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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. No wait! You mean I am not a genius?
  2. Give this one a whirl, I have no idea what it is, it was first shown on one of those old UFO shows from the late 90's, seems to not have a past, makes me very suspicious... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLX2AaL6eJo
  3. I have had a "special experience" and I still see no evidence to base belief on... I am well aware of how the brain can fool you when close to death...
  4. Damn I'm three months behind, I saw the previews the other day but it must have been for release on DVD...
  5. Walkers are everywhere! I've put down 20 in the last 30 minutes, almost out of ammunition.... getting dark, looks bad... I can't wait to see WWZ !
  6. Not really both are indeed equivalent, neither has any empirical evidence of it's existence..
  7. You tube is crawling with videos like this, if someone really did come up with a real video of something extraordinary it would be just another video in the cesspool of you tube videos.. I have found only one you tube video i can't track down and so far no one else has either, it's supposed to be a crashing UFO but there is no record of what it really is at all...
  8. One has claims written down in a book claimed to be written at the behest of a god..
  9. I'm impressed, I didn't think it was real but I had googled it as well and couldn't find it...
  10. real? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7T6vK3TEQE
  11. I vaguely remember reading something about a hand held device to record your voice from that time period but i can't find any reference to it..
  12. There are quite a few of these videos that seem to show someone talking on a cell phone, makes me think there might have been some object that was used then that appeared to be used like a cell phone, maybe a recording device or an ear cleaner... but this is someone holding an apple note book computer... Some of these have to be fake...
  13. These films, there are quite a few, fascinate me, I doubt very highly that these are time travelers but they certainly look inexplicable on the surface. I'll post only one such video to see if anyone is interested in debunking this or at least speculating on what it really is.
  14. I think I pretty much showed that scientists can be theists and still be effective scientists in post #199, Robert Bakker is a Bible thumping Pentecostal Preacher and is arguably the most famous paleontologist in the world. He is obviously able to separate out his theism from his science. He does this by interpreting Genesis somewhat differently than most but he obviously is a theist and a Pentecostal as well. So far no one has commented on this preferring to go with the god isn't real aspect which is off topic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_T._Bakker I know this is a surprise coming from me but I think this example pretty much blows the argument out of the water that theism somehow prevents a scientist from doing science... The reason this is possible is that theists interpret the bible the way they want instead of reading what it actually says...
  15. No reason hydrogen can't be used except for hydrogen's flammability...
  16. http://gizmodo.com/the-aluminum-airship-of-the-future-has-finally-flown-1301320903 Cool new airship, flies on hover fans and transport materials to places no other aircraft can go,
  17. My jungle cactus bloomed tonight, they smell wonderful and are almost a foot across....
  18. WOW! I am just a lowly double naught spy... ;)

  19. Your invisible dragon is obviously not real, the true invisible dragon shits hamburgers and french fries... pisses cherry coke too...
  20. http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/medical/saddleback_caterpillar.htm
  21. Lying? http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=coal-ash-is-more-radioactive-than-nuclear-waste Not a lie, I would be careful calling some one a liar....
  22. Yes, I hatch them, have you never heard of an incubator?
  23. Iggy, the number of people who believe something is irrelevant to it's veracity...
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