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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. No reason hydrogen can't be used except for hydrogen's flammability...
  2. http://gizmodo.com/the-aluminum-airship-of-the-future-has-finally-flown-1301320903 Cool new airship, flies on hover fans and transport materials to places no other aircraft can go,
  3. My jungle cactus bloomed tonight, they smell wonderful and are almost a foot across....
  4. WOW! I am just a lowly double naught spy... ;)

  5. Your invisible dragon is obviously not real, the true invisible dragon shits hamburgers and french fries... pisses cherry coke too...
  6. http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/medical/saddleback_caterpillar.htm
  7. Lying? http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=coal-ash-is-more-radioactive-than-nuclear-waste Not a lie, I would be careful calling some one a liar....
  8. Yes, I hatch them, have you never heard of an incubator?
  9. Iggy, the number of people who believe something is irrelevant to it's veracity...
  10. My thinking on this has to do with environmental change or stress leading to evolutionary changes. Mars would have been (in light of this idea) a hot bed of evolutionary change due to changing environmental conditions. Just before the Cambrian explosion life on Earth had been microbes for billions of years and the first multicellular life was not much more than flat sheets of cells filtering microbes from the water. Possibly sponges and jelly fish but not much more then almost suddenly animals that eat other animals appeared. Earth life, even now, has species that could survive the trip from Earth to Mars. a Mars with slowly degrading environmental conditions could have evolved many complex life forms with spore like stages, like vernal pool shrimp, or organisms that can survive desiccation like water bears. In fact logically Mars should have evolved more life forms capable of waiting out long periods of bad environmental conditions due to deteriorating conditions like droughts. Such life forms would be "pre-evolved" for transport to Earth via impacts...
  11. When I make light weight concrete I use crushed lava rock but I only make small amounts to make artificial reef rocks...
  12. The WMDs in Iraq came from the US so by extension if they came from Iraq they came from the US...
  13. Lately it seems to be popular to speculate that life may have originated on Mars through transfer of microbes through impact debris. Part of the mindset is that Mars cooled sooner than the Earth and may have been the source of life on Earth. http://www.space.com/22577-earth-life-from-mars-theory.html If this is true then this could explain the Cambrian "explosion", there are multicellular organisms tough enough to make the journey from Earth to Mars and by the time of the Ediacara life forms the Earth seems to have dominated by weird organisms with no modern counterparts. A meteor holding desiccated specimens of some tough creature or creatures, already the result of billions of years of evolution but from the same microbes that seeded early Earth, could have been thrown to Earth from Mars by an impact , some tough creature already adapted to a competitive life style, toughened by the deteriorating conditions on Mars, transferred by impact debris, unable to compete was Earth's Ediacara biota wiped out and replaced by Martians! What do you think?
  14. That is being more than a bit disingenuous is it not? Personal beliefs are at the heart of this discussion, most here have shown you ours now it's your turn... I can claim all sorts of things if the basis of my beliefs are kept hidden. What are your theistic beliefs? If you don't want us to know it points toward trolling, how can we discuss theistic scientists on an even playing field if we don't know where you stand in that field then we can't know the why of your assertions... Pears, this excerpt is from a video by AronRa, it explains why subjective experiences are meaningless as evidence.
  15. Most likely lizard or snake eggs, I've hatched a lot of both and these look a bit more like lizard eggs than snakes, turtle eggs are usually more spherical... Too bad you can't teleport them to me, I'd love to hatch them...
  16. I'm shrinking, I used to be 5'9" but now I'm 5'7" I was dropped on my head... By the way YdoaPs in the new world order we are going to have to shorten anyone over 6' which end do you want 3" taken off of?
  17. In the interest of fairness i think it should be pointed out that Robert T. Bakker, the paleontologist who was the model for the scientist in Jurassic Park is a Pentecostal Preacher and holds two doctorates, one from Yale the other from Harvard... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_T._Bakker
  18. I use facebook mainly for entertainment... it's amazing how willfully stupid some people are...
  19. Pears, you said this.... If that is true then killing homosexuals is moral. killing unruly children is moral, wearing clothing made of more than one type of fiber is immoral, Taking female children as sex slaves is moral, genocide is moral, God calling two she bears to murder a group of children who are taunting your prophet for being bald is moral, killing a girl who is not a virgin on her wedding night is moral. The list goes on and on and if you really based your morals on the bible you would be jailed in any first world nation on the planet...
  20. If you feel you've been insulted i suggest you report it to the mod squad, if you feel I make no valid points it should be easy to discredit me with data not claims of persecution...
  21. Most of the files i need to transfer are word files of my writing and picture files mostly fish pictures for Identification of species. Probably just a few gigs. I was under the impression I could easily hook the two towers together and transfer the files i needed. Actually i have two old computers i need to transfer files from to the new one. It has 160 gigs of memory and could easily hold the entire contents of both but I would like to get rid of lots of crap that came with the old computer that i really don't need. The neatest way to do that would be to cherry pick files I want to save and recycle both towers..
  22. I agree, neither one of them seems to have been exactly hitting on all cylinders...
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