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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. What do you mean by cloning? Technically isn't a cutting the same as cloning? I use cuttings to multiply my swamp trees sometimes, fairly easy to do with aquatic trees other than cypress, a little more difficult with cypress...
  2. I've had the hair for years and they don't send me invitations... I think I may have already asked this but i will again just to make it clear... Why would anyone think aliens could be inter-fertile with humans, we are more closely related to Red Wood trees than aliens...
  3. Ok, if you are not going to pay attention to what we are posting I see no reason to continue this. Please read post #28, not all pine trees have edible nuts, most are not big enough for anything but rodents to eat them if that. Having no fossil evidence what so ever or bones or road kills or any trace of such a large animal really makes it difficult to justify thinking they are real. If I saw one i would shoot it, yes, kill it for the protection of the species, once we know it's real they can be protected...
  4. I am highly disappointed, tricked, mislead, I was sure I could be a centaur... If I just believed hard enough...
  5. What famous person gave his life for tourism?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daedalus


      Steve Martin... Although, I wouldn't have been able to get that if it wasn't for your clues lol.

    3. WWLabRat


      Wouldn't it be Magellan...?

    4. Moontanman


      It was a joke more than a puzzle, King Tut, Steve martin says this in his song about King Tut, I posted the song in the what are you listen to now thread in the lounge...

  6. Who gave his life for tourism? That was so easy...
  7. There is a reason why bears hibernate, and it not because they don't like the cold... food is very hard to find in the winter. Pine seeds? Really? Even squirrels can't live off them in the winter...
  8. This is almost fatally funny... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1442726185953139&set=vb.136336876521150&type=2&theater
  9. Yes there are such things, point of fact, Sarin Gas... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3sJEbcT7IE
  10. What do they eat in pine forests in the dead of winter?
  11. No, it does not suggest that, it is demonstrable that every point in space time is not moving away from every other point, gravity overcomes this tendency in groups of galaxies... only in parts of space that do not have enough gravity to clump are all points moving away. At some point in the future all matter outside the local group pull of gravity will disappear over the observable horizon but that matter will not expand due to the pull of gravity so in effect not every point in the universe is moving away from every other point. ...
  12. It doesn't really matter, the sun orbits the Milkyway, the Milkyway has complex orbital motions in relation to the Local Group, there are groups of galaxies that do not move away from us, the Earth is clearly not in the center of anything...
  13. Too me it read any sufficiently massive black hole... I have no idea what the mass requirements would be...
  14. No the Earth orbits around the Sun, you might be able to justify making the claim that the sun is the center but clearly the earth is not...
  15. New theory about 1/2 spin particles suggest black holes do not contain a singularity. http://www.technologyreview.com/view/419827/why-our-universe-must-have-been-born-inside-a-black-hole/
  16. Yes i read it, it's obviously agenda driven, would you expect a sales receipt 30 or 40 some odd years after the fact? The most reasonable explanation is a hoax, you have the source of the costume, the fact that the guy who filmed it told his witness not to shoot a bigfoot "if" they found one, then they coincidentally find one on their first try... it stinks of hoax to me, my BS meter is pegged to the max...
  17. I agree, I thought this thread was about theistic scientists, which demonstrably do exist, not whether or not god exists...
  18. Sara Seager would seem to have a different take on that... http://hoffman.cm.utexas.edu/courses/Science-2013-Seager-577-81.pdf I can't seem to get the illustration to download but if you go to the link it is there... Fig. 2. The habitable zone. The light blue region depicts the “conventional” habitable zone for planets with N2-CO2-H2 O atmospheres (9, 10). The yellow region shows the habitable zone as extended inward for dry planets (36, 37), as dry as 1% relative humidity (37). The outer darker blue region shows the outer extension of the habitable zone for hydrogen-rich atmospheres (34) and can extend even out to free-floating planets with no host star (35). The solar system planets are shown with images. Known exoplanets are shown with symbols [here, planets with a mass or minimum mass less than 10 Earth masses or a radius less than 2.5 Earth radii taken from (66)].
  19. I remember as a teenager reading a book by Isaac Asimov where he suggested a sun powered saturation unsaturation cycle with saturated fats replacing proteins but I can't find a reference to it... except for me talking about on this forum 4 years ago...
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patterson-Gimlin_film
  21. Ok, so the idea of a planet with the animals and plants using hydrogen as a breathing gas and plants using methane to produce hydrogen is bogus?
  22. Any chance you can direct us to that description?
  23. The Patterson film is a know fake, it was admitted to by the fakers many years ago, regardless it seems unlikely that the skull would bear any more than a superficial resemblance to a gorilla...
  24. OK, but how does this process allow multicellular organisms to live in anoxic environments? Ok here is sort of what i am talking about... http://io9.com/5555072/saturns-moon-titan-is-probably-home-to-hydrogen-breathing-microbes
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