, when I was young there was a huge number of paper back books that claimed all sorts of nonsense. I read them ravenously. UFOs have not lost their wonder for me completely but I approach is much more cautiously than i did. I know the US Airforce has operated a disinformation campaign almost from the very first but it's difficult to tell if the disinformation was for national security or a cover up of something alien. The sighting I posted has some interesting aspects but it also raises some questions, The first one that comes to mind is do baptist ministers give last rites? Twice told tales and death bed confessions are both interesting and suggestive but they are not proof of anything. I'd like to see the original picture of the dead alien but that seems unlikely. To me part of the interest lies in figuring out what really happened, I have recently come to understand one of my favorite "unexplained" sightings, the Socorro sighting was a hoax, a kite of all things, specifically targeted toward the man who reported the sighting. In many ways I was relieved to find this out, besides being glad i wasn't wrong any more it shines a new light on other sightings and their veracity..
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