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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I cannot conceive, at this time at least, of ever trusting the republican party again. They have defied all reason and reality for far too long, their agenda is driven by interests other than their constituents, usually making money for themselves, They have little or no connection with reality or reason. I think we are witnessing the self destruction of the republican party or possibly the splitting of the republican party into two parties. I think it's distinctly possible we are in the middle of our entire political system, if not self destructing, resetting it's self and making current party lines meaningless. It's difficult to see how any political system so far removed from the people it represents can survive in a free society but of course that is the $64,000 question....
  2. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life
  3. I disagree, the fact that drugs and or brain damage can make you a completely different person is evidence and the shot gun test might not communicate the after life to those still living it is the only way "you" can know and that only applies if you are correct, if there is no life after death then no one can ever know...
  4. Care to explain why this is ridiculous?
  5. Crashed UFO in 1941... http://www.ufocasebook.com/missouricrash.html Picture at about 08:30 Story Starts @ 07:20 Picture at about 08:30... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U53zCg8uFAo
  6. Actual scientists have looked at the evidence for bigfoot, none have been impressed... I suggest the next time "we" see one "we" shoot it and bring it's body back...
  7. BTW, #1 if you want a personal or private conversation with tars i suggest the PM system... #2 Belief does not enter into it... #3 "DR. Stevenson" is not evidence of anything but his baseless assertions... #4 So you are simply talking horse feathers? #5 You do not have to have a reason to assume the default position, you have to have evidence to support the idea there is something beyond death but worm food... #6 Reincarnation is all about a soul, I suggest you google it... #7 Precisely... #8 If you are reincarnated you are asserting part of you is from the dead guy you got it from...
  8. Meta physics is like debating with a horse about how long his feathers are...
  9. The differences between an elephant and a mouse are quite large but both are mammals, computers can indeed mimic human responses so well it is possible to fool real people into thinking they are real people...
  10. I take the default position, you have provided zero evidence for your position, in the lack of positive evidence the default position is that what ever you want to prove does not exist...
  11. This is an open forum not your personal blog, I am taking the default position, completely reasonable, you have to provide evidence you are correct, i do not have to present evidence you are not.
  12. Your incredulity is not relevant to the problem... No computer is any where near as complex as a human mind... yet... that does not negate the fact the differences are simply matters of degree...
  13. http://padante.com/similarities-between-human-brain-and-computer/
  14. You realize what you just claimed is not supported by anything other than your claim?
  15. Maybe because meta physics is not supported by empirical evidence? I am an empirical rationalist, I am not impressed by baseless claims and assertions, I want tangible proof not what someone claims as truth...
  16. A kidney or liver is not a computer...
  17. I'm not sure what you are asking, but the brain is an electrochemical computer, the mind is an emergent property of the brain..
  18. The fact that brain injury can change who you are or erase you completely is suggestive that the brain is the source of the mind...
  19. The mind is the product of the brain, easy to show this is true, but the experiment is a bit permanent...
  20. I don't trust either side, both will do what ever their owners want them to, we, the 99%, do not own any of them...
  21. Why promote these concepts as anything but baseless speculations?
  22. Why pay attention to it if it's all mumbo jumbo and this stuff surely is just that...
  23. None of this is anything but pseudo science and meaningless woo words...
  24. You need to find some one smarter than me to understand this stuff...
  25. This guy? http://www.ericpepin.com/ Pseudo science, meaningless woo words, not convincing... This guy? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben_Alexander_(author) Not widely accepted to say the least...
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