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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. None of this has anything to do with the supernatural, your inability to explain or understand does not the supernatural make... Show me an example of consciousness separate from a brain, you keep making these claims that you cannot support, the brain is indeed the seat of and the cause of consciousness, no brain, no consciousness, in fact changes in the brain can and do change and or eliminate consciousness in an individual, if you can show evidence of the contrary feel free to do so and no post #27 does not support your assertions about consciousness.... Very true, no evidence what so ever... Nonetheless everything you suggest as supernatural does indeed have naturalistic explanations, how does the supernatural figure into any of this? I agree, but science is not supernatural and just because you can't detect something with your five senses doesn't mean it's supernatural None of those things are supernatural, I think you need to define supernatural, I don't think it means what you think it means... How is this relevant to the supernatural? That would be due to ignorance not the supernatural Nonetheless ignorance would be the cause not anything supernatural. All these things are due to lack of knowledge not the supernatural. So talking and writing is supernatural? I agree with this but I don't see how god figures into it. Please explain how a lack of understanding means supernatural... I agree, as an atheist I contend that everything that has a detectable effect on reality is explainable but you seem to be arguing that the supernatural exists and so far you have given zero evidence of this...
  2. You render me speechless...
  3. WOW! This brings back old memories of pro nuclear forum that had plans they put up on how to build a stove out of nuclear waste or use it as a source. Ten years ago at least, I have looked all over my favs list but I'll keep looking. If I remember correctly it wasn't a really large lump of spent waste, maybe a cubic foot or so... Just a cubic foot in every home in america.. it wasn't a bad idea....
  4. You tube demonstration of quantum levitation... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyOtIsnG71U
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMbATaj7Il8
  6. I feel their pain....
  7. These things do have observable, empirical and rational causes, they are not without observable causes, in fact they rely on completely physical, observable causes to operate... how do they compare to the supernatural?
  8. No they are not, I am just like you, trying to learn.
  9. It is true that mitochondrial DNA only comes from the mother and can be used to trace populations...
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x-b_TUkxLE
  11. I saw this on the local news this evening... http://www.wwaytv3.com/2013/07/12/ufos-over-our-areas-airspace
  12. If the novel asserted that the current governor decided to build a mile high replacement for the twin towers would that be accurate information just because i mentioned the governor?
  13. DH did you watch the video I posted about hydrogen as a greenhouse gas? I'd like to know how accurate the NASA scientist was....
  14. I do have magical powers... I am standing behind you right now, no really look... missed me, you were too slow, wanna do it again?
  15. I suggested no such thing, strawman much?
  16. You are welcome to your opinions Alan, I'm glad most such sweeping opinions have been ignored... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1990758,00.html
  17. There is at least one more possibility Semjase...
  18. Amazing, 70 pages of this and it is still being questioned at it's most basic level....
  19. That analogy is weak, the ancient Egyptians didn't think there was an effect that they couldn't explain and so deemed it supernatural. Once the effects of radioactivity were observed it feel to the tools of science quite fast. The supernatural doesn't allude to simply things that are unknown. I alludes to things that have some effect but none that can be detected or tested, this is a fundamental difference from things like radioactivity...
  20. After reading this it is obvious we had a failure to communicate, most of what you say is not only reasonable but I agree. Your seeming need to lend credence to the idea the bible contains history or any information of note when it is legends and mythology taken from surrounding cultures and shoe horned into mono theism is a bit disconcerting. The bible is historically about as accurate as a novel about alien invasion set in New York City that uses the names of real people and places. While this is not the correct thread your ideas about homosexuality being an act is suggestive of it being a choice when in fact homosexuality is the same as your gender, you are born that way. The information about the bible and it's supposed accuracy is very similar to the cultural conditioning that prevented you from getting the riddle, I have made an intense effort most of my adult life to reverse such cultural programming, I am not always successful but I do make the effort. I liken such cultural programming to racism, we grow up with these cultural memes being told to us as the truth, people who are different are somehow inherently inferior to us or hostile to us because we are superior. It's circular and easy to believe because it confirms the biases we have listened to our whole lives, it takes effort to over come such cultural programming. The idea of the supernatural has been driven away from reality into some sort of mysterious realm but it was not always like that, many things that have obvious and testable effects on reality were once thought to be supernatural but those things fell to the tools of scientific inquiry, what we have left is a desperate plea to special status for things unknowable. Superstition is different and more related to OCD IMHO, I am a bit OCD, I carry around lucky objects for no reason other than it satisfies my OCD to do so.
  21. Well I was kinda hoping that as much as we have discussed this you got more than homophobia out of my objections to religion. Theists do seem to have more than a bit of an erection for homosexuals but the whole cloth of more than one thread thing is really obscene... and lets not forget the abomination of boiling a kid in it's mothers milk... Oh! And my favorite... the bi monthly stoning of local disrespectful teenagers at the edge of town...
  22. So you asked 50 people and none of them got that one? They must have all been drinking dihydrogen monoxide....
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