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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Why don't I feel that way? I love snakes....
  2. I don't think I've ever talked to a theist who thought morals were not objective...
  3. Why do people go nuts when they see a snake? And why is the snake always deadly? This snake is being touted on facebook as a pygmy rattlesnake... I say more likely a neonate black racer but definitely not a rattle snake...
  4. The quote that was given in post #8 trivially refutes this...
  5. James, I refer you to post #8 on this page. Frank Tipler's ideas do not seem to enjoy the stature you are implying...
  6. Lots of rain this year has allowed my cacti to do some spectacular blooming, I have at least a dozen cacti of various species that have been blooming well this year, I do love my cacti...
  7. Frank J. Tipler is not quite as well received as it would appear from the OP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_J._Tipler
  8. My cactus blooms this morning...
  9. Terror of the seven seas...
  10. It seems to me the main advantage is that you don't reproduce... The main disadvantage is that you don't reproduce...
  11. http://cakecrumbs.me/2013/08/01/spherical-concentric-layer-cake-tutorial/
  12. So creationist, i guess you didn't read the link in the OP?
  13. every time it happens the odds are still 1...
  14. Horse feathers, it's straight up god of the gaps... We are here, the odds of that happening is 100%
  15. ok, I got it, I did read read it a bit too literally..
  16. If someone who believes in fine tuning is an atheist then who does the fine tuning?
  17. I know Trip isn't exactly a fundamentalist but I thought that was a reasonable question, in the light of how many biblical passages seem to ignore anything remotely equivalent to what we really consider moral or immoral... His answer seemed to say the morality of god is relative to the times it was written I can't see how that disconnect can be done reasonably and honestly and still claim god is the moral giver...
  18. Brine shrimp eggs are pretty tough as well. They can survive decades vacuum packed and out in the deserts locked in salt can survive a very long time. Some desert soils can yield shrimp after a many decades long drought.
  19. And yet it cannot demonstrate how or why you would expect a universe to be any different than the universe we live in now, just because you can speculate about how changing constants would effect the reality we live in doesn't mean there is or even if there can be other universes with different constants, IMHO it's more than a bit like discussing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin... But in your speculations you are always driving the constant in a direction that equals bad, possibly changing the gravitational constant up a tiny bit would make sun like stars out of red dwarfs and allow for more habitable space around each star. In any scenario we can only judge what the effect would have on life as we know it. We can speculate anything, maybe a tiny jiggle of constants makes a universe with lots of boron instead of carbon and there we have boron life forms sitting around thinking of how perfectly tuned their universe is...
  20. You keep making that claim but insisting your god is exempt from it but you give no reason why god is exempt... care to support why god is exempt? Yes... and super man by definition can fly...
  21. So you are saying that what God thinks is wrong depends on what is normal in that day and time?
  22. Or a non sentient Brobdingnagian creature that unknowingly creates universe from it's own natural processes... what you are suggesting is simply not any more supportable
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