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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. ydoaPs, you misunderstand, I am not suggesting that anti matter is negative mass or gravity, I wanted to know how anti gravity would act if it was true. I was comparing it to positive and negative charges and how opposites attract. It seems to me as a thought experiment mass with anti gravity would be attracted to normal gravity mass.... not repelled...
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_interaction_of_antimatter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_mass
  3. I know that most scientists think that matter and anti matter will be affected by gravity the same, there are some that are holding out for anti matter to have anti gravity effects when it comes close to matter. If ( I KNOW HUGE WORD) but if this turns out to be true wouldn't this mean that anti gravity and matter would be attracted to each other twice as much as any two chunks of either would be attracted? In positive and negative charges they are usually attracted to each other but wouldn't that mean that positive and negative gravity would attract each other?
  4. Ghost stories huh? Here's one and it is absolutely true... I used to have a house with a rather large attic and there was a rocking chair in the attic and one day as I went through some stuff in the attic I heard something move behind me, I looked back and the chair was rocking rather hard. Talk about hair standing up on your neck!!! A few days later it happened again and looked at the chair very closely but it was just a chair sitting on the floor. A few more days and I was up in the attic and again the chair began to rock when my back was turned, this time determined to find what was going on I stood in the steaming hot attic and watched the chair for several minutes, suddenly right in front of my eyes the chair started rocking furiously again but this time I saw my cat jump onto the chair then quickly jump off and leave the attic, after a few more times in the attic i figured out the cat was following me to the attic and jumping in the rocking chair but the rocking motion up set him and back down into the house he would go immediately. If I hadn't taken the time to investigate I would probably be telling this story as a real ghost the rest of my life....
  5. The same people own both sides, it is very weird to live in the middle of all this crap... If it were not for the internet my stance on many things would be very limited, sometimes i think the politicians... sometimes i feel insulted that they are insinuating we are so stupid and some times i think they are correct...
  6. Well you know me Tars, I'm a nuts and bolts kind of guy...
  7. That is a good point and one I heartily agree with... If I am to be completely honest both sides are world class liars and hypocrites but you did specify Republicans...
  8. We to be fair, if you are owned then you have to serve your masters, Republicans seem to do a pretty good job of sucking up to their owners...
  9. So all you have been looking for are cheerleaders instead of honest discourse? I for one have an honest understanding of those, that is unless I have to agree with you... Did you really think you have the only honest understanding of those things? I understand the complexity of the subjects, I simply disagree with you... I suggest you read the rules you agreed to when you joined this forum, you will find that you are indeed required to back up positive claims with evidence, not your beliefs... Gees, I have not asked anything of you that is not asked of me or any other member. You have made many more assertions than I have called you on in this thread, I asked you for evidence of what you claim to be true, that is how a discussion works, if you simply looking for people who share your world view then this is probably not the best place to find them. Again I hope you will consider what I have said after you read the rules that apply to me and everyone else ...
  10. The easiest way to answer that is no liquid water in space... , What exactly makes you think it did? Equatorial habitats tend to be more stable They hibernate to avoid climactic conditions they cannot survive... A child's small body allows his body temperature to fall swiftly which protects his brain from oxygen starvation... You've lost me on this one, please elaborate... I am not sure what you mean here, please elaborate... Again, please explain what you mean or give a citation... I would like to see one of those... An interesting idea... Maybe you should have...
  11. http://www.theonion.com/articles/royal-baby-eats-first-meal,33191/
  12. You have a good sense of humor even if you have no evidence njaohnt, 400 posts, 21 pages and absolutely no evidence whatsoever of god and yet you claim it is evidence... njaohnt that is just sad... ever hear of the 9th commandment? as for this.... If is a mighty big word njaohnt, if frogs had wings they wouldn't bust their little asses each time they jump... Greylorn, asserting something over and over does not make it any more likely to be true... be honest and give it your best shot, some of the best minds you are likely to run into are here, if you can convince them my nattering will be inconsequential...
  13. There is a very basic difference between a strawberry and a testicle... the strawberry contains viable seeds, the sperm in a testicle needs a female egg to be viable... Oops, I didn't read your post John ( post #11, sorry) but some plants do indeed maintain their temperature as do some fish...
  14. There are limits to receiving "leaking signals" most estimates of how far away a signal is detected assumes a powerful signal specifically intended to be detected from a great distance, not signals accidentally "leaking" from an earth like planet.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_for_extraterrestrial_intelligence
  15. Again none of these things have any empirical evidence of their existence, the number of people who believe in something has nothing to do with it's reality, your idea of consciousness is nonsense... I'm not sure what you mean by anthropomorphism, please elaborate.... I am under no compulsion to agree with your idea of consciousness and i have defined what supernatural is more than once. But I'll do it again, the supernatural is something outside of nature that has no testable or empirical evidence of any effect on the natural world... I would ask you the same thing... The number of people who believe in something has no bearing on it's reality What does the mirror test have to do with bacteria The Theory of evolution is the most well supported theory in science, please show some evidence otherwise... I see no connection between this and awareness. bacteria are not known to state anything, please show how this is possible. I asked you to ignore the religious parts... No your interpretation of it is nonsense This is an insult. I review every link that is offered in my threads--even when I can not see the connection or relevance of it. If you look under Forum Announcements and find the thread Science Forum Etiquette, under section II Replying to Threads, you will find the following rule: If you watched the link then you purposely ignored what it said...
  16. Quite the contrary njaohnt I am completely open to evidence, I would welcome it, the idea of life after death and being with lost loved ones is a very powerful meme. Let's hear it, give me some real empirical evidence, I'll get on my knees and pray with the best of them... but I have a couple of serious questions to ask this god thing you speak of.... MTM? Mary Tyler Moore? Seriously Greylorn, I know you think I enjoy going after you but the truth is that your ideas about a god creature are no better supported than anyone else's, you make some enormous assumptions that really need more than logic to be considered but if you came up with empirical evidence for your god creature I would be very much interested. In fact I can't imagine anything more interesting than actual empirical evidence of a god or creative god like force. I would be "Q's" best buddy in a heart beat...
  17. None of the things on your list have empirical evidence for their existence, to be conscious implies awareness of ones self, I am skeptical bacteria are aware, a bacterium is no more aware than a flame is aware, the video was not a televangelist, it did indeed address critical thinking, I suggest you actually watch the video...
  18. Gees, by your definition of conscious even non living things are conscious if they react to their environment, your definition is so broad it is meaningless... My definition of the supernatural is quite clear, I answered your question with the list of things to be considered and none of them are real, none of them have any perceptible effect on reality. If you can't show it then you don't know it, anecdotal evidence is not evidence of anything and your personal experiences are nothing but personal experiences if you can't show them to others, they exist only in your imagination. Here is a video that attempts to explain critical thinking, the relevant part starts at 00:40, ignore the religious slant and just try to understand why your personal experiences are not evidence... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80nhqGfN6t8
  19. I still don't see a connection between consciousness and the supernatural, while i disagree on your definition of consciousness even if I give you that it would still be explained by natural processes. So far no one has pointed out anything supernatural and the failure to understand something doesn't make it inexplicable...
  20. I would say none of the above mentioned things are real in the sense of having a objective reality. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropomorphism is an effect not a real thing....
  21. Easy peasy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOfQaYPYXSo I seem to be having problems with the youtube vids, what am i doing wrong?
  22. Recently three Earth sized planets have been found orbiting in the Goldilocks zone of one star http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/153822-nasa-discovers-three-earth-sized-planets-right-in-the-habitable-zone And large moons may not be as rare as thought... http://phys.org/news/2011-06-proportionally-large-moons-planets-rare.html IMHO intelligent life might not colonize planets at all, in fact if the planet was suitable for colonization it might mean the colonists would be susceptible to diseases they have no immunity to. IMHO artificial colonies are a more likely option for intelligence to colonize the galaxy, avoidance of gravity wells is a good reason and everything needed to live is freely available in space. Building colonies out of available materials and spinning them to produce artificial gravity negates the need for planets and such colonies could be made big enough to imitate planets on a small scale. They might resemble a valley rolled up into a torus similar to an endless suspension bridge...
  23. The interstellar medium limits the distance radio signals can be detected, some estimates limit normal radio signal detection to less than a half light year, Voyager's signals are very weak and probably couldn't be detected very far, Signals from Earth to Voyager would be detectable further out depending on the signal strength...
  24. How far from the Sun does diminishing radiation limit the use of your design?
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