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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I would like to know where you think morals come from before i confront your assertions in this post please... But remember that animals do lots of things humans do but only "deeper" and to say a chimp or a wolf only has instinctive behavior makes me wonder how you define instinctive behavior as well.
  2. I suggest you are incorrect, in fact fusion is the source of the suns energy, such energy is not limitless, in fact the sun will eventually die when it begins to run out of hydrogen.
  3. So your assertion is that thoughts are supernatural?
  4. Seriously Tar, you or I can feel all manner of things, asserting them as real is the heart of the matter. As far as i have seen in my life there is no evidence for anything other than the natural world, being able to imagine something or feel something has no basis other than the synergy of reacting chemicals, there is no evidence for anything else, in fact IMHO there is no reason to search some other realm for an explanation of anything, "Nothing unreal exists" I guess our definitions of real differ somewhat... My definition is that anything real has a measurable effect on reality. Does that mean that belief cannot be real? Of course not, your belief is the result of reacting chemicals in your brain, it has no independent supernatural reality of it's own show me some empirical evidence of the metaphysical and we can talk...
  5. Belief might inspire you to try harder but ultimately it boils down to what you can and cannot do. Belief will not allow you to do something impossible. No matter how hard you believe you are not going to be able fly unassisted, and certain tasks are impossible. As for the rest, Gees if you want to lend some credibility to your assertions about reincarnation and other supernatural claims you come up against the same wall that every assertion hits. Can you demonstrate your assertion to anyone else? Can you show me that reincarnation exists in anyway that is empirical and testable? Your "evidence" is no better than the evidence some people have for alien abduction, yes some people claim to have marks left by aliens or have implants that cannot be verified or experiences they cannot explain but when the rubber hits the road there is no road and no rubber only the assertions made in total lack of evidence. Once you head down the road of personal experiences that can only be felt by the person who experiences them you are wondering blind in a cave. I've read the holographic universe, many many years ago, I thought it was somewhat less than definitive not to mention less than well supported. Using it to support other things which are even less well supported is a lot like saying unicorns must be real because fairies ride them... I can't watch the youtube vids from this computer but if you look into this site we have threads about metaphysics and so far no one has been able to show any evidence of anything claimed by metaphysics other than it's total lack of empirical evidence... Oh and btw, the drugs angle was my attempt to show his research to be subjective not to demean his character ...
  6. If you don't intend to touch the car you are not going to be able to move it at all. IMHO your only route is a junkyard magnet crane. According to this it needs to be around one Tesla... http://hypertextbook.com/facts/1999/KeithHermanstyne.shtml Other wise your best bet is about a dozen strong friends to lift it up and move it.
  7. Crispy Bacon, can you show me any positive evidence for a fine tuner? Because as i said, it happened, doesn't matter if the chances of it happening are one in a quadrillion billion it happened we are here, outrageous odds are meaningless in that context. It's like telling the person with a winning lotto ticket they can't have won because the odds were so bad....
  8. Actually that's pretty close to how i got that handle but I wasn't old then... you're forgiven... Now that sounds more than a bit like sour grapes to me greylorn, you made your case and no one agreed with you but to suggest that i am somehow responsible for your book being debunked is kinda cool... You really do a good insult greylorn, too bad you can't defend your position as well as you insult... I would like to again suggest you make your case, in another thread of course, my brains axioms will have nothing to do with the success of your argument on this forum...
  9. Didymus, this is demonstrably not true, Venus has 100 times the atmosphere of the earth and Mars has 1/100 Earths atmosphere. (more or less for both) In fact titan has a denser atmosphere than the earth while jupiters moons have none... you are not making sense...
  10. Probably the most important part of that is this quote... Common Decent at that level is iffy to say the least, gene sharing may forever hide the details of this period in life...
  11. Blue rubber gloves, a face mask and lots of disinfectant should do the trick...
  12. Could you provide a link to that tree?
  13. Sometimes they act like a bunch of house cats but I have to admit every jack russel I've seen was more like an animated spring than a sleepy baby like that...
  14. At low speeds like throwing snow balls or pebbles on the earth there wouldn't be much difference but at the speeds of orbiting materials what the object made of is not a factor, pebble or snow ball, the same mass equals the same impact energy at the same speeds.
  15. I have basset hounds, I think they might come close to starving to death via too much sleep
  16. No it doesn't float if it is ice 3 or higher. As far as i know It's not a cathrate.
  17. You are making some unfounded assumptions based in pop science, first of all the "singularity" is a point where the mathematical description breaks down, I would not bet the farm we will not know more at some point but to say that is the end of our investigation would only happen if science worked like religion, no scientist worth his salt would say well we got to the end, "the big bang did it" so why are you so eager to say "goddidit" with no evidence what so ever???
  18. So you use pop science to base your notions of science? How droll... No one, says nothing caused something, no one really knows is the correct answer but so far the evidence points to everything originating from an expansion 13.7 billion years ago... more or less.... the problem of where that expansion came from or what caused it is being looked at but to say a magical sky fairy did it in the face of total lack of evidence for this is less than honest... in fact I would say it is the desperate attempt by broken people to dishonestly defend the last gasp of the gap left for god to exist in undetected...
  19. We don't know yet is not the same as goddidit... As for the rest if you think religion doesn't kill children I suggest you look a little deeper. No, all religions or religious denominations advocate no doctors or medicine but sadly a significant portion do and both adults and children die and yes this is the result of believing a bronze age mythology to be the truth about something called god... Yes the steps of evolution can be explained, if you do a little bit of searching here on this site you will find many such conversations. And yes biased on faith people do throw away fortunes, literally 600 billion a year to an imaginary friend in the sky who is all powerful but needs your money... And yes as a matter of fact abiogenesis does have a considerable amount of data, no where near as much as evolution but still it not a complete unknown as you try to insinuate... Yes, I guess we could give all that money to the church so they can spread the lies and deceit and build ever bigger mega churches so more people can give money to further the cause of religion... Gee just think how wonderful the world would be if science just didn't exist, no more money down that rat hole that only feeds clothes and heals everyone on earth, lets bring back that wonderful gift of god, small pox, yes and stop making new vaccines, who cares, god will save us all...
  20. Oceans thousands of miles deep would have ice for the bottom, pressure at that depth would form abyssal plains of ice at even very hot depths.
  21. Yes, it's close to how I feel, if it exists it should have an effect on reality, so far we have found lots of things that were labeled supernatural to be natural and we didn't know about that turn out to be real external to the perceived but so far saying it is supernatural hasn't contributed anything to our understanding of the universe.
  22. Well um... unicorns have to be real, the bible says they are...
  23. Shoemaker-levi 9 did get torn apart but it wasn't in orbit around Jupiter, the supposed moon of Saturn was in orbit, when it was torn apart the pieces were still in orbit but within the Roche limit. The impactor that struck the earth was not in orbit but it hit hard enough to throw a small portion of the impactor into orbit but outside Earth's Roche limit. The Earth probably did have rings for a short while but Shoemaker-Levi 9 didn't throw any debris into orbit because it was so small in relation to Jupiter... The Earth's impactor was too big to be torn completely apart by earth's gravity before it struck but I am sure it was distorted quite a bit upon impact... Nothing orbits the sun inside it's Roche limit... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roche_limit
  24. Like I said a mistake implies getting bad info or an assumption based on less than accurate info but new info would correct that but I don't see that happening much in the theist world view among those who see or hear gods or goddesses manifest as part of their reality... If i say i have an invisible dragon chained in my basement that tells me how to live my life being mistaken just doesn't seem to cover it... In fact it goes further, around here having a basement is cause for a raised eye brow at least. I have told people here that I had a basement and been questioned thoroughly but if I said i talked to Jesus last night it is accepted with out question by most people here... Not broken?
  25. You may have a point, it's difficult for me to say seeing or hearing an imaginary being, not just thinking you might have, is not delusional but simply mistaken, a mistake is something you correct when new info comes in, a delusion is something that defies all evidence to the contrary...
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